the existence of "w cops"

you probably just pissed off Racxes this is just a common Racxes abuse moment of course! no but seriously just because one person got punished for something that doesn't mean it's objectively the rule cause disputes happen and get accepted all the time.
Stop trying to make people violate the server rules, this has been a part of the game since 2014.
It is a thing and it's how the game works, sorry buddy.
"The ‘/me’ function may only be used to perform actions that cannot be effectively depicted within the gamemode." - rule 3.26 from the rules. You can depict entering a car by pressing E you don't need to do /me opens car door and enters on a normal basis why is that not the case when it's a cop after you and you're in cuffs. Literally you're just freaking out over nothing and you're rejecting the obvious fact that your understanding is flawed but you may continue on believing you're right.
you probably just pissed off Racxes this is just a common Racxes abuse moment of course! no but seriously just because one person got punished for something that doesn't mean it's objectively the rule cause disputes happen and get accepted all the time.
I'm sorry but don't get all high and mighty about the server rules up here while you just slandered a staff member (see 1.3) by accusing them of abuse on the forums.
I'm sorry but don't get all high and mighty about the server rules up here while you just slandered a staff member (see 1.3) by accusing them of abuse on the forums.
nice red herring, these mental gymnastics are great guys.
"The ‘/me’ function may only be used to perform actions that cannot be effectively depicted within the gamemode." - rule 3.26 from the rules. You can depict entering a car by pressing E you don't need to do /me opens car door and enters on a normal basis why is that not the case when it's a cop after you and you're in cuffs. Literally you're just freaking out over nothing and you're rejecting the obvious fact that your understanding is flawed but you may continue on believing you're right.
Opening a car door with your hands cuffed behind your back is not effectively depicted within the gamemode and requires the use of a /me function. This is and always has been enforced this way, and it's ridiculous of you to assume that everyone saying this, namely several people that are ex-staff members, are in the wrong or that their understanding is flawed.

As far as the actual 'topic' of the thread goes, surely you realize what happens when someone floors it into a the side of another car, even with just a few feet of distance? More or less the movement of the vehicle will certainly be reduced, probably not to the extent of what happens on Gmod, but still. I would much rather have the situation end like this than end in a shootout that lasts 2 hours and blocks off a chunk of the map, which is the most likely result in these kinds of situations.
Opening a car door with your hands cuffed behind your back is not effectively depicted within the gamemode and requires the use of a /me function. This is and always has been enforced this way, and it's ridiculous of you to assume that everyone saying this, namely several people that are ex-staff members, are in the wrong or that their understanding is flawed.
Im not trying to say "you guys are all crazy and only i am right." im actually providing evidence and reasoning while im being hit by most of my opponents with logical fallacies and mental gymnastics. Like not answering my question which is clear,

You can depict entering a car by pressing E you don't need to do /me opens car door and enters on a normal basis why is that not the case when it's a cop after you and you're in cuffs? None of you have answered that yet and just used circular reasoning or relied on the strawman somebody got punished for it so it must be the absolute truth.

1. Disputes get accepted all the time.

2. In my most recent suggestion I showed a clear showcase of 2 opposing opinions between staff which resulted in similar scenarios that ended in one being punished while the other didn't so there's a mismatch. Proving you're using a strawman because that is a weak argument which isn't linked to the literal words stated in the rules but instead an extremist interpretation of them.
As far as the actual 'topic' of the thread goes, surely you realize what happens when someone floors it into a the side of another car, even with just a few feet of distance? More or less the movement of the vehicle will certainly be reduced, probably not to the extent of what happens on Gmod, but still. I would much rather have the situation end like this than end in a shootout that lasts 2 hours and blocks off a chunk of the map, which is the most likely result in these kinds of situations.
So you literally agree that the mechanic used is unrealistic since you say "not to the extent of what happens on gmod." so if we agree that it's exaggerated then you proven my point. I'm not asking for a 2 hour shootout or a shootout at all, I am just highlighting a clear use of unrealistic game mechanics to benefit oneself in winning a situation unfairly. Police have an arsenal and an army they don't need to rely on cheesy tactics like this but feel free to believe otherwise.
Bad news for you mate. He is not abusing anything.
you punished this player for something he did here

yet when this happened nobody got punished

So with all due respect I am not accepting your word as final.
Are you guys actually claiming that jumping in to a car while cuffed is against the rules? Seems odd to me I have seen staff members do it countless times and I and others have done it too, nothing was ever done about it.
Are you guys actually claiming that jumping in to a car while cuffed is against the rules? Seems odd to me I have seen staff members do it countless times and I and others have done it too, nothing was ever done about it.

Used to be a thing, very lax nowadays tbh. Better way to do it would make it hard coded to slowly get cuffed people in cars with loading bar.
Used to be a thing, very lax nowadays tbh. Better way to do it would make it hard coded to slowly get cuffed people in cars with loading bar.
Yeah I mean I definitely see the point that it is unrealistic and when it happens to me on cop it feels very abusive. It should be against the rules but it just isn't enforced at all is what I am saying.
Are you guys actually claiming that jumping in to a car while cuffed is against the rules? Seems odd to me I have seen staff members do it countless times and I and others have done it too, nothing was ever done about it.
I'm a relatively new player and, as a police officer, I've seen this happen many times. I've always thought it was OK for them to escape that way.

Since it's happened a lot of times, I assumed it was our (Police) job to make sure child lock is enabled and to drag suspects if any cars come close or (if high-risk) until the suspect is inside the patrol car. Also, most of the time, the suspects just jump into the car when cuffed, instead of waiting for me to force them in.
You can depict entering a car by pressing E you don't need to do /me opens car door and enters on a normal basis why is that not the case when it's a cop after you and you're in cuffs? None of you have answered that yet and just used circular reasoning or relied on the strawman somebody got punished for it so it must be the absolute truth.
Quoting myself:
Opening a car door with your hands cuffed behind your back is not effectively depicted within the gamemode and requires the use of a /me function.

Opening a car door with your hands cuffed behind your back and normally opening a car door are widely different actions being performed. Normally, you can swiftly open a door and hop in with ease. When your hands are cuffed behind your back, this action is delayed by quite a bit in comparison, but this is not depicted in the gamemode, and as such, requires a /me to be performed by someone else opening the door for you.
Yeah I mean I definitely see the point that it is unrealistic
I agree with you but I am also saying the fact when a car is rammed like how it is shown in the video the car is actually put into a near full halt or actually fully halted even though it makes no sense since all the officer was doing was grinding the passenger door side.

If we're going for realism then it shouldn't just be entering a car while cuffed but the issue of cars being fully halted so radically slowed down like this should be fixed as well.
I agree with you but I am also saying the fact when a car is rammed like how it is shown in the video the car is actually put into a near full halt or actually fully halted even though it makes no sense since all the officer was doing was grinding the passenger door side.

If we're going for realism then it shouldn't just be entering a car while cuffed but the issue of cars being fully halted so radically slowed down like this should be fixed as well.
This is very much a physics engine issue, which (correct me if I'm wrong) the developers of this server can do very little about other than tinkering about with some vehicle configurations.

Full realism is never going to happen on a Garry's Mod server, and I don't think it's worth it fretting over details like this.

If you think the solution of entering a car whilst cuffed on a progress bar and slowed down would work, then just suggest it.

All this thread is turning into is a back and forth over something what seems to be you getting frustrated over getting arrested in a situation and finding a way to complain about it due to realism. Sorry, but that's what it looks like from this point of view.
neither is opening a car door with your hands... View attachment 16647
there is no animation or writing that explains you entering a car whether cuffed or not.
Well I do agree with your point that the rule is not enforced I think the way you are arguing is disingenuous.

Lets have a look at the relevant part of rule once again:


I think the important part to highlight here in relation to wether or not you would need to /me to get in to any car door is the part that says "effectively depict"
The action of getting in a car while handcuffed is not complex and the way it is currently depicted on the server is quite realistic. The door opens and you go from being outside the car to inside the car. The details like you reaching for the car handle and pulling it open or squatting down and maybe putting your head down really aren't that important. It is not a complex action and opening the door handle and squatting down are not significant actions to perform when you are able to move freely. It is definitely not important when trying to depict the action in a video game. I think and I hope others would agree, that the current depiction of the action is effective, meaning it shows the parts of the actions which are signficant.

So lets compare that to depicting someone getting in a car while their hands are cuffed behind your back.

Now the part of reaching for the car handle actually is significant because this would be a more complex and difficult action and slow down your ability to perform the action due to your current state. You would have to turn your back to the car, level your hands to the handle and manage to open the handle. When the car door is open you now have to either drag it behind you to open it fully and then get around it OR get around it and simply leverage it open with your bodyweight. Getting in the vehicle shouldn't be too difficult but closing the vehicle door would be very difficult.

As I do not want to ramble on and on I hope you can see my point. The action of getting in a vehicle is way more difficult and complex when cuffed. And the with the added complexion there are more significant actions that need to be depicted in game for the depiction to be effective.

I hope this helps :D
I think the important part to highlight here in relation to wether or not you would need to /me to get in to any car door is the part that says "effectively depict"
The action of getting in a car while handcuffed is not complex and the way it is currently depicted on the server is quite realistic. The door opens and you go from being outside the car to inside the car.
it's as effectively depicted as a cuffed guy opening the car door and getting in. in the server if you get in a car you're teleported inside and the getting in part is not depicted as an animation or text automatically or manually. Therefore it is not depicted by definition.

It is definitely not important when trying to depict the action in a video game.

Now the part of reaching for the car handle actually is significant because this would be a more complex and difficult action and slow down your ability to perform the action due to your current state. You would have to turn your back to the car, level your hands to the handle and manage to open the handle. When the car door is open you now have to either drag it behind you to open it fully and then get around it OR get around it and simply leverage it open with your bodyweight. Getting in the vehicle shouldn't be too difficult but closing the vehicle door would be very difficult.
whether it's important / significant or not is arbitrary and is subjective to you since you just clearly stated the rule said "depicted" so you don't get to cherrypick what is important or not when the rule explicitly states "may only be used to preform actions that cannot be effectively depicted," meanwhile getting into a car either way is not effectively depicted; and if I don't see an animation or a piece of text displaying me getting into a car it is not depicted by definition.

As I do not want to ramble on and on I hope you can see my point. The action of getting in a vehicle is way more difficult and complex when cuffed. And the with the added complexion there are more significant actions that need to be depicted in game for the depiction to be effective.
I see where you're coming from but Im saying just as much as you want there to be a loading bar to fix the fast unrealistic getting into a car while cuffed I am saying I want players in general to be held accountable for pulling off unrealistic stunts like this too. This is basically 2.1.