Search results

  1. Typical

    Typical Ban Appeal

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Appeal Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) CONSOLE How long were you banned for: Permanent Your Steam Name: Typical Your In-game Name: Mark Jenkins Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:100272434 Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) I went to join...
  2. Typical

    Stores close at a certain time (Idea)

    +Support This is a great idea, It would stop people from going outside at night, It could also help with making people afraid of going out at the dark, because there is not many npcs, there so they could get mugged. I will add more, when I get home from school.
  3. Typical

    BR on Mark Jenkins/Typical

    As regard to this, I didn't get searched for all my items, This is what the /me was: I posted it here instead of comments, because I couldn't add the picture in, that is why, for anyone who is wondering why I didn't use the comment function.
  4. Typical

    BR on Mark Jenkins/Typical

    Ok, first of all let's look into it, my life was not at all at risk, when I phoned the police, you said get in, it doesnt mean u can't ring the police, there was no guns pointed at me so how do I know your dangerous, when one of you tied my hands I immediately came of the phone, complying with...
  5. Typical

    Mark Jenkings/Typical BR

    Ok firstly, You dropped connection, Then I was given a go-ahead by Ash, To continue role-play when he got back, in which I did. I handcuffed BA98, and dragged him to my car, I then said "Get in" in which he didn't, So I then stopped dragging him in order for me to open the door, and for him to...
  6. Typical

    PH crafter (price calculator)

    You need to add a amount button, where you can increase the amount of how much of the gun you want to make it's annoying to keep clicking it, it would also be good if you could add ammo and other items, etc, Any ways great work really great program!
  7. Typical

    MrLewis - Resignation Post.

    Bye, I will see you on CS:GO, where we will kill ok?
  8. Typical

    Ban Request on Typical + Refund

    The reason that I threw the Molotov is that I wanted to have you killed because I believe that you were trying to kill me, Also then by the police asking me to help them, gave me a very good reason to go ahead with the plan, if you want to talk about 2.1(Realistic actions) I don't think shooting...
  9. Typical

    Ban Request on Garo & Andii

    +Support, I have encountered these two metagaming before, like when I had one of them in the middle of the forest the other one tried to save him, as if by chance he knew where we was, he had no communication, sadly I lost the demo of it.
  10. Typical

    Best raid?

    Nuf said.
  11. Typical


    RIP in Crescendo.
  12. Typical


    Watch out for the Prius Patrol
  13. Typical

    Ban request

    +Support After watching the video, it is clear that the vehicle damage wasn't taken into consideration, there is also evidence that he did break 3.22 by not stopping at the intersection, as for Andii it is clear that he saw the gun there for he did put his life at risk, 3.4.
  14. Typical

    Massive FPS Drop after Christmas Update

    You could always use Creepis performance guide, Here.
  15. Typical

    Ban Request | Wilson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Typical / Mark Jenkins His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Wilson / Wilson McKnight His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30905610 Reason: Broke 3.4, Duck under a barricade at gun point, then shot me. Evidence: Demo Tick: 17558
  16. Typical

    LasseNord Introduction

    Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay here at PERPHeads!
  17. Typical

    Typical's Introduction

    Hello, My name is Typical or Mark, Some people know me by 'A Typical Gamer' But i changed it to Typical because why not, anyways I have been a part of perpheads for about 2 months now, and I thought I would make a introduction on the forum, Anways, I am a 15 year old (26/02/2001) from South...
  18. Typical

    A little game!

    He looked around at all the other beautiful women, or what he thought were women,
  19. Typical

    British weapon SA80.

    Would be nice to see a new weapon, +Support.
  20. Typical

    Luke Person Ban request.

    Although Luke, didn't force you to get the money out of the ATM he still broke 2.1, by pulling a gun out only for bumping his car, think about if this was real life, someone bumps your car a little, and then you pull a gun out on them in a really public place, although Luke did say that the...
  21. Typical

    Smudgers refund request

    Ok, so first of all you let SWAT in, and if they see something illegal of course they are going to take it away, it is their job, Unless your uploading evidence apart from, Tim Meijer seeing it I'm not going to Support this refund request.
  22. Typical

    Stacking Half Magazines/Ammo Boxes

    I know exactly what you mean, when im trying to sell stuff at my gun shop, i can't sell half empty ones so i have to sell them for cheaper. A huge +Support
  23. Typical

    Return of the Jedi.

    Good luck, missing you already :')
  24. Typical

    3.4, Davy Benedict / Pvt Henk N1.

    Your Steam/In-game Name: A Typical Gamer / Mark Jenkins His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Pvt Henk N1 / Davy Benedict His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:9985304 Reason: Held him at gun point, and then he pulled out his gun and shot me, causing me to loose a sniper, hopefully its get refunded. Evidence...
  25. Typical

    A change to rule 3.22 - Highway Driving

    Even though I am one of them people who just go through a red light, I like this idea when will it be added?
  26. Typical

    K13 - Bring back fuel hoses from old PERP. (idea 44/155+)

    I was going to suggest this. So +Support
  27. Typical

    Problem: Limited legal activites to do as a citizen.

    After reading this I agree with there only being illegal stuff to do or government jobs it is also a good idea because like you said it would stop people assuming that there must be drugs in that house, it would also add a lot more rp experiences. If this could be added this would be good...
  28. Typical

    Loading problem..

    Honestly, The only real way to fix it is to log out then log back in, keep retrying until it works, the developers do the best job they can, but unfortunately this is something that they cannot solve, just stop complaining and try and relog until it works.
  29. Typical

    Ban Request - Mjölnir & TheDrunkenRage

    Your Steam/In-game Name: A Typical Gamer / Mark Jenkins His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mjölnir / Moe Parker TheDrunkenRage / Hussain Mcabdullah His/Her SteamID: Mjölnir - STEAM_0:1:39873076 TheDrunkenRage - STEAM_0:1:45539996 Reason: They randomly starting beating me throughout the demo, once...
  30. Typical

    A little game!

    Cool guy who likes to shout allah akbar in raids (facepalm)