Server Update 5/2/2015

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Server Update: 5/2/2015

The dev team has just released a new update that includes mostly fixes and some smaller changes. As always please put in the bug tracker any issues you may find.

Fixed binoculars

Fixed fire extinguishers

Fixed the volume of knocking

Improved the anti-stuck

Increased brightness when it’s raining/night

Adjusted some crafting timers

Fixed shop signs not displaying at times

Fixed jailbreaks

Readjusted sniper scope sensitivity

Fixed metal detectors

All life alert locations redone (more precise)

Filled guns now stack on top in storage

Fixed pistol ammo displaying in storage

Fixed both grenades (I’d suggest you don’t forget to throw)

Phone fixes/changes

Behind the scenes code cleanup

A lot of general bug fixes

Stuff no one remembers but should help regardless


Made it so you recover stamina faster when sitting down or standing still

Made it so you can select your face properly

Made water bottles drinkable (although no price adjustment)

Added the ability to select which accessory you want to remove

Added big gardening pots for big drug plants

Removed 3rd person from chairs

New drunk effect from beer (hope you have a strong stomach)​
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Great job so far. One issue I have had (when I was last online) is how you cannot shoot people when they are sat on benches (invulnerability). As I have said, this may have already been changed during the period which I have been banned (3 weeks) but it would be a 'not so obvious' change.

Again, great job so far.
Thanks to the new drunk effect being a bit more powerful. I accidentally run over my mate at the P.D. It was really awkward loool. There's a couple issues here and there, but apart from that I'd say it's a nice update.
Bit of a shame that 3rd person chairs were removed but they were being exploited all the time. As for the phone bug fixes, it's been needed for a long time!

Good job guys!
Can you still use small pots if you want to plant big druggies or do I have to buy cry and never use my 300 small pots again and buy all new big ones?
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Well RIP snipers I spent 10k on sniper ammo yesterday then they break snipers the next day RIP.
"Made it so you can select your face properly"


Image courtesy of Lamar in relation to butthurt.
hmm dont hope this will cause troubles in my storage.
I got like 2 empy slots left, and tons of guns with and with out ammo.

- but thumbs up for the update!
Finaly i can use my binoculars probaly
Is it possible to add a longer view distance on the binoculars?
Right now it only zoom, you cant see any further.
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