GCSE 2020-21

Deleted member 1235

They stand for General Certification of Secondary Education, Basically what you Americans take when you leave Highschool. You have to get a certain grade in each Subject you have taken else you will need to re-sit them.
Do they force you to re-sit them now?

When I did mine 6-7 years ago there were people who failed and got like U and E in things like Maths, English etc and they didn't HAVE to resit anything.
I think it's only if you wanted to do A-Level, but they raised the school leaving age to 18 when it used to be 16 when I was there (i.e after GCSE you could just leave and not do anything)

Deleted member 1235

Religion has no place being mandatory in school what the fuck
It's not what you think it is. R.E Classes teach you about all the different religions and their beliefs. Unless you go to a strict religious school, the teachers aren't allowed to tell you "This is how the Earth was made" or "You're wrong if you do/think this".

Instead you'll cover topics such as: Life, Alcohol, Worship, Stewardship etc and look at how all the different religions approach those topics.

For someone who isn't religious, it's actually very useful to understand other religions. You don't need to be Muslim or Christian etc to learn about their faith. Even if you don't want to follow it, it can help you prevent ignorance or offence to those that do follow it. Such as not offering a sausage and bacon roll to out friend Mohammed.

Deleted member 1235

Boomer post incoming, time for Duffys life story

I studied for my GCSEs from I think 2012-2014 back when the grades went A*,A,B,C,D,E,U

Subjects I did were

GCSE French
GCSE German
GCSE Business Studies
GCSE History
GCSE Computing (Before it became a compulsory subject)

My Compulsory Subjects were
GCSE English Literature
GCSE English Language (Yes they counted as two different GCSEs)
GCSE Maths
GCSE Ethics and Philosophy (Basically Religious Education)
Double Science

I didn't get below a grade C in anything, most subjects where B or A, except History and English lit which were both A*. I was actually two marks away from full marks in my English exam.

At AS I did
Government and Politics
General Studies (Although no university accepted this as a real grade, not sure if they even do it anymore)

Then at A-Level I dropped the psychology (you had to drop one).

This was followed by what is soon to be 5 years doing a Honours degree in History And Politics at University of Westminster.

Will be doing a masters probably in Politics and International Relations once the world stops exploding.
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Boomer post incoming, time for Duffys life story

I studied for my GCSEs from I think 2012-2014 back when the grades went A*,A,B,C,D,E,U

Subjects I did were

GCSE French
GCSE German
GCSE Business Studies
GCSE History
GCSE Computing (Before it became a compulsory subject)

My Compulsory Subjects were
GCSE English Literature
GCSE English Language (Yes they counted as two different GCSEs)
GCSE Maths
GCSE Ethics and Philosophy (Basically Religious Education)
Double Science

I didn't get below a grade C in anything, most subjects where B or A, except History and English lit which were both A*. I was actually two marks away from full marks in my English exam.

At AS I did
Government and Politics
General Studies (Although no university accepted this as a real grade, not sure if they even do it anymore)

Then at A-Level I dropped the psychology (you had to drop one).

This was followed by what is soon to be 5 years doing a Honours degree in History And Politics at University of Westminster.

Will be doing a masters probably in Politics and International Relations once the world stops exploding.
All this and you still post dishonest graphs


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For A-Levels don't pick Maths,physics and economics unless you value grades over your life.
I’m doing ALevel Physics and Chemistry and surprisingly they have less work than criminology at the moment
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regals 6

Top Tip: Store your GCSE revision notes on the notepad app on the in-game phone.
That way you don't waste paper, you get your playtime up, and your parents can't tell you to not revise because your revision is all in-game!

Deleted member 5577

Boomer post incoming, time for Duffys life story

I studied for my GCSEs from I think 2012-2014 back when the grades went A*,A,B,C,D,E,U

Subjects I did were

GCSE French
GCSE German
GCSE Business Studies
GCSE History
GCSE Computing (Before it became a compulsory subject)

My Compulsory Subjects were
GCSE English Literature
GCSE English Language (Yes they counted as two different GCSEs)
GCSE Maths
GCSE Ethics and Philosophy (Basically Religious Education)
Double Science

I didn't get below a grade C in anything, most subjects where B or A, except History and English lit which were both A*. I was actually two marks away from full marks in my English exam.

At AS I did
Government and Politics
General Studies (Although no university accepted this as a real grade, not sure if they even do it anymore)

Then at A-Level I dropped the psychology (you had to drop one).

This was followed by what is soon to be 5 years doing a Honours degree in History And Politics at University of Westminster.

Will be doing a masters probably in Politics and International Relations once the world stops exploding.
Look at this old man with his alphabetical GCSE grades and his AS levels


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wait for the exams lol, or maybe its just my exam spec anyways good luck
Thank you ahaha, im doing really well so far in all of my subjects and im only a month in so hopefully it stays this way

Deleted member 5577

Yeah it's a new course added this year. There was also a Engineering Course but fuck dat
Sounds interesting but I would’ve thought that’s more of a BTEC subject
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double mini roundabout
Someone mind explaining to me what GCSE's are. Honestly curious and it isn't something we have in American schools.
@Bert they are qualifications you take when you reach 14 for 2 years and it's supposed to allow you to decide what you do for college (not to be confused with university; it's before) but it never really turns out that way. The most important subjects are Maths and English and if you fail those you must resit them before university or before you leave college though even im unsure of the system now its been like 4 years since i left school
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Do they force you to re-sit them now?

When I did mine 6-7 years ago there were people who failed and got like U and E in things like Maths, English etc and they didn't HAVE to resit anything.
I think it's only if you wanted to do A-Level, but they raised the school leaving age to 18 when it used to be 16 when I was there (i.e after GCSE you could just leave and not do anything)
@Duffy I think they make you resit them if you want to do a subject which involves that, I think Maths and English you do have to resit but others I think you don't have to.