Why did the Subway System become a Monorail?

This actually looks mint, Tbh I'd prefer a subway system like this over the current monorail but then again there are some map restrictions as far as I know. Not sure how this would affect the map but this definitely seems like a really nice thing. Not sure why this wasn't a thing or whatever but #AddSubway??
People could get mugged in the subway on old map (AFAIK) which means there is no surefire way for sweaters to get from A to B.
Understandable, Could just count it as a public place as thinking of subways in places like London they're fucking mobbed constantly but good point tbh. also, shit like people tryna run along the tracks and such
Could work in that sense, but even then it could be hard to get everyone to adjust to this change.
Yeah, of course, would be a major map change but I think this could work if it's even possible as I am not sure on how much change the map can make in terms of restriction. Maybe our babe @Xquality can give us some wordss
Im talking moreso rules wise, just due to the fact you can already mug in Subway, and this change may provide its own issues.
While the concept for a subway system does seems to be a pretty neat idea as in offering another method of transportation, I believe the main reason why the devs settled for a monorail system is because of engine limits of Source and Hammer.

From what I recall from @Xquality ’s live-streams and what he’s said, being as the Paralake map is as large as it is with all the detail added into it, it more-or-less hits the Hammer map limit for what can be added into the map. So if a subway system was to be implemented into the current map, it would certainly exceed this limit - meaning that a subway system to go all around the map would be impossible. The only way this would be possible was for details such as different buildings, etc to be removed in order to compensate for a subway system to be added.

Another reason as to why they probably settled with a monorail system as opposed to a subway system would be its usage. Being as the monorail current is not used by many people apart from new players and those without vehicles, etc. it would seem almost pointless to add a subway system that operates similarly to the monorail when most players have vehicles that are able to get to these locations more quickly and easily.

Overall, it would be cool to have as another means of transportation, but with the engine and map limits, as well as the amount of people using the monorail, it wouldn’t seem practical at this current point in time. Maybe in V5 or whenever S&Box/GMOD 2 releases, then it could be a possibility
Why not? It is worth to remake the gamemode/ a similar gamemode
It would be good to see it trust me but PERP alone will be hard to recreate plus all the stuff on top that the dev team have added will be a cunt to recreate. Especially getting it all to work the same.

In my opinion Garry's Mod community will be devided between S&Box and Gmod. I don't believe it will completely die out.
It would be good to see it trust me but PERP alone will be hard to recreate plus all the stuff on top that the dev team have added will be a cunt to recreate. Especially getting it all to work the same.

In my opinion Garry's Mod community will be devided between S&Box and Gmod. I don't believe it will completely die out.
>run lua under c#
No, it won't, coding in C# will likely be easier actually.
Fredy and Stephen are Both qualitied in Both languages so perp is saved
This will just make things easier.

Also, rewriting something is often beneficial as you can find bugs, exploits and other problems in the code which you can fix.