See ya, for now!

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United States

Since about a couple weeks ago, I started a new commission job that requires lots of my time. On top of this, I am not in the best financial spot and need to save to move in with a couple of buds in the coming months - so I will likely need to start working freelance locally to get ahead. All of this said, Perpheads just can't hold my attention at the moment, and I can't dedicate anything to it at this time.

Honestly, this return (since about September last year) has been of the best ones. As a cop, lots of people trusted me and welcomed me to solve their problems, leading to some of the best roleplaying I've had this year, while as a civ I felt a genuine welcoming and that people were interested to see me grow out the PLPD shell!

--- PLPD ---
@Hayden / @AwesomeGamersHQ - I was unsure for the longest time about you two in the hot seat, I really wish I could have had a 1-1 patrol with either of you, but I trust you'll create awesome developments in the PLPD and it's structure!

@A1L - Don't really know what you've been doing but thanks for being my wedding day chandelier! I know you've done so much as PSD, but I couldn't imagine the things you could do if you gave OS a try! Hell, maybe give @nutrient10 a crack as PSD!

@gamerdanger99 - I think you were my reintroduction to the PLPD, who, when I was in a space of uncertainty gave me direction. You were a kickass Patrol command member, and you're a kickass Traffic officer now. I'll never forget helping you with COPs, I wish I could have been more involved but everything was moving so fast. Keep doing what you are, you were an amazing leader, I believe you have the capacity to take that Major spot!

@Sean / @sidd - Some of the best leadership the department has to offer. Thanks for convincing me to come over to the dark side, I truly never understood what I was missing out on, thank you so much for showing me. @Wescott, I can't wait to see what you do in command, you've got big shoes to fill but I have no doubt you'll keep a sturdy ship! PLPD Olympics when?!

@Auston - Been great filming new PLPD resources with you! I know you've got plans to create more to improve the lower-ranked officers, best of luck! If you need advice or help just lmk!

@Fielding - Literally one of the GOATs. An absolute joy patrolling or responding to incidents with you. Would trust you in the squad car any day of the week.

To the rest of the RTU crew, I couldn't be happier to have served along side you. We get a lot of shit about our driving, but we are the ones who clean up Patrol's messes on the street when they flock away to the next nearest gunshot! In the name of Master Roshi "Work hard, study well, eat and sleep plenty. That is the turtle hermit way!"

@Ellie - I know this last month has been a ride, I haven't seen you, I hope you've been well! Thank you for making me one of the elites as a Senior Dispatcher. I intend to keep this role, and finish the job of our campaign! As for @northnortheast and @GPGP, keep aboard the rocky ship! There's so much opportunity in this small division that can take you miles, and lead to better Officers on the road! Why not work with some of my other friends I mention?!

(p.s. lots of command need their probie dispatch assessments done. Let's clear that up plz thank you).

---Vault of Memes---
@Tyla Jai - Thank you so much for bringing me into the fold! I've never seen a community as within one such as Vault, may your reign be benevolent as always! I will still be popping in and assisting the vault time to time (thanks to the unlimited PTO) and chasing down rats as necessary!

@Limak - 10/10 interviewer. Been great working with you man!

@Allen Kennedy - I know you've been a veteran member, but this year I finally had the chance to meet you and I've had a wonderful time both on duty and off getting into some shenanigans!

@Rain_Cl0ud - Loved our time together. Will never forget your first patrol and bringing you into the PLPD. You've protected me and so many others, thank you for avenging me, I know what we had was short lived, but there's never an "end" in this world so keep using what I taught you, and you'll knock them dead.

Heller Wedding Attendees:
Satella Lumin-Coyell
Officiant: Matt Lumin-Coyell
Vendor: Michael Peters

Simon Felton
Hayden James
Molly James
Schneider Ficklestein
Sam Ireland
Emy-Picket Yuboka

Lewis Healey
Chris Flynn
Richard Millard
Jerome Knight
Leen Osh
Ricky Lusk
Connor Williams
Haris Romero

Borgeimon Burtons
Nebs Dawn
Mason Potter

Elizabeth Tesreau
Jack Goldberg

And to everyone else: Thank you. Thank you for trusting me. For telling me what you need (and a chance to give it to you). Thank you for making this round of my Perpheads addiction exciting with each day. I don't know when I will be back, but when I am, I'll make it something to not miss out on!

Your model officer,
Cal Heller
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Since about a couple weeks ago, I started a new commission job that requires lots of my time. On top of this, I am not in the best financial spot and need to save to move in with a couple of buds in the coming months - so I will likely need to start working freelance locally to get ahead. All of this said, Perpheads just can't hold my attention at the moment, and I can't dedicate anything to it at this time.

Honestly, this return (since about September last year) has been of the best ones. As a cop, lots of people trusted me and welcomed me to solve their problems, leading to some of the best roleplaying I've had this year, while as a civ I felt a genuine welcoming and that people were interested to see me grow out the PLPD shell!

--- PLPD ---
@Hayden / @AwesomeGamersHQ - I was unsure for the longest time about you two in the hot seat, I really wish I could have had a 1-1 patrol with either of you, but I trust you'll create awesome developments in the PLPD and it's structure!

@A1L - Don't really know what you've been doing but thanks for being my wedding day chandelier! I know you've done so much as PSD, but I couldn't imagine the things you could do if you gave OS a try! Hell, maybe give @nutrient10 a crack as PSD!

@Sean / @sidd - Some of the best leadership the department has to offer. Thanks for convincing me to come over to the dark side, I truly never understood what I was missing out on, thank you so much for showing me. @Wescott, I can't wait to see what you do in command, you've got big shoes to fill but I have no doubt you'll keep a sturdy ship! PLPD Olympics when?!

@Auston - Been great filming new PLPD resources with you! I know you've got plans to create more to improve the lower-ranked officers, best of luck! If you need advice or help just lmk!

@Fielding - Literally one of the GOATs. An absolute joy patrolling or responding to incidents with you. Would trust you in the squad car any day of the week.

To the rest of the RTU crew, I couldn't be happier to have served along side you. We get a lot of shit about our driving, but we are the ones who clean up Patrol's messes on the street when they flock away to the next nearest gunshot! In the name of Master Roshi "Work hard, study well, eat and sleep plenty. That is the turtle hermit way!"

@Ellie - I know this last month has been a ride, I haven't seen you, I hope you've been well! Thank you for making me one of the elites as a Senior Dispatcher. I intend to keep this role, and finish the job of our campaign! As for @northnortheast and @GPGP, keep aboard the rocky ship! There's so much opportunity in this small division that can take you miles, and lead to better Officers on the road! Why not work with some of my other friends I mention?!

(p.s. lots of command need their probie dispatch assessments done. Let's clear that up plz thank you).

---Vault of Memes---
@Tyla Jai - Thank you so much for bringing me into the fold! I've never seen a community as within one such as Vault, may your reign be benevolent as always! I will still be popping in and assisting the vault time to time (thanks to the unlimited PTO) and chasing down rats as necessary!

@Limak - 10/10 interviewer. Been great working with you man!

@Allen Kennedy - I know you've been a veteran member, but this year I finally had the chance to meet you and I've had a wonderful time both on duty and off getting into some shenanigans!

@Rain_Cl0ud - Loved our time together. Will never forget your first patrol and bringing you into the PLPD. You've protected me and so many others, thank you for avenging me, I know what we had was short lived, but there's never an "end" in this world so keep using what I taught you, and you'll knock them dead.

Heller Wedding Attendees:
Satella Lumin-Coyell
Officiant: Matt Lumin-Coyell
Vendor: Michael Peters

Simon Felton
Hayden James
Molly James
Schneider Ficklestein
Sam Ireland
Sam Ireland
Emy-Picket Yuboka

Lewis Healey
Chris Flynn
Richard Millard
Jerome Knight
Leen Osh
Ricky Lusk
Connor Williams
Haris Romero

Borgeimon Burtons
Nebs Dawn
Mason Potter

Elizabeth Tesreau
Jack Goldberg

And to everyone else: Thank you. Thank you for trusting me. For telling me what you need (and a chance to give it to you). Thank you for making this round of my Perpheads addiction exciting with each day. I don't know when I will be back, but when I am, I'll make it something to not miss out on!

Your model officer,
Cal Heller
what did @SamSN do to get featured twice man