Update Log - 15/05/2024

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The Eras Tour

Update Log 15/05/2024

Today's update is quite extensive with some medium sized updates and many small ones.

Swift Prop Manager​

This has been requested for quite sometime now and even if this panel will only be available to Staff Members I think it will have a very positive impact in everyone's gameplay.

This panel will allow Staff to interact with any dropped / placed player props.
It will facilitate finding items that get lost and will allow for props to be sent to storage without needing to teleport to the player.

Organization Trophies and Leaderboard Reset​

It is time to finish the first season of the org leaderboard. The organizations in the first three places will receive a prize to remind everyone of their past glory.


On top of this, a new system has been introduced.
Every day, at server restart, the organizations in the top 3 will receive the corresponding trophy in their organization's storage and they will be able to use it as any other prop.
If you lose your spot on the top 3, you also lose the trophy the next day.


The leaderboard has been reset and the score has been balanced further:
  • Crafting will grant less score due to the lack of risk involved
  • The "Criminal Activities" tab has received a buff. This includes car thefts and muggings.
  • The score awarded for each action will be scaled down depending on the number of people in the org (active or not).
    • Up to 5 players no penalty
    • After that, for each additional player, you will lose 2% of score

City Bailout Policy​


In order to balance the introduction of a very expensive policy in the last update (Police State), we have introduced the City Bailout policy.
This will allow the mayor to quickly generate city funds. This policy can be activated only if the city funds are below 200 000$ and will be automatically disabled when they reach 700 000$.
However there are negative effects:
  • The mayor will lose control over the taxes
  • Players (except new players) will be forced to pay a property tariff (5% of land value)
  • The activation is incompatible with most of the positive policies
  • Other city services will be degraded (including private business from the gamemode)

New Furniture​

A large number of new props have been added. All of these can be crafted. This update to the furniture includes:
  • Modern Desk
  • Folding Table
  • Square Table
  • Open and Closed Wooden Crates
  • Small Wooden Crate
  • A new Ceiling Lamp
  • Fluorescent Light Strip
  • Wardrobe
  • Bedside Table
  • Shelf Unit
  • 3 different heights of Filing Cabinets
  • 2 Bins
  • CRT Television
  • File Holder

New Ammo Models​


The 4 ammo types have received updated models.

New C2 model​

Big thanks to @kasperr for making us a new C2 model used for TFU, he has also already started working on some other new models that you will see soon!
  • CDDtYKl9eMOIVWia.png

New Unmarked Job Vehicles​

Some new job vehicles have been introduced for Secret Service and the Patrol Division within the PLPD.

Secret Service:
Police (Patrol Division - SGT+):
  • 8VVu9e6qVLolcYhB.png

A New Way to Interact with Emergency Incidents​

For Police, EMS and Fire Dept.


There's a new keybind to be set in F1 > Keybindings: "Unit menu".

This menu allows Officers, Paramedics and Firefighters to interact with incidents in a swift manner. Hold the key to open a pie menu, move your mouse over an option and release the key to select. You can:
  • Create new incidents from a few templates
  • Assign your unit to recent incidents
  • Leave the current incident
  • Toggle your busy status
You can do all of this, with a single key press, from your vehicle. (You can also toggle busy status anywhere)

The goal of this change is to reduce the radio noise for certain things, like requests to the Dispatcher.
Also, to encourage employees to actually use the system even when no dispatchers are on, by making joining and leaving incidents less painful.

This, along with the preexisting incident radio system, will hopefully give you the tools to move certain conversations off the main channel.

PLPD Changes​

  • Road Traffic Officers can now archive stolen car warrants regardless of rank
  • Sergeants and above can now bypass the search cooldown
  • Sergeants and above receive the wheel clamp and a speed camera regardless of division
  • Taser is auto added to your hotbar, and now has two opportunities to hit the target before reloading
  • Permissions to manage warrants/remarks:
    • Wanted for Questioning:
    • Add Remarks:
      -> O
    • Senior Dispatchers have the same access as Supervisors

Other Changes​

  • Added colorable versions of both the cowboy hat and the sneaker models
    • y0XYelAFEvcl9BLC.jpg
  • Keybind to cancel crafting (can be set in the F1 menu)
  • ParalakeCars Club has been updated with all the recent vehicle and other miscellaneous changes (Thanks to @A1L)
  • Players receive a notification when their prop number is changed or revoked
  • Added phone numbers to different service chats
    • SjsniigstIv71fet.png
  • Your phone's battery level will match that of your computer
  • Access restricted to specific fences/areas.
  • Added pictures to gamemode phone numbers (NPCs and job lines).
  • Toggling your unit busy status now has an animation similar to the panic button one. This is because it can be used to send panic-like to dispatchers if pressed repeatedly, as it causes your unit to flash red.
  • Police/EMS/FF/Dispatch Computer
    • Added a tab with a guide to the computer, that directly shows the corresponding help.perpheads.com page for the job
    • In the Police Computer search screen, allow using Tab/Shift + Tab to switch focus between the text fields.
    • In the Police Computer search screen, allow using Enter to submit the currently focused form
    • Minor interface improvements: text tweaks to make it clearer what things do, color changes to improve legibility a bit
    • Added an option to the Hospital and Fire Department NPCs that opens the computer without a vehicle, to allow checking out the guide screen easily

As per usual, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this update: @GP @peeps @Carrot @Sindarin @Fredy @Lelios1 @rogue @Bolli @kasperr @A1L . Additional thanks to the people who helped test these changes.
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Hell of an update, can't wait to get too see all of this soon! Good work everyone!

Do filing cabinets have a storage purpose?
If the Mayor activated City Bailout, is it a justifiable reason to assassinate him?
Storage limits of each new crate?
Is the wardrobe functional? If so, will it's spawn locations be limited?

Paralakecars.club has been updated with all the recent vehicle and other miscellaneous changes
What vehicle changes happened?
Access restricted to specific fences/areas.
Your phone's battery level will match that of your computer
And if I'm on Desktop?
A large number of new props have been added. All of these can be crafted. This update to the furniture includes...
Oh boy can't wait to bother @Tyla Jai about this!

May is indeed a mighty month.
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Reactions: R3D
Do filing cabinets have a storage purpose?

If the Mayor activated City Bailout, is it a justifiable reason to assassinate him?
Ask @Collier

Storage limits of each new crate?
These are props, not storage containers

Is the wardrobe functional? If so, will it's spawn locations be limited?
It is simply a prop

What vehicle changes happened?
The website was not up to date, now it is

And if I'm on Desktop?
It will always be 100%