Nerf pistols

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First of all, I wish only people who have actually participated in recent shootouts as criminals will have their opinions on this. In my opinion it makes no sense that these people, who like to play as cops mainly will comment on this because they haven't been on the other side experiencing this. @Hayden

The pistols are way too overpowered in my opinion. Even though it's realistic that when you shoot someone in the head with a pistol it causes the person to die but this is a server in a videogame which is mostly not even role play anymore. (There is still some RP but very little). The pistol one-shot headshots and revolver 2-shot to the body stuff should be nerfed.

The cherry on top of this cake is that the pistols are like SUPER accurate, when I play as a cop I get so easy kills with the pistol against rifles that it makes absolutely no sense.

I think that this is a pretty big pain in the ass for everyone who like to play as criminals from time to time and it's just not balanced enough in my opinion. It really makes me lose the motivation to play on this server that it happens over and over again.

One way to make it have a bit more sense would be that criminals would get completely free guns like the officers do.

What do you guys think?
I think pistols are pretty good at medium range but close range rifle vs pistol, the rifle is always going to win. The only think that makes rifles suck is the recoil tbh
Pistols might be accurate but if a person with an AK shoots at you, 9 times out of 10 you are going to get killed. Pistols are great the way they are and I don't see a need to change them.
Pistols might be accurate but if a person with an AK shoots at you, 9 times out of 10 you are going to get killed. Pistols are great the way they are and I don't see a need to change them.
I play quite a lot as cop and I’ll say most of my kills are: getting them while they’re reloading, getting them while they’re shooting someone else, wall bang or just dumb luck
I don't see any reason why they should be changed, crims already get a big advantage such as grenades, mostly better cars and usually tight apartments which are harder to raid with aids defences.
Hi, (I know you said you dont want people who play as cop to answer but I thought I’d ignore and give my opinion anyways. Unfair to have a discussion if its literally just one sided. Good to have a mixture of crim mains and cop mains :))

I can see by the amount you have written that this is an issue you feel quite strongly about and I appreciate the effort you have put into this discussion and I think regardless of how much I might disagree with it, it is always good to think about this.

I do agree that when you are good with a pistol it can be quite easy to get that head shot or hit the body twice with a revolver, but you have to see that the majority of cops including myself who can’t aim to save their lives will 9/10 miss and when they do hit its out of luck. But I believe that when we succeed we shouldnt be left at a disadvantage because the damage a bullet to the head does is somehow less because its a pistol.

I’m not trying to weigh real life into this too much but I don’t think that I need to mention that any foreign object inside of your skull is never a good sign and thus it shouldn’t matter the caliber of the ammunition used rather the fact that said ammunition has entered the brain, which like I have said, never has good outcomes.

Personally I think its fine like it is, and before you say I’m a cop main ill just own up and say I am. That doesn’t mean I don’t have experience handling pistols as a civ as many players can vouch I’m equally as bad and tbh it doesn’t make a difference, I’ve lost plenty of my own shootouts to pistol cops but usually just to my terrible aim.

To conclude I appreciate the arguments but I don’t think any change is needed. If pistols are too op, adapt your strategies, don’t expose yourself to a situation where a pistol can easily hit you. Like Modo said most of the kills are from people reloading, shooting at someone else or just not paying attention. I’m not saying you are doing anything wrong as I’m in no position to judge that but maybe try and see it from the other perspective and I hope my post helps.

I could be extremely off beat with my entire message but I hope you at least understand what I’m saying

Have a wonderful new year :)
Pistols are great but at this point everyone is using rifles against cops in shootouts putting the majority of the PD at a strong disadvantage. I personally think that looking at it from a competitive Playstyle point of view, pistols should be nerfed but at the same time I know for a fact that nerfing pistols at this point wouldn't be in accordance to the majority of the playerbases wishes and would piss a lot of people off.
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have you never seen a shootout it basicly goes like this
1st. inital shots fired
2nd pistol cops come start yelling for tfu get wiped out
3rd tfu comes and fucks up the shooters
pistol cops are at a massive disadvantage compared to tfu and other officers nerfing them more would just be the final nail in the coffin
I play quite a lot as cop and I’ll say most of my kills are: getting them while they’re reloading, getting them while they’re shooting someone else, wall bang or just dumb luck
Or getting them while theyre negotiating the release of their hostages smh
Each firearm class on PERP fills a purpose.

Pistols: Accurate, reliable, quick and concealable, with less damage at range and requiring skill to use in general.
Revolvers: Same as pistols except trade off in reload speed for damage.
SMGs: middle ground between rifles and pistols, allowing for high rate of fire and low recoil with less accuracy than the pistols with the trade off being full auto capabilities.
Assault rifles: General purpose low / medium damage automatic weapons with more recoil than SMGS but with better accuracy, penetration, vehicle damage, etc.
Snipers: Long range weapons which have no range damage loss with the downside of cost and close range performance.
Shotguns: close range high damage weapons with poor ranged performance and speed.

Pistols fill their existing role nicely as the all rounders of perp weapons: There isn’t anything Stats wise that necessarily puts them at any huge advantage or disadvantage over other guns, they do everything to an acceptable level and this is there general place in the game.

Using pistols generally as is puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting cops due to cops having pistols too, plus armour and numbers, and nerfing pistols just because cops are actually good with them would further encourage every player on PERP to buy into the AK101 with stock and compensator meta, leaving anyone who doesn’t powergrow to get masses of rifles at a major disadvantage to other players as demonstrated by the servers general atmosphere in 2017 when I was new.

When pistols got buffed, a huge portion of the PD still sucked with them, and the PD still got steamrolled by anyone with numbers and rifles. The removal of marksmanship also helped newer players be better with pistols. At the end of the day the majority of PERP players are older players Who have years of experience using the same guns.

Tl;dr: It’s not the fact that pistols are “OP”, it’s the fact that the general player base are better shooters than the general player base in 2014-2018 were.
Weird thread is being shit on, I personally understand all points and only really want to see a headshot damage range drop off for all pistols besides revolvers and the desert eagle. That’s all that’s necessary and would actually make cops think between the revolver and beretta is specific situations!
I always feel scared of going as a pistol-cop to anything that has to do with the enemy having access to the entire arsenal of guns in the game.