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  1. Jack Bruhross

    what i do

    what i do
  2. Jack Bruhross

    What videogame are you most passionate about?

    we will be raiding together in no time my kitten
  3. Jack Bruhross

    What videogame are you most passionate about?

    basing for 9 days straight :(
  4. Jack Bruhross

    What videogame are you most passionate about?

    What is your OS user name? @GSOLAR
  5. Jack Bruhross

    Ban Apology (Efan?)

    Just to let you know you are not "coms banned" You are shoutbox banned on the forums! Also this ban end on the 10th of next month.
  6. Jack Bruhross

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    You was auto banned by console. You can see it here: The people who normally deal with this type of stuff will be the admin team/Dev team. @Dank
  7. Jack Bruhross

    Community Suggestion Make staff complaints anonymous or option for anonymity.

    Would you like this thread locked and moved since its already a thing? and what you suggested is already done?
  8. Jack Bruhross

    ASDA Academy

    Oh i have new buttons I can mess with on your account! I wonder what THIS one does
  9. Jack Bruhross

    PERPHeads 2022 Community Awards - Results!

    You are always super in our hearts!
  10. Jack Bruhross

    PERPHeads 2022 Community Awards - Results!

    I would like to shoutout @Tyla Jai ill give you the money later for rigging it for me
  11. Jack Bruhross


    Don’t do them like that man
  12. Jack Bruhross

    Server Suggestion Playing mobile games while dead

    Would be fun to have access to the games in jail to
  13. Jack Bruhross


    Bye friend
  14. Jack Bruhross

    Paralake V6

    Devs!?!?!? Devs are always working on things for the server!!!! Also the map is mainly a mapper's thing so stop calling out @Lelios1 like this its mean
  15. Jack Bruhross

    Warning Dispute (Super_)

    You have the wrong guy man. I am not amy hustle. I shot you from behind you cant even see me. Although I respect and understand what you are trying to say I still don't think it should of been allowed. I won the shootout fair and square meaning I should be able to get the loot and weapons of my...
  16. Jack Bruhross

    Warning Dispute (Super_)

    As you are trying to use a policy to cover for a rulebreak. You don't even attempt to clear the area before taking the gun. You reload and instatly take it. So it would still mean you broke the rules lol
  17. Jack Bruhross

    Warning Dispute (Super_)

    I was the shooter in this situation. There wasn't a bank raid it was a regals raid. You should of known this due to you attempting to snipe us at render distance from pd parking. This also makes your reasoning extreamly flawed. "I had to leave the area straight away". There was also alot more...
  18. Jack Bruhross

    Good recording software.

    shadowplay and upload through youtube
  19. Jack Bruhross

    Server Suggestion Remove car limit when non vip as delivery driver.

    Suggestion Title: Remove car limit when non vip as delivery driver. Suggestion Description: Will allow both users when on duty to spawn a delivery truck. If it allows both of you to go on this job you should both be able to actively do it. It seems more of a bug but I am not sure! Why should...
  20. Jack Bruhross

    Considering making a basic Basing tutorial

    If you are still interested in doing this I’m sure if you make a f6 in game at the time your doing this it should be fine, you can also put a simple text sign out the front also stating what your doing, but as @flugs has mentioned the construction booklet has Atleast one build for every type of...
  21. Jack Bruhross

    Goodbye for now

    Bye bye I will take over as helper!
  22. Jack Bruhross

    Minecraft Server - All the Mods 8

  23. Jack Bruhross

    Minecraft Server - All the Mods 8

    honestly fuck @Xeronise destroyed our village
  24. Jack Bruhross

    Ban Dispute (Console)

    You was banned for being an alt account of: You can see your ban/reasoning here:
  25. Jack Bruhross

    Hey cutie

    Hey cutie
  26. Jack Bruhross

    I am a cop main now :( I have tripled my cop hours since becoming helper

    I am a cop main now :( I have tripled my cop hours since becoming helper
  27. Jack Bruhross

    Minecraft Server - All the Mods 8

    Geussing this means the server dosnt have a staff team for a week or two :(
  28. Jack Bruhross

    We are reformed.

    We are reformed.
  29. Jack Bruhross

    Action Request (Moloch The Unblinking + whatsdis)

    I will be locking this thread to save the arguments between you! It will be re-opened when the handling staff member(s) deals with it.