Search results

  1. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion Police picking up lockpicks

    I just take em regardless like they were candy or bonus points, broad daylight - no one has thrown a fit before. See point #1
  2. Casey Heller


    The problem I feel this generates is a consistency issue. One slight change to the minigames and it can cause the house of cards to crumble, I don't wanna imagine what might happen to performance if one too many players all activated the right combination of games. A fun minigame would be like...
  3. Casey Heller

    Where have you lost your phone?

    I lost my phone. I hosted a party last night, lit as hell, it was nearby while I served drinks behind the bar. I took it with me all around the house. I eventually laid down around 3:30am and passed out. The phone is dead, and Find My shows it at my house when that happened. Brings me to ask...
  4. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion radios on pd cars

    I would like this too, but I just know it wouldn't work functionally, especially for reasons other people above have mentioned. Nothing stopping you from making it clear you're patrolling at Bazaar, parking the Crown Vic in the lot, and putting a radio from Ragnatech on the hood. Call it...
  5. Casey Heller

    YouTube Premium

    Same here - if I only had to have on subscription - it would be YouTube. I got in real early, when YouTube Music was known as Google Play Music. Spotify wasn't all that popular yet, and I was using Android (and still am) so it made sense. I got an account for $9.99 I think? Something crazy...
  6. Casey Heller

    Suggestion: Cap cop hours

    no cap, ever since I came back I thought about suggesting this but just realized I should just be a functioning human and not waste 20hrs/wk with an unpaid-part-time-job // for real though, someone needs to find some way to slow me down so I can keep my sanity
  7. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Add a musket

    [PLN] Terrorist attack at Bazaar involving five armed suspects, all using Muskets! Rookie Officers struggle to contain scene! (yes +1 clearly an event/troll gun; but still a nice addition. As long as each player can take 10 paces, turn, and reliably fire at their target, I'd be happy.)
  8. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Bank robbery insurance

    With these numbers he would've been better off camping and growing then robbing the bank, which to me just doesn't make sense. He shouldn't have to ask one of the participants afterwards to spot him (especially if there is no way to decide the cut). Discussing risk is fair, the bank robbery is...
  9. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Bank robbery insurance

    In a normal raid, there's risk for attackers and defenders - one player affecting/profiting off of another In a bank robbery, there's only risk to attackers - players profit via the game itself. This argument doesn't hold up either because, as Malek said, the game 'promised' a decent reward...
  10. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Bank robbery insurance

    I don't think it's about it being "too easy" or anything - I think it's kinda the principle, and Malek is just trying to point out a flawed gameplay system. @MalekIsWeird POV: > Be me > Be offered a quest/mission > Promised a 'huge payout' > Convince mates to go for it with you > Risk...
  11. Casey Heller

    What side do you lay on when you sleep?

    On my side, usually cuddling a pillow when my SO isn't around
  12. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion TFU Riot/Raid Shield

    This. +1. I see how it could be useful in raids, not getting wall tapped when trying to make entry. But other then that, shouldn't be used in shootout/combat context.
  13. Casey Heller

    See ya, for now!

    Bro @Rain_Cl0ud took the house and kids, @LilacAndGooseberries see her
  14. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Update for medics.

    Amazing work on this! I know I would graciously accept this in the server.
  15. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion New Player's becoming cops

    I'll believe this when it's done. Two or three hours are fair. Supervised Patrols or Let's Chats are a much better solution then written warnings. Especially for New Players (but will require manpower following up...Patrol Trainers). Rotating test questions. Every 4 months or so, swap 1/2 or...
  16. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion New Player's becoming cops

    Doubling down with what @Hodgparjor said - they want to do well, but it's just impossible. Our rules system is way to complex to allow someone with only a few hours to be a decent cop. Plus, with how bureaucratic it is, NP officers don't stand a chance. If we wanna see how decent cops, I think...
  17. Casey Heller

    See ya, for now!

    It was because you're from Ohio Don't take it personally! Believe me, there are so many PLPD names, and I was in a bit of a hurry - I've added a segment just for ya
  18. Casey Heller

    See ya, for now!

    going through the screenshots were hell lol fixed
  19. Casey Heller

    See ya, for now!

    Heya! Since about a couple weeks ago, I started a new commission job that requires lots of my time. On top of this, I am not in the best financial spot and need to save to move in with a couple of buds in the coming months - so I will likely need to start working freelance locally to get ahead...
  20. Casey Heller

    Bug Report (Card Glitch on Demo Reset)

    I left the table after this hand before the next round started, but came back later. Cards appeared/displayed fine.
  21. Casey Heller

    Refund Request (Cal Heller)

    Your Steam Name: Py Your Roleplay Name: Cal Heller Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88346660 Reason for Request: Bug while playing Blackjack where I couldn't make a sound bet because my cards disappeared when demo reset. Requested Items: $100,000 Evidence Type: Bug Report Evidence Link...
  22. Casey Heller

    Bug Report (Card Glitch on Demo Reset)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Card Glitch on Demo Reset How to reproduce the Bug: Sit at Blackjack (not sure if high/low stakes matters), and when dealer is giving cards (exactly at demo reset) you will not be able to see all given cards. Time Stamp: 2:19AM Errors: The cards...
  23. Casey Heller

    Help me find new games to play

    Highly recommend Shatterline as it's the newest, pretty small DL, F2P, and has been pretty good fun for me for a few hours.
  24. Casey Heller

    Help me find new games to play

    lmg Stealth Archer build?
  25. Casey Heller

    Help me find new games to play

    Based on this I'd recommend... Rainbow Six: Siege/Valorant State of Decay 2 (If you prefer open-world, survival) OR Resident Evil 2/3/4 (for more story-driven experience) Apex Legends Sims 4/Cities Skylines L.A Noire Shatterline
  26. Casey Heller

    Help me find new games to play

    Mind sending your steam profile/wishlist so we can see what sort of games you're into?
  27. Casey Heller

    Screenshot nostalgia dump loading screen material
  28. Casey Heller

    How do I do this equation?

    Hey all! I haven't been to school in a few years, and I've forgotten some key concepts in my adult years. I'm studying for an ASVAB and I've been using an app to get prepared (this one to be exact (apple/play)). It's been great, it's simple to use, and the explanations are very helpful...
  29. Casey Heller

    Should police be able to make CPR

    Spikestrips were costing the department too much, RPG found on eBay for only $699