Update Log 29/01/2024 - Mixed Bag

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The Eras Tour
To follow up on the update released on monday, multiple bugs have been fixed and we've managed to improve the leaderboard and balance the numbers a bit more.

Tomorrow the leaderboard will be reset. We will leave it like that for 1 or 2 days and if we're happy with the balance the leaderboard will be reset one last time so that everyone has a fair start.

PS: As Tyla mentioned previously, any attempt to farm score in a dishonourable way will most likely be considered exploiting and it will result in your entire org's score being reset and eventually server punishments for the people involved.
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  • Increased ability to hear direction of the sound
Fucking finally. Guess it did have value :)

Lately these updates have been golden and striking both QoL improvements with new content. I would play again if I had the time.

Curious about the new paramedic ability, does the notification trigger just by approaching or does anything need to be pressed?

A suggestion for something similar but more extreme to the War on Drugs would be the War on Violence, making Stop and search lawful and being able to outlaw sale and purchase of ammunitions.

I can guarantee that mayor is getting hunted down within 10 minutes if they use such a policy. To avoid making it absolutely unplayable there could be a cooldown to re-enacting the policy (2 hours?) after it is terminated whether voluntarily or by killing the mayor, and during the policy cops would have a new "frisk" command different from the usual search, that would have a 15-minute cooldown per cop.

Also the policy would only be triggerable if enough civilian-caused server deaths occur due to weapons in a limited time-frame. This could optionally involve giving the mayor access to a kill feed (same way one would have a Death Registry) mediated by paramedic identification, which would also make it more balanced.
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Update Log 29/01/2024
Today we are releasing quite an extensive update. None of the features are particularly large themselves, but we have a large amount of smaller and medium sized changes that we hope will improve the overall experience quite a lot.
I'd like to thank all the developers who contributed to this update: @Fredy, @Carrot, @Jyrgen, @peeps, @Lelios1, @TinySlayer, @GP, @Sindarin.
Also thanks to @Dank who has decided to return and be a developer again!

Organization Leaderboard​

An update that has been in the works for some time is the Organization Leaderboard revamp as suggested by @steelo here.
Starting today, the leaderboard will be divided into 5 different categories:
  1. Combat
  2. Illegal Activities
  3. Drugs
  4. Crafting
  5. Selling
Each one of these will have their own ranking and the sum will represent your overall score.

Things to note about the new leaderboard:
  • The leaderboard has been reset, the top 3 organizations will receive a prize (TBA)
  • The new system will first be in place as a "trial" run and the values for each activity / category will most likely be altered

  • Combat is related to PVP interactions
    • You receive score by killing other players
    • You lose score by dying or by killing allied members
    • You lose score by getting arrested
  • Illegal Activities is related to theft
    • You receive score by mugging items / money from other players
      • The score is calculated based on the number of items and the amount of money
    • You receive score by stealing vehicles
      • Stealing the cars of organization members or allies will result in a loss of score.
      • Stealing the same vehicle multiple times will result in a loss of score
      • Having members of the same org / allies lockpick the same car after one another will result in a loss of score
      • You will only be awarded the score for stealing a vehicle if you drive it for 5 minutes
  • Drugs is pretty self explanatory
    • You receive score by harvesting drugs / collecting items from chemical tables
    • You lose score if your planters are harvested by players who are not friendly (neutral and rival organizations)
  • Crafting is related to the production of items
    • The score is calculated based on the object's crafting price
  • Selling is related to business activities
    • The score is calculated based on the tax paid by the buyer
The computing of the score will take into account your relations with other parties involved. Therefore if you kill a rival organization's member you will be rewarded with more score. The same way if you kill an ally you will lose more score.

DISCLAIMER: The score values awarded by each activity are subject to change at any point after release. We will most likely reset the scores after a couple of days.

New Mayor Policies​

  • Basic Training: All jobs earn 1.2x Job Experience
  • Advanced Training: All jobs earn 1.5x Job Experience
  • War on Drugs: The drug dealer is forced to move frequently and the organization perk allowing to locate the Drug Dealer will no longer work!
  • Car Valet
    • A Car Valet has been added at City Hall, you will be able to retrieve your car there if at least one of the following conditions are met:
      • You have just joined the server (Cost: 1000$)
      • The "Car Valet" policy is activated (Cost: 1000$)
      • There is an ongoing bank robbery (Cost: 0$)

Gameplay changes​

  • Corrected the positions of all sights/scopes to correctly reflect where the player is aiming
  • Adjusted logic for spawning props
    • Props can no longer be spawned if there is not enough space for them
    • Props that would be spawned inside walls will now be moved to spawn next to the wall
  • NPCs now have collision boxes
  • Reworked almost all weapons to have a more smoother experience, especially with lag
    • This will be most noticeable with melee weapons or crowbar/bobby pins
  • Added ability to repair other players' cars at the roadcrew
  • Fixed illuminated signs not turning off/on properly
  • Fixed some cars spawning too high up in the sky
  • Improved gun sounds
    • Decreased overall loudness
    • Increased ability to hear direction of the sound
    • Every bullet fired will be heard now, rather than it sounding "choppy"
  • Guns no longer show a muzzle flash when reloading
  • Allow spiking taxis and delivery vans
  • Metal detectors are no longer forced to be upright
  • Replaced Hip Hop radio station, added new MOJ radio station
  • Fixed prisoner window control opening from long distances
  • Fixed bank heist NPC looking at the wrong direction
  • Bobby pins have been renamed to "Lockpick"
  • Added a confirmation window when dropping Holiday Items
  • Unit callsigns no longer changes when changing gear
  • Paramedics ranked Specialist and above can see precisely how long someone has before they die​
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Model changes​

  • Added cat ears, now available for purchase at Jennifer's
  • Replaced the ATM model with a new one
    • 93LOHbbclIejHD1N.jpg
    • Replaced the metal detector models
      • There is now only a large and "regular" metal detector models. The small version is no longer needed
      • Significantly improved metal detector accuracy and prevented being able to run through it without triggering an alarm
    • Replaced the beach umbrella model with 7 different skins (chosen at random when spawning)
    • Added craftable large and small rug models, with 15 skins (chosen at random when spawning)
    • Replaced the watermelon model with a higher quality version

Thanks to the people who helped test all of these updates: @rogue @Phola098 @danny
Great update Maia! (and everyone else)
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The Eras Tour

The leaderboard has been reset. We'll see the results at the end of the day :)

The #1 org at the end of the day will receive a prize!