Paralake Mocro's

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"In love with the fluss, money over puss"

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Background Story

1945. The second world war was over. Cities and towns all around the globe totally destroyed. It would take years for everything to be rebuild, and most men were dead because of the war. Cities were experiencing an excessive amount of stress, what was the solution to speed up the rebuild of their houses and infrastructure. The goverment of Paralake had a solution for this problem. Immigrants and foreigner men that could help rebuild the city.
The goverment of paralake invited 500.000 moroccan men to come to their city for a limited amound of time. It was a succes. The foreigner workers worked hard for very low to almost no pay, and after a few years Paralake was fully restored. But then something happend that the goverment did not expect. Most of the foreigner men stayed in Paralake and got their families here aswell. The goverment watched powerless how this morrocan community grew bigger while having no answer on how to stop it. The families settled, and still live in the city today. These families got kids, and generations passed. These younglings received very little respect and lived their childhood with parents that had almost no money.
For a life with no financial support, discrimination and only the streets, there is only one path to follow, and it certainly isnt a good path.

Its time to takeover.

Ranking structure

What we know about KQ is that she has had a very difficult childhood, and then we are talking about the full package; rape victim, victim of domestic abuse, mental and physical torture and more that we will not disclose here.
When she was younger she eventually ran away from home to live on the streets where she met Mocro King, from there it was the two of them against the world.
This person is very unpredictable, caution is advised while near her.

known mental diseases are:
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Intermittent explosive disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
adjustment disorder

She is conscidered MIA


The Mocro King is the male leader of Para Mocro's, there is not much known about him.
Here is what we do know:

It was almost inevitable for him to share the "leader" position within Paralake Mocro's with QK due to him sharing childhood memories wit her.
He is known to be dominant and full of testosterone.
He leads all of their operations and tries to remain anonymous at all times.
He is very dangerous and conscidered a high value target.

So far we haven't been able to get anyone close to him as he is not easy with trust.
Often referred to as "Sahbi" these people stand the closest to the 2 leaders.

often revered to as "Ghoya" these people have shown explicit loyalty and therefor got themselves promoted within the Para Mocro's

Often Referred to as "Drerie" these people have been accepted within the para mocro's and are now respected members

Their Interests:
It is unknown what their intentions exactly are, some say that they are just in paralake to enjoy life, while they hang in bazaar and smoke sisha, some others say that they are here to start their rap careers in paralake, others claim that they have more violent intentions, we are uncertain about this due to the mental state of one of the leaders.
we are unable to provide a final awnser to this.

How would one join them?
If someone would be willing to join them then they would have to fill out an application that we for educational purposes have posted here they would post the application in the same thread and wait for an awnser.

however we do advise against this as we are unable to tell what their exact activities are.
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ey mates, may i have a slot in your organisation? I can provide some basic info:
In-game name: Yosif Gopnik
steam: JET 15
firearm level: 98
pistol markmanship: 21
rifle markmanship: 30
shotgun markmanship: 14
SMG markmanship: 17
Money on bank: around 550k
Cars: Green Mercedes E63 (unupgraded)

If you need more info, don't mind asking me. :)
I will stick with you when i get unbanned in 4 days. Jonny Alikov said that this is a cool org.
I'm from Morocco, and I've actually lost it when I read the first rank on the list. gj
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