DEBATE: Cops and new player raids.

Should the 2.5 part about raiding sweaters apply to cops

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Civilians raiding new players, even alone, is frowned upon heavily. No one talks about cops though.

Seeing as you’re still raiding a player you know is lesser experienced than you, with more OP equipment, and don’t have risk of losing any real money from it, should cops, upon spotting new player drugs, raid their property?

Of course acting on an arrest warrant is completely different.

Personally I’ve just avoided doing it to new players whenever I can if I accidentally spot their drugs, as I still think it’s absolutely not morally justifiable to do so even as a cop. More so even as a cop, as I’m in a position to do significantly more financial damage with Significantly less effort.

The poll applies to actual new players, no car, first time growing, joined 3 hours ago.
I try to avoid confiscating new players stuff.

I never do if I’ve attended a raid that they were defending. Thing is when PD beat raiders and take drugs you may aswel have let the raiders win.

I genuinely think we should stop giving confiscation £ and just increase the salary as this would solve this - people are money hungry and makes them confiscate even the belongings of a sweater
I think the new players will just learn more from this. I encountered today a new player with drugs inside his kitchen of subs. But next time he will grow his drugs inside the Bath or bedroom to avoid such a situation. But i think we shouldn't make a difference between new and older players.
If you're gonna just keep protecting new players from getting raided, how will they learn the game when it's literally a fundamental part of the server

Constantly raiding them is a different argument, being soft because a door says new player shouldn't mean shit as a cop because you're doing a job - to add onto this, people with weeks of gameplay literally behind these doors too so no
I hate this kind of handholding, new players have more than enough perks to help them get going. If new players get raided by police it should be a learning experience so they can at least learn from what they did wrong (if any, I hope).

I know getting raided sucks but we old players didn't have it any different and it is a hard grind.
Leaving the occasional sweater with a planter or two in his base is totally fine, or spotting something on accident and letting it slip, oh well.

Having it blatantly in the window or just full out when they open the door is just beyond stupid to not get them for it. Sorry to say but no matter what, you can't be such a dumb criminal and not expect any consequences right? As most don't start immediately with drugs but rather with jobs etc they get the odd chance to look at bases and should learn from it. Sweaters already get held a lot of hand as mentioned by Creepis and I rather see them learn than be yelling after their sweater period is up that they can't be raided for drugs and quit regardless of this stuff was implemented or not cause now it is getting too hard
I may or may not have RP-ed to have Glaucoma when I saw New Players' drugs.

I try to avoid it, unless they are rude or just plain stupid.
idk man the way i was immediately labelled as toxic by new players when i came back simply because i mugged people showed me how excessive the handholding already was

if anything new players need less protection, i think the issue is frowning upon raiding all players with the new player tag - obviously if you're a 10 man unit of experienced players bombing the shit out of a random slums 1 with a workbench and half a basic planter of weed in it then that's cringe but if it's a guy with a new player tag with a car over 300k and boarded windows - which was very common last time i played - then i'm personally not avoiding that if i want to raid
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I remember my first times on the server as a sweater it was brutal, it got to a point where i only felt safe growing in the forest lmao[which i still got done dirty a few times] back then what happened to me taught me what to do and what not to do in order to only improve and get better, giving new players too much protection will lead to them believing that's how it'll always be and then when its no longer like that they complain or leave, I'm not saying it should be as brutal as it was for many of us who started years ago but we cannot tread lightly around new players, personally I'm not going to go out my way to raid a sweater who will likely have only a bat, and on duty i like to think I'm more than reasonable, i don't confiscate should i not have to in terms of firearms or illegal transportation, i ask them if someone can bring a car or if they can store it fast somewhere close where i can see etc, I responded to an incident today at subs1 where 2 sweaters had their planters in the front windows as well as they was growing shrooms in mass on the front and back side of their house, not much i can do about not raiding as its my job and i cannot turn a blind eye to such blatant lets put it kindly stupidity, i did help them thou i told them what to do when basing, not to do that again as it'll attract raiders etc. I'm for certain measures to protect new players but some older players as others have stated abuse this by basing with new players to avoid being raided and other situations where the new player tag is exploited for benefits etc.

TL;DR - essentially yes i do agree with what Bnje has said in a sense but whilst i agree with the measures in place to protect new players currently i do not however believe new players should be granted almost full immunity from the harsh reality that will kick in once they lose the new player tag, they have to learn somehow its better to be sooner than later.
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We're frowning upon it, because they are literally new and don't know how to do shit. Go raid someone experienced and have a challenge. Sweaters are last resort.
did you read the contents of my post past this one sentence you quoted or did you just decide you wanted to have a hissy fit at a single sentence out of context

of course you should avoid NEW players but im referring to the tag not actual brand-new players, ive edited for clarification in case people decide that reading more than 20 words before they get out the pitchforks and torches isnt necessary
If you are growing drugs as a new player you accept the risk.
This is the fastest way to make money for a reason - it carries a risk inherently.
If you want a steady, safe income, then play a job. This is why new players shouldn't be recommended to start growing as soon as they join the server anyway, they will take big losses because they didn't build a capital when they get killed and/or raided once.
I haven’t done the new drug mission myself but does it have abit about where to place/ block the windows and don’t let cops see the drugs.

If not maybe this would solve it?
idk man the way i was immediately labelled as toxic by new players when i came back simply because i mugged people showed me how excessive the handholding already was

if anything new players need less protection, i think the issue is frowning upon raiding all players with the new player tag - obviously if you're a 10 man unit of experienced players bombing the shit out of a random slums 1 with a workbench and half a basic planter of weed in it then that's cringe but if it's a new player tag with a car over 300k and boarded windows - which was very common last time i played - then i'm personally not avoiding that if i want to raid
People need to stop thinking new players are fresh out of the womb, they might be new to perp but might have 10000 hours on gmod
In my experience, if i know a new player has never played gmod or isnt the smartest ill just leave them be, but if its obvious they have experience or have 4 other guys in their hicktown trailer with them then ill do something
New players have it a lot easier than what it was years ago.

You get free things just for linking up your accounts, you get free premium, you now have a tutorial mode and multiple guides to walk you through all these things.

If a new player is being raided, whilst it sucks - it gives them the experience of knowing what to and not to do. I always try to give them some pointers so that they can better protect their base or not make so many rookie mistakes. You can only hold someone's hand for so long.

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