Community Suggestion Helper ranks.

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Suggestion Title: Helper ranks.
Suggestion Description: The idea here is to add helper ranks.

The helper team is currently a part of the “Community” team, the only ranks within this team however are developers, Helpers and Community Managers.

In order to keep helpers around and not have them Jump ship to enforcer inevitably, Adding ranks to progress towards and downgrade to may help retain the helpers from jumping to more permissions.

Ideas for ranks include:
- Junior helper: Ideally, this would be the probation rank for helpers. They would just get the SCAM Menu for HandS reports.
- Helper: Current rank with all the existing permissions.
- Senior helper: Grants them access to Noclip, demote, Force sell, force surrender, bring, goto, and return. Should also hold job, Voice chat and text chat blacklist.
- Head helper: Should hold some enforcer permissions like kick, as well as grant extended props and admin chat. Would be in charge of helpers essentially, weighing in on helper applications and being a part of the decision of accepting or denying them, as well as possibly looking into helper complaints maybe?

Why should this be added?:
- The helpers can be a staff team with opportunities for progression without having to jump ship to enforcer when they want to progress.
- Viable candidates to fill all these positions exist already.
- More permissions so helpers can do HandS reports that currently may only be fulfilled by enforcers, such as situations you’d need to teleport to, such as people being stuck on chairs.

What negatives could this have?:
- More ranks?
I will throw my two cents out there,

I think this would be a cool addition for mainly 2 reasons:

1) Some Helpers do God's work when it comes to H&S tickets and have a much better rule and gameplay knowledge than the average Helper
2) Its a way of recognizing those who put effort into the role and distinguish them from those who dissapear after getting a yellow physgun

However I am 100% against giving Helper's any type of "enforcing rule" power, if they want to be tped to players a enforcer+ will gladly do that and very quickly, I have seen and I have done this myself quite a few times (@Phola098 asks me all the time to get tped to new players in order to help them with stuff) and I think thats fine like that. Dont really see a reason why Helpers would need noclip or any other perms.

We need to keep in mind that noclip is a very powerful mechanic, you can negatively impact player's experience pretty easily and personnally I do not think Helpers should get it.

This being said, give @rogue Community Manager!
However I am 100% against giving Helper's any type of "enforcing rule" power, if they want to be tped to players a enforcer+ will gladly do that and very quickly, I have seen and I have done this myself quite a few times (@Phola098 asks me all the time to get tped to new players in order to help them with stuff) and I think thats fine like that. Dont really see a reason why Helpers would need noclip or any other perms.
Although I understand and see your point Maia, lets be real. Would you really like having to ask staff every single time? And perhaps having to wait for the staff since they're busy? Obviously as a mod or enforcer you should check where you TP someone to before doing this otherwise it would be a free teleport gateway. What if the staff is in a report and you have to wait a prolonged amount of time.. This would only add up to thing staff have to do and check up on, and would also increase the wait list for players that are still waiting for that helper to finally show up...

Teleport permissions would be extremely beneficial and have nothing to do with just rule breaks.
Although I understand and see your point Maia, lets be real. Would you really like having to ask staff every single time? And perhaps having to wait for the staff since they're busy? Obviously as a mod or enforcer you should check where you TP someone to before doing this otherwise it would be a free teleport gateway. What if the staff is in a report and you have to wait a prolonged amount of time.. This would only add up to thing staff have to do and check up on, and would also increase the wait list for players that are still waiting for that helper to finally show up...

Teleport permissions would be extremely beneficial and have nothing to do with just rule breaks.
i'm more than capable of handling 5-10 reports at once, so i'm sure i'll be able to find some time to tp helpers to new players, if needed.
Although I understand and see your point Maia, lets be real. Would you really like having to ask staff every single time? And perhaps having to wait for the staff since they're busy? Obviously as a mod or enforcer you should check where you TP someone to before doing this otherwise it would be a free teleport gateway. What if the staff is in a report?

Helpers would not need to be tped very often tho? Having read through thousands of reports and H&S tickets now, there's very few of them that ask for an in character interaction and honestly, the rare times where a Helper needs tp (mostly proposed by enforcer+ on staff chat even) it happens in the span of 10-15s

I honestly don't think this is a problem. On the other hand, noclip is very easy to abuse so I would prefer that to be reserved to highly trusted players only (enforcer+)
i'm more than capable of handling 5-10 reports at once, so i'm sure i'll be able to find some time to tp helpers to new players, if needed.
So lets go back to what I said first though, I dont want to make it sound like some ego thing. But how annoying is it to have a helper tag/role/rank or whatever, being there to help players, but still having to ask staff to do something since you cant do it yourself...?

Also, what if you are in a conversation on a rooftop with a couple people about a report, are you really able to leave to quickly check if you're free to TP the helper?

I dont see the issue you guys have at all since it would be a restricted role only given to trusted members..
i'm more than capable of handling 5-10 reports at once, so i'm sure i'll be able to find some time to tp helpers to new players, if needed.
Would you not rather helpers deal with the small picky reports that we cannot do currently while you deal with actual reports that need to be investigated?
Would you not rather helpers deal with the small picky reports that we cannot do currently while you deal with actual reports that need to be investigated?
There's not really a need for it, it's a nice variation for us, to deal with something easy, that doesn't take a lot of our time.
Helpers would not need to be tped very often tho? Having read through thousands of reports and H&S tickets now, there's very few of them that ask for an in character interaction and honestly, the rare times where a Helper needs tp (mostly proposed by enforcer+ on staff chat even) it happens in the span of 10-15s

I honestly don't think this is a problem. On the other hand, noclip is very easy to abuse so I would prefer that to be reserved to highly trusted players only (enforcer+)
Lets not forget the points Tyla made. Noclip would be extremely beneficial to actively seek out people in need, or the benefit it brings to helping people that run over the highway/intersection, which is now also hard to deal with as helper.

Yes, noclip is easely abused, though this would be a restricted role for trusted members. Enforcer is given to new applicants and they get noclip aswell?
Lets not forget the points Tyla made. Noclip would be extremely beneficial to actively seek out people in need, or the benefit it brings to helping people that run over the highway/intersection, which is now also hard to deal with as helper.

Yes, noclip is easely abused, though this would be a restricted role for trusted members. Enforcer is given to new applicants and they get noclip aswell?

Enforcer is much harder to obtain than helper for a good reason..

Noclip would be extremely beneficial to actively seek out people in need,
Common.. this is bs, if this was a thing, only 5% of the time would be spent actively looking for people to help, if this is actually the goal, people can literally stand in front of the CH for 2min and they will have a ton of players they can help directly. I really don't see why noclip would be essential to perform Helper duties
i agree that senior helpers should get a few extra perms like picking up cars, other people's props, sending stuff to storage, unclamping cars, etc , but the big stuff like no clip can easily be abused and the helper rank in general has already lost perms from people who have abused them and were supposed to be trusted...
I agree with Maia and Doge, I think having some extra perms would be quite useful (Sending props to storage would be great as I do get a couple of people creating help request over this whenever i'm on) for helping players but the bigger more exploitable perms I don't think should be given to helpers of any rank as I think there just to open for potential abuse.
I believe we shouldn't get too creative with a rank system for Helpers but I think a Junior Helper rank would be a nice start. It would come with the current perks of the Helper rank and would be a trial rank for them to rake up some experience in handling help reports, other players and issues. The current Helper rank should come with extra permissions as they have proven themselves to be more trustworthy which I agree, they definitely should be able to pick up cars and other players and some other permissions I'm not aware of (since I'm no Helper, ask them to see what they want most!). I'm against adding stuff like Noclip or even handling staff reports, that is up to Enforcers and above and an entirely different department. They should however be able to enforce smaller/lesser rules in the chat with timeouts/vice versa which is possible I believe to take away some stress from the staff team.
I don't think helpers need these new ranks/permissions, they're just unnecessary for the intended purpose of the helper; helping players with questions/minor situations that don't require administrative powers.

While the server has been busier and the staff team may be a bit more strained, it's not really strained to the point where it's necessary to give helpers these extended powers just so they can complete tasks we already have an admin team that can do them perfectly and without effect to more important helpers and I see very little to no benefit to giving helpers these extra permissions except the very rare occasion where a helper actually wants to go to someone to help them, for which they can just contact an admin anyway. Giving helpers enforcer powers so they don't apply for enforcer doesn't make sense in my eyes.

If these ranks with extra permissions WERE added, I can only really see 2 current helpers who I feel would both genuinely make use of these extra permissions for their intended use and could be trusted enough to have access to them, both of these specific people also happen to be close enough to enough of the administrative team that many of us would have absolutely no problem quickly teleporting them to someone in need of help anyway.
I'm not against an additional rank for Helper such as Senior Helper for those who have proven themselves to be more than capable at their role or are long-standing Helpers in the same essence that the Senior Moderator was introduced but when it comes to what permissions the new rank obtains as well as what extra permissions the current rank receives is where I primarily have issues. Echoing what others have already said I am heavily against any enforcing permissions such as Noclip, Goto, Bring, etc. as those tools are really only needed for administrative-related incidents or events; even then the Event Helper rank exists for that reason. Some minor permissions that don't necessarily grant any real power would be fine - to name an example, a more limited Notify tool containing the advisory prompts such as "Don't run across the intersection" would be fine.

The way I've always viewed Helpers is that they are highlighted players that are more than happy to help out those with any questions and provide assistance to those newer players still learning the mechanics of the gamemode without needing to hold any real power or permissions to perform their duties. If you'd like to help out using permissions myself and others have stated to help take some work off of the staff team, then you should really be going for Enforcer as there's nothing stopping you from helping out - albeit with the responsibility of dealing with reports, etc.

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