3.22 Intersection red light.

Do you think this specific intersection light rule should be changed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 47 61.0%

  • Total voters


Communication Banned
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Just wanna have a discussion about that specific rule about running the red light.

I want to know what is your opinions and views and what is the outcome behind that rule itself,
I honestly already know that its to prevent crashes and prevent ruining other people experience but, the thing that i don't really get is how does that make sense for example, every time you run a red light or even don't stop at any stop sign you risk your own car being wrecked or even other's, if you care that much about your own vehicle driving lawful decreases your chance of wrecking your car completely to 0, and approaching the intersection from the city-highway or subs-highway your speed limit should already come down to 50, and driving 50 you would already notice a vehicle running a red light and you can prevent a collision happening if you already drive lawfully.

In my own opinion having this rule is just kind of excessive, i feel that staff can focus on so many more important rules/reports instead of a specific red light on the map, also not to mention that it decreases roleplay with that rule i mean, if this rule wasn't there i believe police would have more work to do such as pulling these people over and write them a ticket, this should be police work not staff.

I personally don't mind seeing people running the intersection red light, even if they almost crashed into me, everytime i came to the intersection from any highway i just slow down because i take that into consideration and last time i crashed into someone running a red light was like never.

Overall i just want everyone opinion on this since i see people still complain about this rule and honestly i'm one of them, i can't get the full picture out of this rule.

Or just build a huge roudabout at the intersection and fix the whole problem, @rogue
I just came back after a 6 month ban and wasnt aware that this was a rule , and was instantly given a warning no verbal . This is stupid imo .
View attachment 21153
this is only the past hour btw , the dude is just sitting at the main intersection . This is the most cringe thing ive seen in my 2 years old perp

I don't blame a specific staff member since they all just follow orders, this probably came out today or yesterday from an admin meeting where they decided to enforce that rule even more and be more strict about it, i myself got a warning for it but, what i think we can do is just come to an agreement from the community to change that rule but it seems like there is also people to disagree, we will see how this discussion ends up.
I don't blame a specific staff member since they all just follow orders, this probably came out today or yesterday from an admin meeting where they decided to enforce that rule even more and be more strict about it, i myself got a warning for it but, what i think we can do is just come to an agreement from the community to change that rule but it seems like there is also people to disagree, we will see how this discussion ends up.
I think a verbal would be more effective than just warning people
but banning people because of it is just plain retardism in my opinion
View attachment 21153
this is only the past hour btw , the dude is just sitting at the main intersection . This is the most cringe thing ive seen in my 2 years old perp
This is extremely absurd. It's OK to run every single other light in this city except this one. The way I see it if staff wanna play traffic enforcement then come on duty as PD. I honestly see 0 point in doing shit like that. Get rid of this rule it's stupid and pointless
I think a verbal would be more effective than just warning people
A warning does nothing more than let other staff members know you have broken the rule and prevent you from applying to staff positions for a month. As a staff team, we decided that verbal warnings were not something that should be frequently handed out. Inevitably, players who get verbal warnings never receive any real punishment, because there is no log of the warnings.
A warning does nothing more than let other staff members know you have broken the rule and prevent you from applying to staff positions for a month. As a staff team, we decided that verbal warnings were not something that should be frequently handed out. Inevitably, players who get verbal warnings never receive any real punishment, because there is no log of the warnings.
so people cant apply for helper and staff postions because of running a red light , a rule that was enforced seemingly out of nowhere and your not just warning your also banning people xD
so people cant apply for helper and staff postions because of running a red light , a rule that was enforced seemingly out of nowhere and your not just warning your also banning people xD
I can vouch, I've been banned lmfao
You and I might be going 50mph or 65mph, but there is still a chance a p1 plows into you going 100mph from Garage and kills you and there is nothing to prevent that even when you have right of way or adhere to the speed limit. So why should I be punished (and having to pay for the car repair) for driving legaly and ending up with a tier 2 car and the p1 goes "scot free"
so people cant apply for helper and staff postions because of running a red light , a rule that was enforced seemingly out of nowhere and your not just warning your also banning people xD
People breaking simple rules like that probably means they aren't ready for staff xD If the complaint was that enforcement of said rule is inconsistent however could be something to be looked at, however, from what I've seen, staff have always been enforcing it and acted on it when witnessed/reported.
If the lanes allowed for a center lane for cops to take over the enforcement and keep it in rp, I would much prefer that.

But as of right now, the same people against the enforcement of this rule will also make an F6, when their car gets wrecked on the highway.
so people cant apply for helper and staff postions because of running a red light , a rule that was enforced seemingly out of nowhere and your not just warning your also banning people xD
The people who have been banned were already warned for it OR it was in combination with another rule. I have not issued a ban for running the intersection red light as the first course of action.

People who are applying for staff should know not to run the red light. If they do not know this, they are not ready to join the staff team.
Honestly it's just bad map design. Warning everyone who can't be fucking waiting twenty seconds at an empty intersection for a light to go green isn't going to fix the problem, nor will removing/reconstituting the rule. The intersection should be turned into a roundabout, cause then people would be forced to slow down, and the need for the rule would be gone.
Guys!!! GUYS!!! I have a solution for this!!!!!!

Don't run the red light at the intersection

It's a very straightforward simple rule to follow and just because it's being enforced heavily now doesn't mean it wasn't a rule before.

It is common sense why the rule was created in the first place and you shouldn't be breaking traffic laws like that unless you have a valid reason. If you just have people driving like idiots, it will just cause a lot of unnecessary mayhem and people getting killed/cars getting tired.

This can all be avoided if you just stop at the red light, it's only around 15 seconds mate, you'll be fine :)

Hope you all have a nice day and remember to stay safe
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Why is it a rule?

Would you run a red light on a busy intersection in real life for no reason, where cars are traveling 50-70MPH? No, because if you get hit by a car you will most likely be dead.
Not to mention the effect it has on a player abiding by the rule when a car runs the red light getting them killed or their car tired for no reason.

There are countless arguments and reasons why it's a rule, all I can personally say is. Just stop and wait not even 15 seconds dude, it is not hard.