Search results

  1. Ha, cheers. It was 27th not 1st - going to update that before anyone notices! :cool:

    Ha, cheers. It was 27th not 1st - going to update that before anyone notices! :cool:
  2. Paralake News Agency Applications

    DENIED You haven't put enough effort into your application to meet our qualifications.
  3. Traffic Cops Concept Intro

    I personally am a very happy video-tv guy, and I have made many films with my Filmworks group somewhere else. If I ever come back here, I'd love to film with you! If you like too haha. Also I usually watch traffic cops!
  4. I'll be installing gmod, then this upcoming week I will be looking around the map, players and...

    I'll be installing gmod, then this upcoming week I will be looking around the map, players and such & decide if its worth to me to come back! Keep in touch :)
  5. Lidt den samme lugt som harenosser :0

    Lidt den samme lugt som harenosser :0
  6. Runescape Trailer (profsnal)

    Hey guys Throughout my life I've played Runescape, a rough time has been here, but I have always wanted to create my own videos, so finally now I decided to create one! It has some music bugs and a few lags, I just recently fixed my fps though. Hope you like it! PS I ain't sure if this is...
  7. [Discussion] What would you do?

    I'd invest my money into large mansion in Scotland which includes a greatly large area with hills, goats and Sheeps grassing around in a beautiful landscape. There will be deers such as fallow deers, skovsnepper and deers that I forgot English name of which are a bit larger than fallows. The...
  8. My apologies for the recent "permaban"

    Lol you got banned over having a minimap? o.O
  9. Civilian First Aids

    No comment functions. Yeah the revive chances should be significant lower than per paramedics, however medics are already complete useless behind their ability of healing/reviving. They should perform operations at the hospital lol
  10. Radio Wheel.

    Excellent idea, I personally hate switching from one of the first tracks to the very end in order to hear te pigs yelling and whining over not using indicator lights. +Support lmao
  11. Hello

    Welcome to the community! :hilarious:
  12. Civilian First Aids

    Topic: Civilian First aid Short explanation: - Any user is able to go for an exam test to learn what first aid performing actually is. - Any user is able to perform first aid on someone if nesseceary. Detailed description: I believe it should be added, due to the decent amount of people...
  13. Moving.

    Sounds boring. I personally hated when I had to move from an epic villa to an apartment lol! :(
  14. Conditions to become SWAT

    I think there should be a rule about it, as swat needs to be called out (most cases) to work, otherwise if they see a critically crime in front of their standby location. I think there has to be 1-3 LEO's for someone to become part of swat.
  15. New Rule

    Obviously you need to search a a suspected person for items that has taken part of a previous robbery or crime in general. Maybe it adds up more time for the suspect, however it is a Roleplay situation, and you shouldn't do a crime while not being extremely sure that its safe to so without...
  16. Shadow Ban Request

    Upon watching your evidence, it does not proof what exactly happened as not the entire incident was shown. It seems rather like a usual gunfight in police department, where both responsible people of the gunfight were hidding behind te wall and then a couple of times went to fire at their...
  17. R.I.P. Kitty0706

    I'm sorry for his loss. /Me takes off his hat and prays.
  18. Shaun's dick pics

    What in perpheads am I redirected to?!? 0:
  19. Harder to get to guns

    How would that be unrealistic? In America there are tons of shootings a day, go there's a Danish officer living in Philadelphia and he said an officer dies like every 3-4 days. That's a city equal to Paralake which has many suspicious places where there could be raids (forest, hick town, docks)...
  20. 3.4

    As of what I saw, it looked like that you crouched up to the house like agent 007, then took aim and started aiming at the person right at the door that opened. The person did probably see you, however I did personally first see your blip 'talking with mic' icon when he was behind the door...
  21. Goodbye, for a bit

    Like ayjay said; it's just a game. However if you do play PH for RP and not to be raided and shot dead like a chicken, then I might understand you.. :3 Have a good life in real life, lets see f you get mugged!!!! Js
  22. Family History

    Since both of my grandpa's (Mom's dad and father's dad) died at my very young age, and I've not really been told much about father's dad due to not seeing my father either, but well. My Grandpa (Mom's dad = grandpa now lol) was sailor/captain or something in the Danish Royal-Ship Dannebrog...
  23. Back on PH :3

    Hello hi Alexai I think I missed you ;)
  24. Goodbye for now...

    Not good to hear, hope it will get solved with a happy moment soon! :shamefullyembarrased:
  25. MrLewis Recommendation

    Simply one of my favourite staff members. He was always a great person to talk with, Lewis was calm and very nice person in general, I can't fully explain but it's something that I personally felt as having a speak with him during a report or something. I truly would love to see him having his...
  26. Luge Johnson: Ban request

    It seems tht you need a bit more knowledge of how to actually report somebody You need to fill in the template properly meaning username and ID and about the demo, I can only see that you copied from your C: menu or something, you need to upload it to a website, I preffer Mediafire.
  27. Motorcycles and motorbike helmet.

    I've always wanted to become a badboi and when I turned 15 I got a leather jacket and a dream to get a moped chopper :D But on a serious note idk if tdm features motorcycles but yeah would be cool to see ;)
  28. I don't give a shit it being "weak as a potato peeler" as it's for hunting. If you as a gamer...

    I don't give a shit it being "weak as a potato peeler" as it's for hunting. If you as a gamer know what sort of knife you sorta need for hunts during shotgun trips, then you would know that you don't need anything sharper than this. nub
  29. Swiper singing "Roar"

    Already motivated to swiper :D
  30. Kicked out of home

    How old are you lad? I don't k ow the difference of Swedish and Danish laws regarding that, but I have met some that moved to a different family due to family assault. What I would do was to simply call my friends to let them ask their parents for info about what to do, where to go if they...