Search results

  1. Tomiko

    Map Suggestion Add a nightclub

    Description of the idea: The name is quite self explanatory. I believe server should add a night club, I believe we need more buildings that are more social. Right now, the only social building on the server is bazaar. This building should be ownable with some special rules, for example so...
  2. Tomiko

    Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

    Description of the idea: I think it's fairly abused by anyone, it forces you to drop any offensive weapon (except police of course), you can just run into group of people, order them to put their hands up - If they dont listen, shoot them, if they do, they just disarm themselves for free. Also...
  3. Tomiko

    Model Suggestion Beer / Ciggars last longer

    Description of the idea: I do believe, that ciggars and beers should last longer and not be one use only. I think it should be equipped the way like binoculars and make it fake weapon in game logic? Every use it would take it's "Ammo" Cigarettes - You equip it, you would have animation of...
  4. Tomiko

    PH signatures, pictures and suggestion for loading screens

    Hello, I would like to use this to show your skills and also @Samatko work while he makes signatures for some of you. (This is why I don't try to make pictures, because it looks shit) !Disclaimer! All these pictures belong to my friend Samatko I didn't take any part of his work I'm just...
  5. Tomiko

    Why are there no changelog updates?

    I noticed that there are no new patch updates and I really like reading what's new, repaired or changed, I would like to keep it old way.
  6. Tomiko

    Your videos / experience during raids? :)

    This is why I want to be in traffic unit instead of dealing with shootouts - My skills are just sh*t Don't forget to post your video of you killing every single guy in the area so I can feal bad :banghead:
  7. Tomiko


    Discussion Post: Here Main Idea: Add Megaphones Full description of the idea: Basically just add megaphones for police on foot + inside the vehicle it should have 2 types of megaphone: Talking megaphone that could sound like that and perhabs could be activated by a button "M" + must be...
  8. Tomiko

    See you

    Hello lads, Well yesterday my computer broke down and Im not sure if it gets repaired any time soon, it seems that I wont be able to continue my ShitRP as a CPL. Hopefully see you all soon. :)
  9. Tomiko

    9.8 Injury through negligence

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New What law do you wish to change/add: 9.8 Injures by negligence No person shall injure another person through negligence. Liable to how critical the injuries were. Why should this change/addition be made: to prevent people from acting...
  10. Tomiko

    12.8 - Collisions - RENAME and REMAKE

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change 12.8 Collisions to - 12.8 Hit and Run What law do you wish to change/add: 12.8 From: To: 12.8 Hit and Run §1: Driver(s) involved in a collision with any person or object must: stop and stay at the scene of the incident put hazard...
  11. Tomiko

    Speed reloader

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Speed reloader Full description of the idea: Basicly, just add a fast reloader (Not needed for reloading, only gives you a bonus for fast reload) Why should it be added?: For revolvers as reloading one by one...
  12. Tomiko

    Rework 911 calls for dispatchers

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Rework 911 phone calls for dispatcher Full description of the idea: Right now, if you call a dispatcher with your cell phone, he's aboslutely unable to do anything, he's not able to send units to...
  13. Tomiko

    SWAT lockpick

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Lockpicks for SWAT Full description of the idea: It should work, that you can hear it only very silently while lockpicking a door and you've got 100% of success. Door shouldn't open after lockpicking a door, only a...
  14. Tomiko

    CCTV system in city hall

    Topic: CCTV system in City hall Short explanation (in notes): -Able to watch the city hall as the SS -Easier job for the SS to identify if "visitors" are heavily armed to contact the police in the right time -Have at least some fun as the SS Detailed description (why should it become...
  15. Tomiko

    List of suggestions

    Topic: Suitcase Short explanation (in notes): -You can transport more stuff in it and might be nice addition for someone, who roleplays as buisness man/lawyer (watching you Eddie Grey) -Can be used to trade with drugs and money -Equipable thing, that is part of you Detailed description (why...
  16. Tomiko

    Inactivity for while

    Alright guys, you could kinda noticed, that I'm not on server that often, well, I kinda was fet up with it, now I'm going to Germany by area of Soest for week, so I hope I wont see anyone of you in real life :kappa: I will try to be active back again after that week, so Goodbye. :)
  17. Tomiko

    Devils-son recommend

    I want to recommend that guy, he has been inactive for while, but when I met him again, he's still that great guy I remember, he still knows the rules (Well he should when he's mod) and it's still a lot of fun with him at all the time, hope he gets promoted because he kinda deserves it, hope you...
  18. Tomiko

    Change seats in car

    Topic: Be able to change a seat Short explanation (in notes): -Be able to sit, where you want to sit in a car -Can be more tactical for any actions in a vans. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Well, I was thinking about thing like that for long time, and I think it's...
  19. Tomiko

    Increase jail time

    Topic: Increase jail time Short explanation (in notes): -People won't kill entire PD, then get arrested for only 10 minutes. -People will probably avoid crime MORE, not completely. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Now, you can go with a shotgun inside the PD, shoot...
  20. Tomiko

    Restaurant update

    Something for Xquality Topic: Put to restaurant second floor and toilets Short explanation (in notes): -Gives to gangs better RP action, first floor for customers and second floor for gang :) -Toilet will now finally be in Restaurant, which makes it illogical to not have toilete.. -Makes...
  21. Tomiko

    Yakuza - Applications

    Requirements: (IC) Be Japanese (IC) (IC) Having Japanese name (iC) (IC) Being older then 18 (IC) (IC) Being buddhist (IC) Main Page here: [Here]
  22. Tomiko


    Some informations are real and some are casually made. Personal quotes: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Listen this music, during reading. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History and info about...
  23. Tomiko

    Warning Request + Demote his Police Superior

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomiko His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Allen His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50229236 Why Should This Player Be Punished: We had some roleplay situation, and he failed in some points you can see below. 1st: Abolsolutely ignoring fact, that I was found there naked and...
  24. Tomiko

    Goverment car entering

    Topic: Goverments can enter into other cars Short explanation (in notes): - - - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Sometimes, for example SWAT, crashes in hicktown, and can't get out of there, and they cant get in officer's car, because for some reasons, old update...
  25. Tomiko

    Alabin Lundmark <3

    Actually was doing long boring police interrogating of Alabin Lundmark, that shot any other guy in defence of his child (cant remember her name), then, when we were interrogating currectly, he wasnt trying to escape or do shits, like for example, spit, bite or running away, etc. Also, he wasnt...
  26. Tomiko

    Refound request.

    Your in-game name:Tomiko Ashimura Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:52465797 Reason: For loosing my AK and mags, because officer just broke 3.26 and started shooting, when he lost his gun, then called SWAT. Evidence: Tick:
  27. Tomiko

    New Flashlight animation

    Topic: Put new Flashlight animation, so we wont have lighting hands anymore. Short explanation (in notes): -Looks much better -Deletes stupid lighting hands Detailed description (why should it become added/...): It should be added to make this mod better, actually I think, that people...
  28. Tomiko

    Ban Request on ShadowJoey

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomiko/Tomiko Ashimura His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ShadowJoey His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52628136 Why Should This Player Be Punished: For breaking rule 3.26, when he lost his gun, and after time, he used it to kill some people. Evidence (Demo Required)...
  29. Tomiko

    Being able to sit in chair in Freddy's

    Topic: Being able to sit in chair in Freddy's Short explanation (in notes): -Noone will sit on table now. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): A lot of people try to just talk with coffe on table in Freddy's, but siting on table isnt really confortable and after that, you...
  30. Tomiko

    BlackList Josh Morrison

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomiko Ashimura His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Josh Morrison His/Her SteamID: 76561198014589316 (It might be him, not 100% sure) Why Should This Player Be Punished: He just crashed into my van, drove on wrong side of the road, and then pulled us over for it. After that...