Incentives to produce content for the server - Discussion

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I basically want video content created for the server on Youtube, Twitch and similar platforms that isn't simply "Montages" of sweater vests getting killed by AS50s. Similar content as showcased by @Tyla Jai. These videos bought many players onto the server, and I personally found the server from a twitch stream.

I believe content that is enjoyable to view and entertaining will encourage more players into the community and I just wondered what the community thinks will incentivise people to do so. I have a few ideas in mind but I figured a few of you might also have some good ideas.

I also have some questions to ask as well regarding the subject, just as guidelines to start the discussion;
  • Do you think a "Content Creator" rank would be a good incentive? If so, what should it include?
  • Do you think the incentive should be purely out of game or partially in-game?
  • What threshold should these incentives be held to? Consistent views? Or high subscriber/follow numbers?

Looking forward to reading your feedback.
I would propose content creators should have access to a freecam / smoothcam for the purpose of recording events in-game. The big drawback is preventing abuse however. Would be interested to see what other perks / tools people think there should be for content creators.
I feel a Content Creator rank should be introduced. This role could/should include
  • Some In-game cash every x amount of time (based on when they release videos, and the variety they include (not just shooting montages).
  • A special car(?)
The Creator must at least have (when published) post on the forums, and their content could be looked at to make sure it is of good quality and not some content just being pushed to keep the rank (Administrators+ to review?)
Subscriber/follow numbers should not matter (as long as they aren't 0).
Do you think a "Content Creator" rank would be a good incentive? If so, what should it include?
IMO, no. We should reward these content creators with in-game (e.g. monetary) rewards and other stuff we could come up with, I believe there is no need for another rank (people would also confuse these people for staff because they have a shiny colour). Everyone should have the necesarry tool to use content creation features and not lock them away in a rank though I could understand if said rank would have permissions like Noclip which would need restriction.
Do you think the incentive should be purely out of game or partially in-game?
Both would be great, it doesn't always have to be about the server itself though it should most likely be seperate videos so it doesn't jump from one topic to another. I was thinking of highlights like these if it's content not from the server itself:
What threshold should these incentives be held to? Consistent views? Or high subscriber/follow numbers?
Doesn't matter, as long as it's entertaining and about the community/server it should be allowed, anyone with x amount of viewers and subscribers are free to create and hold the rank after consideration if something like this does get added. You could find some hidden potential this way.
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Im so happy a content creator rank is being considered, I’ve always made garrysmod content in some way or another whether it’s cinematics or server trailers and this just seem right up my alley. I do think a content creator rank should be created with the requirements consisting of submitted a video/project which would be accessed by the higher ups for its quality, I think these content creators could work together and form a content team which could work on official projects at that point you guys could consider adding addons for cinematic tools as well as granting free view / no clip as long as it’s all planned and discussed prior and for official projects. I’m think I’m going to be working on something in the mean time and hopefully in the process I can bring a few ideas to the table about organisation and potential themes for perp content.

*EDIT - the rank doesn't have to be an ACTUAL rank in game - just a approved roster of some sort, as long as there's some kind of telling of whos who
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IMO, no. We should reward these content creators with in-game (e.g. monetary) rewards and other stuff we could come up with, I believe there is no need for another rank (people would also confuse these people for staff because they have a shiny colour). Everyone should have the necesarry tool to use content creation features and not lock them away in a rank though I could understand if said rank would have permissions like Noclip which would need restriction.

Both would be great, it doesn't always have to be about the server itself though it should most likely be seperate videos so it doesn't jump from one topic to another. I was thinking of highlights like these if it's content not from the server itself:

Doesn't matter, as long as it's entertaining and about the community/server it should be allowed, anyone with x amount of viewers and subscribers are free to create. You could find some hidden potential this way.
What if the rank wasn't visible?
I'm not for any form of rank or role on the server for people doing this, that just makes things complicated. People who have contributed a lot through their content should be given in-game benefits and potentially a badge on the forums and Discord for their work. We're always open to seeing promotional efforts for the server, @Tyla Jai has offered us some pretty great videos over the years and someone like him should likely be given some in-game money, items and a lovely badge/forum award for his efforts.

I think anyone with worth while content should be given the same chance as anyone to promote the server, handing out ranks for people to just fade away and never make content again isn't in the best interest of the server. I will say that providing certain members with better tools for creating content is not out of the question, we could certainly figure out ways for that to happen without the need for a server rank.
I was streaming for a few days on perp, had about 30-40 viewers with @thehomelessdude being my favourite, not sure why but staff knowingly knew I was streaming decided to start screaming "n*gga" over and over to I assume get me banned? Fair to say im not very interested in doing it anymore.
dahm thats fucked up bruh fuck that dont stream no more if they aint gonna apperciate it and try to get you banned
I was streaming for a few days on perp, had about 30-40 viewers with @thehomelessdude being my favourite, not sure why but staff knowingly knew I was streaming decided to start screaming "n*gga" over and over to I assume get me banned? Fair to say im not very interested in doing it anymore.
I was the most active one of the whole chat smh
I was streaming for a few days on perp, had about 30-40 viewers with @thehomelessdude being my favourite, not sure why but staff knowingly knew I was streaming decided to start screaming "n*gga" over and over to I assume get me banned? Fair to say im not very interested in doing it anymore.
The only problem with streaming is people sniping and saying stuff that would ruin stream and whatnot.
The only problem with streaming is people sniping and saying stuff that would ruin stream and whatnot.
stream sniping ruins it especially when cops are watching and they come to do a check because they '' received reports''
  • Do you think a "Content Creator" rank would be a good incentive? If so, what should it include?
Sure, let the people that make content for the server have invis n' flying, only if they really are fit for that; playtime, previous bans/warnings, been a staff or not, serious and active player, enthusiastic.
  • Do you think the incentive should be purely out of game or partially in-game?
No clue what you mean with this but if you're talking about the content creator stuff n' the things I said above, then you should keep it partially in-game I guess?
  • What threshold should these incentives be held to? Consistent views? Or high subscriber/follow numbers?
No answer, dunno.

I've been thinking about editing a vid or two with the style of this song ( With the style I mean the little animations of the sun/astronaut thingies playing etc. )

And, my previous project idea was to make a PERP version of this song

But mainly due to the fact I have insufficient power to fly around n' go to locations to film from, I never did it, so a content creator role would fit that real nicely, and I'd be very motivated to make something like that.
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This thread has been very useful to help expand on my ideas, from my understanding of this thread a role that has;

  • Access to noclip / Smoothpan camera
  • Monetary reward in-game / Maybe unique items?
  • A discord channel dedicated to advertising their channels/content
  • Additional rules to protect creators. E.g. Rules that punish screaming racial obscenities, minor lenience on rule breaks in videos if in the name of entertainment.
  • Forum trophy and custom tags advertising their channels on their profile (This will be included in upcoming revamp of forum ranks)

Anything else or does this seem rounded enough?
This thread has been very useful to help expand on my ideas, from my understanding of this thread a role that has;

  • Access to noclip / Smoothpan camera
  • Monetary reward in-game / Maybe unique items?
  • A discord channel dedicated to advertising their channels/content
  • Additional rules to protect creators. E.g. Rules that punish screaming racial obscenities, minor lenience on rule breaks in videos if in the name of entertainment.
  • Forum trophy and custom tags advertising their channels on their profile (This will be included in upcoming revamp of forum ranks)

Anything else or does this seem rounded enough?
If normal users get access to noclip might I add that there should be some sort of lock system that Moderator's can unlock? e.g. user with creator rank requests permission to use noclip, Moderator grants that access for x amount of time or until they get out of noclip. The reasons should be obvious why I'm addressing this.
This thread has been very useful to help expand on my ideas, from my understanding of this thread a role that has;

  • Access to noclip / Smoothpan camera
  • Monetary reward in-game / Maybe unique items?
  • A discord channel dedicated to advertising their channels/content
  • Additional rules to protect creators. E.g. Rules that punish screaming racial obscenities, minor lenience on rule breaks in videos if in the name of entertainment.
  • Forum trophy and custom tags advertising their channels on their profile (This will be included in upcoming revamp of forum ranks)

Anything else or does this seem rounded enough?
This is actually a perfect summary. I’m not overly comfortable with publishing videos directly to YouTube as public, as you know I try to keep mine unlisted and having a discord channel for these to be posted would be a really great idea. A reason I stopped posting videos is also because I was banned for some rule breaks in my videos, although we shouldn’t allow blatant rule breaks there should be some leniency in the name of entertainment as you said. I would also never say no to unique items, for example the brief case is great for videos.
If normal users get access to noclip might I add that there should be some sort of lock system that Moderator's can unlock? e.g. user with creator rank requests permission to use noclip, Moderator grants that access for x amount of time or until they get out of noclip. The reasons should be obvious why I'm addressing this.
Yeah, of course. I was thinking it could be approved per time they noclipped? Similar to number plate system.