Rule Suggestion (3.3 Realistic Actions)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.3 Realistic Actions
Suggestion Description: Not rewriting because the rule is written perfectly fine, just suggesting a change in the way 3.3 is enforced.

I am suggesting the act of falling off the side of projex 4 or slums 4 should not deemed as 3.3. Why?

Following 3.6, that logically would be the safest way to exit a dangerous predicament where defenders are wallbanging and any bullet next can be the one to take you out so its much preferred to take a slight fall over a bullet to the head through a door.

Furthermore, I was informed recently that no longer is it an issue of people being able to open a door if they're far away. This means falling off the side won't cause the "opening a door from 2 doors away," issue that people have been punished for.

Why should this be added?:
-  Projex 4 and Slums 4 won't be un-raidable because people are punished for retreating
- Players can have the freedom to decide if they want to stick out the crowbarring or retreat
- A temporary necessary hot fix for a current problem that is known to be fixed in future updates to the map. (Pictures have been shown displaying a side area to walk on for p4/s4 apartments that currently is not in the game)
- Raiders will have a more enjoyable experience

What negatives could this have?:
- None

In V6 this should be much less of a problem (if it is even still like this, screenshot is 2 years old).
But jumping from the ledge is a break of 3.6 in its self? Imagine hypothetically you are raiding p4 with a crowbar, immediately they begin to spray the door with a rifle (as they heard the apartment complex door opening and shut and footsteps running up to your floor with no sound of keys unlocking(trust me I’ve done this in a sound god)), some miracle you live but are tagged quite a bit however you jumping down led you dying to fall damage. Jumping off the edge would literally be breaking 3.6, not only that but realistically falling from such height would lead to a broken ankle and if you’re lucky hitting your head on the stairs.
Like the guy that sent himself b hopping to try dispute a 3.3 break, you shouldn’t recreate jumping to disprove me
Jumping off the edge would literally be breaking 3.6
you don't ragdoll when you jump down, meaning you don't take damage. So essentially by jumping down, you might try and argue you were abiding by 3.6 by doing everything to stay alive

Without being able to jump down/balancing on the railing whilst crowbarring, S4/P4 would be impossible to raid without bombs
I done seen it kill people before, and I myself have experienced ragdolling from that fall
you don't ragdoll when you jump down, meaning you don't take damage. So essentially by jumping down, you might try and argue you were abiding by 3.6 by doing everything to stay alive

Without being able to jump down/balancing on the railing whilst crowbarring, S4/P4 would be impossible to raid without bombs
I done seen it kill people before, and I myself have experienced ragdolling from that fall
sorry yes you can ragdoll if you're terrible at crim & you jump off then stop moving mid-air, but that's fully preventable & completely your own fault lol

crowbar > jump off whilst moving towards S3/P3 mid-air
I done seen it kill people before, and I myself have experienced ragdolling from that fall
Let alone dying, it’s hard to rag doll. While ragdoling is much more preferable as it means you’re slightly injured but out of harms way.

you can’t honestly convince me that staying stationary in front of a door that’s being mag dumped is a smart idea all for the sake of not risking a rag doll.
Let alone dying, it’s hard to rag doll. While ragdoling is much more preferable as it means you’re slightly injured but out of harms way.

you can’t honestly convince me that staying stationary in front of a door that’s being mag dumped is a smart idea all for the sake of not risking a rag doll.
I'm going to be honest, 3.6 directly influencing the decision to jump off instead of take rounds to the head is quite smart in real-life terms. I'd much rather break my leg IRL than see bullets coming through a wall at me and just sit there trying to slowly mosey away. That being said though I think this whole issue will be fixed with the new map release, as I'm sure the devs have already thought about this extensively. So it's more of a "dev fix" issue for now in my opinion than the rule being conflicting. I do think staff are in the right to punish however for now as it's something that is not supposed to be intended for players to do. It's very unrealistic to go from crowbarring a door to falling down a flight of stairs. The argument can go both ways honestly but I think it's just bad map design to blame for the time being. Staff have every right to tell you not to do it though until the new map releases, at the end of the day it can also been seen as exploitation in my eyes because the door can open while you're falling crowbarring.
at the end of the day it can also been seen as exploitation in my eyes because the door can open while you're falling crowbarring.
this is wrong.

I was informed by a Admin that if you are too far away from the door, the crowbar will not succeed or open the door.

Furthermore, saying "Just leave it to devs," instead of working to find a middle ground solution to stop #4 apartments from being unraidable is counter-intuitive. Raiding #4 is unbalanced right now because of this issue and leaving it as it is hoping one day things buff out isn't what multiple people want.

Yes this will be fixed in God knows when, but the objective truth is breaking legs is preferred over standing in harms way to preserve life therefore until I am disproven regarding the distance exploit being false then this rule suggestion IS necessary to balance out raiding such apartments regardless if it will be patched in the far future or not.
this is wrong.

I was informed by a Admin that if you are too far away from the door, the crowbar will not succeed or open the door.

Furthermore, saying "Just leave it to devs," instead of working to find a middle ground solution to stop #4 apartments from being unraidable is counter-intuitive. Raiding #4 is unbalanced right now because of this issue and leaving it as it is hoping one day things buff out isn't what multiple people want.

Yes this will be fixed in God knows when, but the objective truth is breaking legs is preferred over standing in harms way to preserve life therefore until I am disproven regarding the distance exploit being false then this rule suggestion IS necessary to balance out raiding such apartments regardless if it will be patched in the far future or not.
I have in the past seen the door opened by someone who started to fall, maybe this is something that was fixed and I haven’t been around to see it.
What you're saying here is just to ignore 2 apartments that could be stacked. Just use a bomb.
I think it is pretty clear he was joking but all the same this is a real issue. Also even with a temporary change of allowing people to jump down it would 100% need to be after gunfire meaning its still OP as hell until a physical map change has occured.

We are moving away from stricter over-enforcement of 3.3 in general, and most property issues have been addressed in v6 already, or will be in the future. For these properties specifically, whereas we don't think dropping down and crowbarring complies with the spirit of 3.3, we will hold our nose at it and allow it until v6 drops
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