The Paralake Partnership

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Prague, Czech republic, European Union,

Logo made by Maako Schou Amd Fredy Newman

Paralake Partnership

Written by: Fredy Newman (@Agent Green), Johannes Bech (@Retardo John) and Eddie Grey (@obidan66 )

Family History:
Paralake Partnership is an organisation founded by Eddie Grey (@obidan66) as a descendent organization, consisting of some of the more old time original member of the Belinsky Family. The purpose of the organisation is to create a free spirit community and brotherhood whos common purpose is to achive better world, a world of honor, But... "The world of Honor, is worth Blood." .The Paralake Partnership consists of many ranks listed below. The purpose of ranks of to maintain a certain amount of discipline compared to other organisations in Paralake.

Rank structure:


Current Member Positions:


  • Eddie Grey [Family Lawyer]
  • Moher Moussy [Secretary of Justice] [Family Designer / Defence Manager]
  • Fredy Newman [Secretary of Treasury] [Defence Manager] [Acting Consigliere]
  • Ran Luka
  • Fredy Newman
  • Tomiko Ashimura
  • Edward Inver
  • Garry Arnolds
  • Charles Fox [Construction Manager]
  • Drake Fernesto
  • Matsumoto Yamato
  • Shay Agapito
  • Eddie Stallone
  • Samuel Jensen
  • Samatko Ashimura
  • Viktor Belinsky
  • Arnold Gerkin
  • Maako Schou
  • Johannes Bech
  • Ben Anderson
  • Lewis Doman
  • Michael Boyle
  • Zack Roberts
  • Brian Husky
  • Michelle Bowman
  • Ellena Belinsky
  • Paul Matthews
Member Count: 13

Capo Groups:
A Capo group, is a group of made-men all associated with the same Capo. These made-men will follow orders from their Capo (Unless it is seen to be breaking one of the family's Rules). The Capo's themselves will follow orders from the high-ranking members of the family (Such as Underboss, and Godfather).

It is the Capo's job to assist their men, ensuring they all remain alive, and out of danger. If their men have problems, it is their job to report them to their Capo so the issues can be resolved.

Charles Fox's Group;
Shay Agapito

Gary Arnold's Group;
Samuel Jensen
Drake Fernesto
Edward Inver's Group;
Matsumoto Yamato
Eddie Stallone

Rank descriptions:

GodFather (The Leader): The leader of the organisation. He is the person of the highest respect and authority at any given time. If an agreement can’t be made upon a democratic process, the leader of the organisation has the final word. He/she has the right to confer with whoever he wants to be making a decision.

Consigliere: The consigliere also known as the right hand of the leader. They are powerful, and if the leader is not present, they’re the ones in charge. Consiglieres can possess more roles in the organisation. For example it’s possible to be consigliere and secretary or soldier.

Secretary of Treasury: Responsible for the economy of Paralake Partnership. The Secretary of Treasure can seek advice from the other secretaries and from the leader himself. He/she is the one to make any decision regarding anything related to the economic well-being of Paralake Partnership.

Secretary of Justice: The secretary of (internal) Justice is the advocate for the members of Paralake Partnership. It’s keen for the secretary of justice to create and maintain peace and harmony within the organisation as well as signalling this to the outside community. Any member can contact the Secretary of Justice if this member wishes to get in touch with the leadership without contacting the godfather or underboss. Of course 100% anonymous. Besides that the the Secretary of Justice also takes care of the corporate identity, and he/she can choose what corporate identity would suit Paralake Partnership best.

The Secretary of Membership: The Secretary of Membership handles the applications, discharges, and current status of organization members. It’s his job to make sure everyone in the organization is suitable, while keeping people who do not fit in, stay out. When someone is acting against the organizations fundamentals, he steps in and intervenes.

Defence Secretary: The Defense Secretary is responsible for all the money given by the secretary of Treasury. The Defense secretary should make sure to have a good relationship to the other organizations, to hold discipline in the teams and choose the right leaders for the role as commander. The Defense Secretary works closely together with the Secretary of Justice as they both serve important roles when it comes to internal and external signalling and communication.

Underboss (Commander): Commanders are among the most respected and honored members of Paralake Partnership. It’s their task to equip and train soldier so they’re fit for any given situation. It’s vital for the commanders to have close cooperation with the dealers, as it’s their responsibility to make sure that soldiers are equipped.

Capo: It is the Capo's job to organise the Mafiosos. To ensure they are following the family rules, and are well protected.

Enforcer: The Enforcer's job is to ensure the Family's articles are being upheld. When instructed by the Godfather, the Enforcer is responsible for the 'whacking' of problematic Family members.

Mafioso (Soldier): Soldier should always be fit for fight in any situation. The soldiers will be handed out guns for operations. They will always obey orders given to them by the commander and will fight for honor, justice and respect.

The dealer: Paralake Partnership will only need 1-2 dealers in the organization. The dealer should have a high firearm level to make sure he can supply the organization. The dealer will receive money for materials from the Secretary of Treasury but will also get a paycheck in the end of the week.

Associate: Not an official member. This person cooperates with the organisation but is not a member. They could be advisers for example.

Organisation Relations:

We do not protect 'friends of friends'.

- The Legitimate Business Association Membership Acquired -

Ally Organisations:

  • Belinsky Family [LBA Former] [Ascendent Organization] [Disbanded - Death of the Godfather]
  • The Davidson Family
  • The Marcello Crime Family [Non-Agression Pact]
Enemy Organisations:
  • Peter The Prophet [WAR]
  • RødGrød med Fløde [WAR]
  • Hotline: Paralake [WAR]
Defeated Organisations:
  • The Cacuzza [Defeated with Honor]
  • The Casssos [Defeated without Honor]
  • The Nexus [Deafeated without Honor]


  • No members of the Paralake Partnership are allowed to take actions against the allies of the organization.
  • Unless the leader has instruct so, no member of the Paralake Partnership is under any circumstances allowed to cause harm against other members.
  • The fields of the secretaries must not be violated under any circumstances. They are pointed out as well as sacked only by the leader and the other secretaries.
  • On a day-to-day basis, the secretaries and leader is not to be taken too solemn. When someone in charge of a specific fields calls for discipline, all members obey (including other secretaries).
  • We are an organization based on the basic principles of honor. Do not mug, except if we are in war.
  • Members of the Family are at all times (until orderd otherwise) call their supperiors by; Mr. {last name}.

A Huge Thanks to all the People that have worked hard to achive this Beautiful Vision.

Eddie Grey.

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Organization Changelog:
  • Organization relations Added
  • An Alliance Family pact with German mafia & Cacuzza refused for reasons of personal Integrity, Loyalty, Honor and Belives.
  • Alliance Pact with Belinsky Family & Peter the prophet reformed.
  • New Members acquired.
  • Family organization forums page improvement in-progress.
  • An application post added to the Paralake Partnership
  • A Cacuzza man has been killed in self defense for attempted murder of a certain member of the Paralake Partnership.
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This organisation has from today been invited to The Paralake Pact, you will be receiving more informaton shortly but if this information shall be given to you the organisation will have to accept the invite and afterwards a contract will be given that will be signed.
Organization Changelog Update:
  • The Paralake Partnership has became a former member of the LBA - Legitimate Business Association
  • New Members accepted into the Family.
  • War against the Cassos decleared, in order with the rules of LBA.
  • Organization's Family member count: 15 reached.

The Mafia shall prevail...


Evgenio TakeOFFF of DeviantArt.Com

[DOUBLEPOST=1433268946][/DOUBLEPOST]Paralake Partnership Changelog Update(2.6.):
  • Aidan Dunham has officially stepped down from his position of a Paralake Partnership Secretary of membership.
  • A Territory map in-progress.
  • Member Positions in-progress.
  • Alliance Established with the Adheriall Family, under the circumstance of their invitation to the Legitimate Business Association.
  • The Nexus has been Added into the Hostile Organizations. They are now enemies of the LBA. [WAR]

Image by Rossmum of
LBA Annoucement:

I come to you today, with pride and honor. The Legitimate Business Association has reached 50 individual members! Please give a round of applause to our newest members, the Adheriall Family. I will continue to expand, and increase the efficiency of the LBA, as well as maintain its existing state of peace and order. I hope to work closely with all of you, and become the future of Paralake.

Best regards, -Fredy Newman, Councilman of LBA
The Paralake Partnership Memorial Update:

Aidan Dunham has been found dead on May 28th, At 05:37am on the Paralake Beach. The obituary has shown that he has drowned, as he did not know how to swim. His car was found parked at the side of the road, near the Paralake bridge. No signs of Murder has been proved and so it was assumed as an Accident or possibly a Suicide... A Funeral shall be held over the Weekend, 6th of June, 2pm - Paris, Berlin, Prague time, in the Paralake Church.

To me... Aidan was a Partner, a Friend and a part of my Family. You shall be Remembered. You died with Honor.

Art by DaveHazzard of
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A good man has been finally put to rest today, after his passing. For those who could not be present at the Ceremony for Aidan Dunham, a recording of has been made by our Councilman and Underboss, Fredy Newman.

May you rest in peace Aidan. You will never be forgotten. You've died with Honor.

Paralake Partnership Changelog Update(7.6.):
I want to make clear, that this goes for everyone. I've had enough with Belinskys going cop, or SWAT, or sometimes even LTN and participating in the raids/arrests of Belinskys, and our allies. You're a Belinsky, that is your occupation. To go cop and start working with those we are against is nothing less than back-stabbing, and it will not be accepted anymore. If any member is caught as a cop causing problems for the Belinskys, or our allies, you will be dealt with appropriately. Make sure it doesn't happen.
  • Capo groups development in-progress
  • I've had a talk to Mr. Belinsky yesterday about this matter, and we have decided that this Change of Function in the Families will most probably be voted on in the next LBA meeting. This means that if the vote is accepted, the Family will work a lot more profesionally and stricterly. There will be punishments for misbehaving and there will rule respect. As Mr. Belinsky already said, going Government Worker against your Family is treason. These actions against your family wont be tolerated. Applying for a Government Workers job is fine, when there are no other in-family activities available, and as long as you do not do anything to harm your family while employed by the Government.

Kind regards,

Eddie Grey.
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Dear Eddie (@obidan66 ),
The Paralake Police Department demands your imminent cooperation with the active warrant outlined herein:

Paralake Police Department - All-Points Bulletin

Registered Vehicles: UNKNOWN
Some charges will persist throughout sentencing until content is willfully removed. Others may be crossed off the list as and when he is captured and actually charged for named offenses.
  • Openly placed a hit against a PLPD Supervisor.
Article 1

A censored version (for the upkeep of confidentiality) of this APB will be published at their information page in hope that Eddie Grey will convert his content in order to comply with the laws of Paralake, and then hand himself in to the police in order to be charged.

I request the informed cooperation of all members of the Paralake PSV team in execution of the warrant and APB issued herein.

Best Regards,
Lieutenant Andrews
PLPD Supervisor

We strongly recommend that you contact the emergency services with your location immediately, or alternatively, hand yourself in at the police department front-desk.

Failure to cooperate with the warrant will result in further charges.

Yours sincerely,
Lieutenant Andrews
Paralake Police Department
  • The Belinsky Family has been Kicked out of the LBA.


I am sorry, But the new policies would bring us all down, with you.

The World of Honor, Is worth Blood... But I have already, lost my Honor, And so theres only Blood left...

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Dear Eddie (@obidan66 ),

Please understand that in spite of the retraction of your prior comments relating to your threatening intentions, the active warrant will stand; you still face all outstanding charges.

Let me know if you have any queries.

Yours Sincerely,
Lt. Andrews
Paralake Police Department
The Fall of Belinsky:

Viktor belinsky: Right
Viktor belinsky: I'm taking The Belinsky Family out of the LBA. Remove your comment about hunting down Chris on my org page please
Viktor belinsky: I'll face what I have said, i'll fight to the end
Viktor belinsky: You know that
Eddie Grey: No
Viktor belinsky: However, I'm not having the LBA fall because of this
Eddie Grey: Do Not do that
Eddie Grey: We will stand united.
Viktor belinsky: Listen Eddie
Eddie Grey: I will fight till the end, if that is how it has to be
Viktor belinsky: If we stand united, we fall united
Viktor belinsky: The Belinsky Family is seeing its end times
Viktor belinsky: Look
Viktor belinsky: See it this way
Eddie Grey: So is the Paralake Partnership then
Viktor belinsky: The way I see it
Viktor belinsky: If The Belinsky Family falls, and Paralake Partnership - We've lost everything
Viktor belinsky: Everything we set to build
Eddie Grey: It wont matter if we're devided...
Eddie Grey: If one falls... They all fall
Viktor belinsky: Now let me sacrifice myself, and my org. To ensure the LBA stays
Viktor belinsky: No
Viktor belinsky: I'm leaving either way
Viktor belinsky: But
Viktor belinsky: Don't let the Belinskys die in vain
Viktor belinsky: Remove your comments, and tell everyone in Paralake Partnership to do the same
Eddie Grey: Viktor... Do not do this...
Viktor belinsky: Make a post on your org page saying you've had enough of us, and will no longer stand with us
Viktor belinsky: Do it
Viktor belinsky: And you've gotta make Mr Newman make a post the family and the LBA saying The Belinsky Family has been kicked out
Viktor belinsky: You haven't got long before they come after you guys too
Viktor belinsky: Its been an honour
Viktor belinsky: Mr Grey
Eddie Grey: No, Vitkor... Dont make me do this... Id rather sacrefice my Organization along with all I have then, to leave you to die like this...
Viktor belinsky: From the start
Viktor belinsky: If you do that, everything I'm doing now will be in vain
Eddie Grey: Ugh...
Viktor belinsky: Do it Mr Grey
Viktor belinsky: Please
Viktor belinsky: For me, one last request
Viktor belinsky: Also
Eddie Grey: Very well....
Viktor belinsky: Promise me, my members will be protected by the LBA
Eddie Grey: So be it....
Viktor belinsky: Thank you, I understand why you hate this but, its for the best
Viktor belinsky: Believe me
Eddie Grey: I hope, One day... When this passes... We will work together again... United.
Eddie Grey: Re-United.
Viktor belinsky: Do it as quick as you can
Eddie Grey: working on it
Viktor belinsky: Trande is mocking you, don't rise to it. Thats how he will win. Do not associate yourself with The Belinsky Family, I'll fight what I have to
Eddie Grey: Do you have a Plan?
Viktor belinsky: Eddie
Viktor belinsky: I always have a plan
Eddie Grey: I sure damn hope its a good one... This time, you really need it
Viktor belinsky: Hey, I've made it this far
Eddie Grey: Ture...
Viktor belinsky: I mean, The Family is gonna get the shit kicked outta it soon. But as I said, I'd rather go down as a sacrifice for my friends, rather than go down watching everything I have ever faught for burning around me
Viktor belinsky: Don't rise to it Eddie, they're calling you, trying to reel you in
Viktor belinsky: You don't reply, their words mean nothing
Eddie Grey: Just try to survive this in the process... I would not want to bury another part of my Family...
Viktor belinsky: Hahaha, now that would be a dangerous funeral
Viktor belinsky: Still
Viktor belinsky: Not sure how many people would turn up
Viktor belinsky: Most would be there to shoot up the place in all honesty
Eddie Grey: Even if nobody would... Id bury you myslef...
Viktor belinsky: Thank you my friend. But I hope there will be no need for spades
Eddie Grey: Me too...

By an irony of tha Fate, Viktor's downfall were the same men and women he has once called his Family and meant everything to him. Backstabed and betrayed, He has died with Honor non the less.
This has actually brought a tear to my Eye, when I read it later... Good Bye, My Oldest Friend.
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This is just getting too easy, first we raid you and win as always. Then you guys raid us and lose as always.


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Here we have the current state of the war Paralake Partnership getting fucked by rødgrød med fløde and Pashkaverka Family. I would rather say Fucked Faggotship but I cannot change the name of an organisation. Now I would like to tell you this; There is no way out more than death.
Here we have the current state of the war Paralake Partnership getting fucked by rødgrød med fløde and Pashkaverka Family. I would rather say Fucked Faggotship but I cannot change the name of an organisation. Now I would like to tell you this; There is no way out more than death.

If death is the only way out... They so be it, because it will be the death of us all...
You are the ones responsible for the betrayl and death of Viktor Belinsky and as I have said before... I shall bring the very skies Crushing down upon you, if I have to. The Avito Family and LBA stands united against the Traitors of the Belinsky... Prepair for Your Judgement Day... It is Upon you.


Sorry but;

We don't care about how many scrubs you are, you're just adding kills to our Stattrak weapons (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

One more thing;
༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽YOU CAME TO THE WRONG DONGERHOOD༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽
I tell you what Daymon and Pear your saying how powerful you all are but I shit you not if you actually got in a war with Armenian and LBA you would probably leave Abdi's organisation like you couldn't take the heat in The Belinsky Family.

  • Vladimir and Ivan have decided to leave the organisation at this state, we're happy with our time in the belinsky family although we cannot be rolling around with the current cop policy as we both have a big passion for this. I would like to thank all members of the family from the bottom of my heart for treating me so well at times although sometimes hating me. Thanks Belinsky, in the end it wasn't enough.

I find it disgusting how you guys can chat shit here but you can organisation hop more than you can say jack russel.

  • Well this is my feeling about Eddie Grey ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ༼ຈ ل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ɪᴛs ʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ sᴀʟᴛ! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、`ヽ` TAKE UR SALT AND LEAVE

No one is salty here so get lost.
If I planned on staying, or cared for this community anymore, I'd probably make a big deal out of this.

Everyone here. Everyone goes on about 'RP'. Oh yea, we have to have amazing PassiveRP. We have to be able to set up shops and socialise, or be a cop and uphold the law. There are even staff team members here who constantly go on about PassiveRP, and RP as a whole.

Then, when people try to RP as criminals, in response all you get is:

Well this is my feeling about Eddie Grey ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ༼ຈ ل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ɪᴛs ʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ sᴀʟᴛ! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、`ヽ` TAKE UR SALT AND LEAVE
From the slimiest, ass licking man you're ever going to meet: John Daymon.

One more thing;༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽YOU CAME TO THE WRONG DONGERHOOD༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º COME AT US
From Abdi, a server administrator.

The problem with this community is hypocrisy, that and the senior administration being all out cop lovers.

You all want RP what you enjoy, however when it comes to something you don't particularly like, you don't have to take it seriously at all. Which is why in the end, I never gave a fuck about dealing with the police, Trande always went on about how The Belinskys shot all the cops, even Swiper wet himself over it. But for people to not take the criminal RP side of PERP seriously, is the same thing. The only difference is, there is no criminalRP influence within the senior administration. So Swiper can happily look on as people post retarded things here, however when it comes to 3 of my guys breaking into the PD and taking down his whole force, he gets upset.

The other major problem is the people within this community, have been reduced to nothing but retards. As a whole, I cannot stand most of the people here. There are only a hand full of people who I consider decent. I joined this community way back at the start, and since September last year, its only been going down hill.
If I planned on staying, or cared for this community anymore, I'd probably make a big deal out of this.

Everyone here. Everyone goes on about 'RP'. Oh yea, we have to have amazing PassiveRP. We have to be able to set up shops and socialise, or be a cop and uphold the law. There are even staff team members here who constantly go on about PassiveRP, and RP as a whole.

Then, when people try to RP as criminals, in response all you get is:

From the slimiest, ass licking man you're ever going to meet: John Daymon.

From Abdi, a server administrator.

The problem with this community is hypocrisy, that and the senior administration being all out cop lovers.

You all want RP what you enjoy, however when it comes to something you don't particularly like, you don't have to take it seriously at all. Which is why in the end, I never gave a fuck about dealing with the police, Trande always went on about how The Belinskys shot all the cops, even Swiper wet himself over it. But for people to not take the criminal RP side of PERP seriously, is the same thing. The only difference is, there is no criminalRP influence within the senior administration. So Swiper can happily look on as people post retarded things here, however when it comes to 3 of my guys breaking into the PD and taking down his whole force, he gets upset.

The other major problem is the people within this community, have been reduced to nothing but retards. As a whole, I cannot stand most of the people here. There are only a hand full of people who I consider decent. I joined this community way back at the start, and since September last year, its only been going down hill.

My god you are salty as fuck. Don't even complain about passive rp when all you ever did was sit and grow then go shoot some people. Your constant belinksy propaganda would put North Korea to shame with all your "oooo belinksy masterrace never mess with us". It was hilarious as well as the fact you could never seem to be able to tell the difference between IC and OOC. Don't start slagging people off just because you and all your banned mates are gone. If you're going to leave then for fucks sake go, stop dragging your shitty arse over our nice Persian rugs. "If I planned or cared I'd of made a bigger thing out of this", then why make a post? Christ every slug within a 50 mile radius of you is probably shriveled up and dried up dead right now. If it's such a crap community then you know where the door is.

Rant over.
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