Police Whitelist Update 11/12/2015

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Police Whitelist Update 11/12/2015

We're doing a lot of work at the moment with regards to the upcoming whitelist and we've reached an important milestone. It's time to start placing people at different ranks within the Police Department.

Therefore, effective immediately all Police Supervisor applications are closed. Any existing applications will be answered by the end of this week.

We will instead be opening applications to join the Police Department as a Probationary Officer. Please also note that we will slowly begin to place existing Police Supervisors into different ranks within the Police Department. There is no direct equivalence between the current system and the new one; that is to say that being a supervisor now does not necessarily mean you will be a Senior Police Officer under the new system. Some supervisors will be Probationary Officers simply because we can't have a top heavy system where we have loads of ranked people and nobody for them to manage.

This will not have any effect until the whitelist is fully implemented.

This is a really exciting time for the community and the PLPD and we can't wait to get things started. Please keep an eye on this post as it will be updated with more information and a link to the Probationary Officer applications.

  • Supervisors are no longer being accepted
  • Instead you can make a Police application, this may be accepted but will have NO EFFECT until the whitelist is updated.
  • Current Supervisors will be informed of their new ranks in the whitelisted PD for when we push out the update. THIS HAS NO EFFECT YET!
  • You can come on TS and poke me any questions
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Some supervisors will be Probationary Officers simply because we can't have a top heavy system where we have loads of ranked people and nobody for them tomanage.


Fuck yes.
Really looking forward to this system, A good reason aswell to keep working on my police skills. Hoping for this to work as soon as possible.
I'd really love to see this implemented, I've been waiting for something like this half of the time I've been a member of PERP. About (half or so) (a) year.
Seems interesting, and from what I know, undercover agents?
Looking forward to it. GL.

Here's a little snapshot of what i've been doing

All current Police Supervisors have been given a provisional rank. When they're confirmed we will be informing you via PM.
No more Sweatercops, time to SeriousRP again :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hola amigos, ya boy chrissy here.

I'm catching up on some TV right now so apps will be up later this evening and will be pretty much the same as the existing stage 1 for Supervisors. If you're hoping to become an officer I'd speak to some successful Supervisors and ask for some tips on the whole application process. Remember though, they can only give you tips and NOT the answers!
Good to know that we will not just be cannon fodder now these new ranks bring in new possibilities my time as a dispatcher has seen that once the chain of command also known as the LT all hell breaks loose. I look forward to not only this but what could be planned in the future I admit having reservations but if done right it could be brilliant.

PS what happened to the meetings I keep having one with myself every saturday at 8pm?
Another small question,
are Probationary Officers getting tasers?
If not, what do they get.. Seems like a fuck up if there are only probationary Officers online and there was a huge drug factory found..

Edit: I've never seen Applications aswell.
Another small question,
are Probationary Officers getting tasers?
If not, what do they get.. Seems like a fuck up if there are only probationary Officers online and there was a huge drug factory found..

Sneaky Peaky batton vs AK then,

I dont think you can also takedown heavily armed suspects with taser easily.

Probably they will sort the shit out so thats why the whitelist system is not implement yet... Maybe.

I dont know, maybe we all need a real answer for this questions or maybe this questions just too early to ask, at the moment.
Hi, as the name suggests Probationary Officers are those serving a period of probation. In other words, they're in training. The probation period only lasts a couple of days before they are expected to complete their training and become a fully fledged officer.

Whilst on probation, the Probationary Officers must always be accompanied by a senior officer or higher who is armed. This is so the Probationary officer can be mentored by someone who knows what they're doing.
The mentors will all be aware of the limits of the POs and will not place them in any situation that is too dangerous or that they are not equipped to deal with.
Obviously, due to the nature of the job this may not always happen, if a dangerous situation unfolds in the presenc of a PO the officers must withdraw and await backup. In the case that the engagement of the tutor officer is unavailable, Probationary officers must make their own way to a safe place and contact dispatch.

Hope this helps
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