Things that piss you off about games

Reaction score
Crota's throne world
So as the title implies this thread it too air out anything shitty about games that you like / don't like, be that mechanics to UI anything really.

My big one is Update Requires Restart in cod you see that and you just want to smash your head in a door, another could be something like paying for skins in overwatch or League. things like that
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FPS games struggling to balance sniper rifles by either making them one shot all range demons or making them utterly useless.

Disney being incapable of making a Star Wars game where you’re not either an order 66 survivor or a member of the empire / first order / Crime lord who defects to join the rebels / resistance. (this applies to a fair bit of media content from Disneys Star Wars in general tbh)

Survival games where I have to do 100 million things just to actually live so I don’t die from the temperature over and over again on a 4 hour grind just to play the game.

Bad ports of old games. I’m looking at you steam. I shouldn’t need to install third party mods just to play the fucking game I bought from you when other services provide these patches included in the download. SWAT 3 required me to convert all the video files to a modern format just to play the game, and Fallout new vegas needs an allocated memory patch to run properly as intended for most devices.

Franchises who are sitting on long abandoned IPs without doing anything with them except enforcing copyright takedowns and lawsuits to earn that court money. The only thing 90% of IPs owned by Nintendo or ones they own licensing rights to (Their entire NES catalogue) solely exist at this point to keep lawyers garages looking stocked.

Games that require me to register on a third party service and download a third party steam clone app despite me downloading and purchasing the game from steam. Steam integration for all steam games please!
The thing that annoys me about games is that we don't boycott the ones that demand £80 for the base game...
I understand this but realistically it would just lead to underpaid devs and a lower quality game. I understand its a crazy high price and overcharging but I would rather an expensive good game than a cheap shitty one.
I understand this but realistically it would just lead to underpaid devs and a lower quality game. I understand its a crazy high price and overcharging but I would rather an expensive good game than a cheap shitty one.
But most of these games are shit and overpriced
The time games require to be competitive
I don't have time to grind out a game 18 hours a day anymore to play top level content
Just my own opinion but Battlestate Games (the game devs) and Tarkov (the game they made).

This scum baggy games studio said anyone who purchased this limited edition version of the game (EoD, pretty much just a purchasable DLC that gave you a ton of guns and ig stuff) would have access to all future DLCs...

Then they decided they were too money hungry and pretty much went back on that, released a new DLC (litteraly just EoD but way better in every way), and didn't give it to EoD owners because they didn't consider it to be a DLC.
But it literally was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(tarkov is kind of being boycotted but I'm sure a ton of new players bought the new DLC (Unheard Edition) and they made bank off of it.)

Also for the record I think EoD was 140 euro and the Unheard Edition is 250 euro.
Early Access. The recent years have ruined the concept of "early access" and you can never trust a game to ever leave early access. Games will be permanently left in EA for years on end with new content continuously being added but never "fully released". It's like a label that gives the devs an excuse to be lazy on bug fixes while just adding whatever they want.
Early Access. The recent years have ruined the concept of "early access" and you can never trust a game to ever leave early access. Games will be permanently left in EA for years on end with new content continuously being added but never "fully released". It's like a label that gives the devs an excuse to be lazy on bug fixes while just adding whatever they want.
Tarkov also does this so much and its their whole excuse every time someone ever complains about a bug in their game... Most notably hackersss (its infested with them).
Sorry to rant on about Tarkov but it used to be such a goated game and the devs ruined it....