- Staff
- #1

Hello everyone,
After some miscellaneous rule changes have been discussed and implemented over the last month or so, but only been shared in existing posts, I have decided to collect them all in this thread.
- 2.5 Excessive Negativity
Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.
Additionally, players have a 2 hour window to seek revenge on another player, provided they are unaware that the target has died and started a new life.
When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry whilst entering, exiting or inside of the property that is being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.
For example, it is not acceptable to:
- Intentionally mug and target new players.
- Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
- Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
- Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
- Cause unnecessary damage to a stolen vehicle without good reason.
- Use explosives or incendiaries without taking precautions to ensure that uninvolved player's items are not damaged.
- Use molotov cocktails in raids without prior negative interactions which would justify their use.
- Scam or deceive other players to dishonestly acquire their rare/seasonal items or the money for them.
- Scam new players for their items or money
- 3.9 Placing Props
Props may only be placed within properties that you own, or if you have permission to do so from the respective owner; this excludes the use of Police Barricades and Cones. Defence props may only be placed within the confines of buildings contained within owned properties. Props may also be placed in public areas as long as they are benefiting roleplay and are not obstructing anything. Under no circumstances should defence props be placed in public or government buildings.
- 3.24 Staying In-Character
Players are prohibited from bringing out-of-character information into in-character gameplay. Out of character information is defined as any information that would not be realistically accessible to your character. Common examples include:
- Discussing server rules during roleplay situations
- Viewing illegal substances through walls or objects
- Discussing ongoing in-character situations in out-of-character chat
- Using video clips in-character without taking proper measures (e.g using a phone with a /me)
- 5.6 Kidnapping
Player(s) may only kidnap another player if it is absolutely necessary and benefits the player to such an extent that it outweighs the risks. For example, if taking a hostage will increase the chances of the player escaping the police substantially then a hostage can be taken. Players should refer to rule 3.4 when deciding whether or not taking a hostage is appropriate and/or beneficial.Kidnapping another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items is not allowedKidnapping another player with the intention of mugging or raiding them is not allowed.