Server Suggestion Fix Audio Directionality for Firearms

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Suggestion Title: Fix Audio Directionality for Firearms
Suggestion Description: Since I began playing on Perpheads, I noticed that it was almost impossible to tell where any gunfire was coming from when being fired upon. It seemed that audio directionality was completely broken at mid to close ranges, while long range seemed okay. I suggest that audio directionality be worked on for firearms, so gunfights aren't ended in cheap deaths that could've been avoided if audio worked correctly.

Why should this be added?:
- Gunfights are overall improved and lack any form of cheap deaths because of lack in audio directionality

What negatives could this have?:
- Rework of weapon audio?

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Audio directionality at mid to close range with firearms in general

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i'm shit at shooting eitherway but the amount of times i've been killed by flankers and i still don't know where they are up to this day is absurd
Just listen for footsteps lol, only time this is aids is when you’re being shot at from a long distance, which realistically would be hard to know the direction anyway
I always thought I was an idiot for responding to slums when there's a regals raid and vice versa, didn't realise this was a universal problem.

100% support if something can be done about this it would be a game changer.
A1 Slow burning PERP Gameplay saving gem suggestion.

Having to play dick tracey in heavy gear (especially with the speed nerf) clearing all apartments around PD is a pain in the arse as is dealing with pistol cops trying to Chris Kyle me with a peashooter.

I remember this being a thing way back but idk now.
Just listen for footsteps lol, only time this is aids is when you’re being shot at from a long distance, which realistically would be hard to know the direction anyway
yeah that works for close ranges but mid range onward you're kinda fucked
i'm shit at shooting eitherway but the amount of times i've been killed by flankers and i still don't know where they are up to this day is absurd
at first i thought it was just because i was the one getting shot at, but the more clips i watched or produced of it i realized that the majority of the gun sounds are just mono, and always play the same way in your headphones no matter what direction they come from
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it has to do with the audio files the developers picked for each gun so i'd say its a server issue
I think it’s just garrys mod audio kinda sucking, games like CS use actual technology for 3D audio processing but this is just my speculation

If there’s a proper way or fix for this then I am in full support because it’s hard to tell a lot of the times where shots do come from and becomes more of a guessing game
Garry's Mod still uses DSP as it’s still on the same Source Engine as any other Source Engine game bar CS:GO and Portal 2, so it’s not a Garry’s Mod thing. Furthermore, Garry’s Mod doesn’t use HRTF but it can still do 3D audio. It’s just a problem with the sounds that the developers picked for the guns in question, or it could be how the developers dealt with playing the gun sounds in general. I wouldn’t know.

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confirmed that it isn't because the audio files are mono, since the 101 in the clip sounded mono but the file itself is stereo
no, this means that the gunshot sounds are not the problem, so they wouldnt need to do anything to them at all
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