Search results

  1. Shortyzz

    Organisation Update

    Topic: A new organisation tab update? Short explanation (in notes): -Adding the ability for people to add titles or put people into groups or ranks - - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Well, i have been playing this game called ArcheAge and it had a feature which...
  2. Shortyzz

    The New Update many other i recently noticed that the long awaited v2 update has been released! and because of that i was planning on coming back and checking out everything new etc. But before i press that connect button, i would greatly appriciate it if you could take a moment and give your...
  3. Shortyzz

    Admin abuse?

    Well... where shall i begin. I recently recrieved some information of certain staff members perm locking doors at for example so they couldn't get picklocked and grew lots of meth and drugs in it. Personally i also tried to picklock a door at every now and then and it failed...
  4. Shortyzz

    Proof Proof and again Proof.

    Okay, we all know that if someone trys to drive away you are not allowed to shoot the car , you have to call for back-up etc. However if you still shoot its considered as Failrp Let's see how the professionals handle this: I...
  5. Shortyzz

    Shortyzz, i take a little break.

    Well i have spend a lot of months in perp and i think i take a little break from it since a bit of variaty won't hurt me i guess, i decided to play that new game ''rust'' everyone is talking about all of the sudden. However i will check the forums and help if necessary =) [I'm not leaving...
  6. Shortyzz

    Guessing time. How the hell did i end up here

    Leave a comment how you think i ended up here:
  7. Shortyzz

    Refund Request Dominic Johnsen

    Hello. I dont know which other topic i should post this on so i do it on this one. Basicly my friend dared me to a race with his stolen car, then suddenly my screen freezes up and all my stuff is gone now. I basicly lost about 150-200k most likely... sako's sig's ak-47's deagles and lots of...
  8. Shortyzz

    What do you think about mugging?

    I get mugged every now and then and i get really irritated (but i can behave myself ofcourse) when someone does it, but why do people do this to eachother then. Thats what this poll is about. How you think about mugging.
  9. Shortyzz

    Ban Request / Refund request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Shortyzz His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Its organisation, the only thing i know is that Jarred Johnsen is in it. His/Her SteamID: Reason: They burned down their shop because i called them a retard when they ran in my shop, jumped on all the guns, saying the shop was shitty...
  10. Shortyzz

    Ban Request David Pederson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Shortyzz His/Her Steam/In-game Name: David Penderson His/Her SteamID: Frosty Reason: He was being mugged, he didn't drop everything he had apparently, i asked him multiple times if that was everything he had but then suddenly decided to open the doors and run away while...
  11. Shortyzz

    Ban request Hung Chow

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Shortyzz His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ShamWow His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39057968 Reason: He most likely metagamed while being mugged, i took his phone ,tied and gagged him and ''suddenly'' his friends show up and shoot me and rescue him. Claiming he was meeting him at...
  12. Shortyzz

    Refund request

    Bug report/refund request regarding the items in the shops. First of all, thank you for reading this. I'd like to report a VERY annoying bug i noticed several times now in Perpheads. Every time you dc i lose my items that are not in the storage when im selling them. They just dissapear, they...
  13. Shortyzz

    Assisting in Bank Robberys from outside

    Hello. Okay i know it is not allowed to assist in a bank robbery, then one of my friends found this rule , 5,5: 5.5 Robbing the Bank - Players are allowed to help their friends from outside of the bank, players must gain the arrest warrant by standing near the NPC when the robbery is...
  14. Shortyzz

    Ban Request Paralyzed

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Shortyzz and IGN = Dominic Johnsen His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [SG]Paralyzed His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:13332432 Reason: He freezed a bomb INSIDE a door and blew me ( Dominic Johnsen ) and my friend FD God (Theis Rusi) Evidence: A demo proving that he froze...
  15. Shortyzz

    My Current Perp-situation.

    Dear reader. My name is Shortyzz and most of you probably know me as Dominic Johnsen. I currently have 2 bans and 2 warnings on my record. ( correct me if im wrong) 1 of the bans was terrible. i was dragged into a situation because of a ''friend'' and got accused metagaming,moneyfarming as...
  16. Shortyzz

    Ouija board

    A friend of mine told me something about a board called the ''ouija board''. It is believed to be somekind of cursed thing that allows to to talk with ghosts and stuff. apperently there was a app that ''checks for changes in elektromagnetic fields and translates it into max 3 words. It is not...
  17. Shortyzz

    City shops and the bazaar ( Buisiness area)

    Topic: The City shops/Bazaar issue. Short explanation (in notes): -Close down the city shops 1 and 2 or atleast 1 . -Give it a different use like another fredy's or a bar or something to not let it be a empty house. -Because city shops are gone they go to the bazaar and it will finally get...
  18. Shortyzz

    Speed enforcement speeding tool

    Topic: The sucky speed enforcement tool. Short explanation (in notes): -Make the loading bar go faster or change back to the old camera -The current speed checker takes WAY to long to load. -If cars drive at 30-60 you can not check the speed because the loading bar takes way to long to...
  19. Shortyzz

    Heeya Fellow perpers!

    Hello my name is Shortyzz and i've been playing perpheads for a long time already but i never actually made a real introduction topic. I am 15 years old and i live in the Netherlands . Some of you may know me as ''Dominic Johnsen'' that is calling all the cops ''Blueshirts''. I will continue to...
  20. Shortyzz

    Staff's Phsygun colour.

    Topic: Phsygun colours (vip,moderator) Short explanation (in notes): -...Change the colour of vip or moderator to orange or purple etc. -...The light blue and dark blue are too look alike -...Because of this people act like they are staff and its bloody annoying. Detailed description (why...
  21. Shortyzz

    Randoming cop shot civilians and he's own men!

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Shortyzz His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown the person left the server. His/Her SteamID: Unknown the person left the building Reason: Suddenly the officer pulled the gun , shot all the officers and a couple of civilians. I came out and shot him but there were NO admins...
  22. Shortyzz

    Fail (probably enfocer)

    There was a officer that was raging the whole time as a cop and yelling : GET OFF THE FCKING CROSSROADS! or DID YOU CALL ME A FAIL COP?! when i wasn't even talking to him and he gave me a ticket. Then i saw him at the COS hardware shop and he was pissing me off this time with crying about where...
  23. Shortyzz

    New Roadcrew truck Idea

    Hello. I always play as a roadcrew on the perpheads server and i saw multiple times that the roadcrew truck could use a second hook like they have in real life too. I've seen it countless times that a car is flipped over and it only gets back on he's wheels by: -Fucking around with the hook and...
  24. Shortyzz

    Perpheads server issue.

    Today i tried to join the perpheads server (i did not change any settings ) and when the ''workshop'' was completed it said: ''This Server uses different class tables''. I couldn't figure out why it showed this message and i re-installed the content and even put the map files''addons'' on the...
  25. Shortyzz

    RDM'er Jonathan Lyons

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Shortyzz His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Jonathan Lyons His/Her SteamID: Unknown [b]Reason: RDM [b]Evidence: No evidence other then the logs i believe. It happend around 22:30 - 22:35 , he just started shooting at me for no reason after he brought me to the old inn with no...