Update Log - 15/05/2024

  • The score awarded for each action will be scaled down depending on the number of people in the org (active or not).
    • Up to 5 players no penalty
    • After that, for each additional player, you will lose 2% of score
  • (active or not)
that is rather mean and targeted nerf, you know people are proud of their 30 cwb org members

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This is BS. if someone isn't active for 5 days it should make the org suffer no penalty. For example i'm joining the military and so my org will be punished for still keeping me during then.
If you were to kick someone, they are able to rejoin the next day i believe, if you need to go for weeks at a time, i reccomend either leaving or getting someone in your org to kick you if you are that worried about org score loss.
This is BS. if someone isn't active for 5 days it should make the org suffer no penalty. For example i'm joining the military and so my org will be punished for still keeping me during then.
Maia + other devs, I've wanted a quick-action menu for incidents etc for time. You deserve a juicy medal and a watermelon.

Further tweaks to incidents, Police Computer and unit menu

Police Computer

- If F3 is pressed while the window is open, it will close
- Show newest incidents first for non-dispatchers as an experiment
- Show incident radio in Dispatch radio log
- Added a quick incident template to request a traffic unit
- Automatically expand assigned incident

Unit menu

- Make default key to open 'J'
- Quick assign won't open if there aren't incidents, to avoid players
from having to click close needlessly
- Unassign from incident when trying to assign to new one


- Auto-assign to own panic if no assigned incident
- Send incident radio messages if someone else assigned or dispatch on
when assigning/unassigning/closing oneself