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  1. Luke

    My Resignation

    Effective immediately, as at the time of this post, I am stepping-down from the position of Senior Administrator; as a result, the rank and responsibilities I currently hold will be removed. As my final and resulting act of this decision, I have undone what I believe to have been a mistake on...
  2. Luke

    Head/Senior Administration Changes

    Effective immediately, as at the time of this post, I am stepping-down from the position of Head Administrator; as a result, the rank and responsibilities I currently hold will be removed. As my final and resulting act of this decision, I have implemented a new Head/Senior Administration...
  3. Luke

    New Rules and New Laws

    New rules and new laws have been created; these will now be implemented into the server and must be strictly adhered to. The new rules and the new laws can be found here: This section of the forums also allows for the rules and laws to be...
  4. Luke

    Mayoral Election Changes

    Remove the menu that appears when a mayoral election begins. Add a new option to the Nexus NPC that allows players to cast their vote; when the option is clicked, a menu should be opened listing the mayoral candidate's names. Make it so that a vote only ends after 10 minutes have passed since...
  5. Luke

    Basic Conduct Rules

    All users within this community are expected to adhere and are subject to the following rules of conduct. These rules will be enforced at all times, including instances where a user is communicating with someone who is not a part of this community; in-character gameplay is exempt from these...
  6. Luke


    Hi, I'm Luke; my name is Luke, people call me Luke, and here I am, being Luke... I've been told that I can be abrupt, and have a limited vocabulary... Bollocks. Now people can't say that I haven't made an introduction.
  7. Luke

    The City's Finances

    The main problem with the city's finances is the fact that the city doesn't have enough income; this idea/suggestion is going to rely on a lot of follow-up ideas. Sources of Income Taxation Income Tax Income Tax is NOT really a form of income as the only people who have to pay Income Tax are...
  8. Luke

    Mayor's Radio

    The Mayor's radio should be removed. It is unrealistic for the Mayor to have a radio. If the Mayor needs to contact emergency services, he can use his/her phone, or ask a Secret Service agent. Benefits Improved realism. Will prevent government employees from contacting the mayor for...
  9. Luke

    Government Vehicles

    At the moment, government vehicles do not use fuel; this should be changed so that all government vehicles use fuel and require that their driver 'fuel-up' their vehicle. Unlike non-government vehicles, the fuel should be free for the vehicle. Benefits Improved realism. More realistic Police...
  10. Luke

    Secret Service Changes

    A new job should be added - Head of Security; this will mean that there are 3 Secret Service agents. The main purpose of this job will be to direct the efforts of the Mayor's security; this includes the other 2 agents, and coordination with law enforcement. It should be clear that the Mayor is...
  11. Luke

    Seperate Government Radio Channels

    Each section of government employees, Police, SWAT, Paramedics, Fire Fighters, Road Crew, Secret Service, and Bus Drivers, should have separate radio channels; this would mean that only SWAT team members would hear other SWAT, fire fighters other fire fighters, etc. The Lieutenant should be...
  12. Luke

    Bank Robberies

    When someone robs the bank, their arrest warrant begins to 'count-down' the moment they start the robbery, meaning that the longer the robbery and the more money they steal, the less time they spend 'running' when leaving the bank, which is the opposite of how it should be. The 'count-down'...
  13. Luke

    Arrest Warrants

    Arrest Warrants should only expire after the person has died, spent time in jail or if the Lieutenant has removed the Arrest Warrant. When someone has a warrant for their arrest, they should NOT be notified. With regards to bank robberies, the thief(s) still gets the money after a certain...
  14. Luke


    Death needs to be more scary and undesirable; I think this suggestion/idea will greatly help: When you die, you should remain dead for 10 minutes. The time in which you can be revived should be dependant on how you died. For example, if you are knocked unconscious, if you are not revived...
  15. Luke

    At Ease

    When there is a gun in your hands, it is always in a 'ready stance', already being aimed and ready to go; it shouldn't always be like this: or...
  16. Luke

    Name Tags

    The names above people's heads, terribly unrealistic, but vital for gameplay. The main problem I have with them is that it allows you to very easily spot people hiding behind trees, for example. What could be done? Smaller names? You need to be closer to see them? Can't see name tags unless...
  17. Luke

    Props and Barricades

    I think how people currently build barricades is beyond unrealistic. I have 2 possible suggestions/ideas to resolve this, the first being more realistic. A new rule should be added that prevents people from freezing ANY props within a barricade; instead, people could just put loads of props in...
  18. Luke

    Civilian Limo

    I think normal civilians should be able to purchase and own a limo. It may as well be the same one as the government, but without the increased safety factors. The vehicle should be very expensive, in comparison of more commonly-owned vehicles.
  19. Luke

    Government Limo

    I think that the government limo should work differently to other vehicles whereby if it is disabled, the driver and passengers is not thrown-out of the limo, and the limo doesn't ignite. Not only should the driver be wearing a seatbelt, because of the nature of the job, but the limo doesn't go...
  20. Luke


    When someone is holding a weapon in their hands, Police and SWAT officers should NOT be able to handcuff them. Will promote realism and help to prevent people from doing this now, even though it can be considered 'FailRP'.
  21. Luke

    Friendly Fire

    Government employees should be able to damage other government employees. Will promote realism, and the only reason not to is the increased likelihood of rules being broken, but as an RP server, that is to be expected. Will help to ensure government employees, specifically Police and SWAT...
  22. Luke

    Weapon Lockers

    This suggestion/idea is mostly dependent on my other suggestion/idea being accepted: A new prop/entity should be added that can be placed as a normal prop; once placed, the player can access it like they can the...
  23. Luke

    Entering and Exiting Cars

    Similarly to equipping and un-equipping weapons, a delay and loading bar should be created each time someone tries to enter and exit a vehicle. However, differently to that of weapons, a cancel button should be added to allow the person to cancel the act of entering or exiting the vehicle; when...
  24. Luke

    More Important Hospital(s)

    Another big change suggestion/idea. The Regeneration Gene should be completely removed. All regenerative food should lose their regenerative effect(s). Bandages should only stop bleeding temporarily; the more you move around, the faster you bleed. Stim Packs should only heal you temporarily...
  25. Luke

    Weapon Management

    This change will affect gameplay heavily; however, I believe the change will greatly promote realism and improve overall gameplay, especially in terms of the amount of rule-breaking. You should no longer be able to store weapons in your inventory wheel. The only weapons you should be able to...
  26. Luke

    Un-holstering Weapons

    The delay which now prevents people from instantly equipping a gun is a great step forward, however, more is still required. When you un-holster an already equipped weapon, be it a primary or secondary weapon, there should be at least a 1 second delay between the act of un-holstering and the...
  27. Luke

    Government Radio

    When you are a government employee, you should be able to disable the radio so that you are unable to hear it. The radio could make a 'buzzing' noise to alert people that the radio is being used. This would help promote realism and especially help in situations where your radio has been...
  28. Luke

    Org Chat

    Remove the ability for people to type /org. Add an app to the phone called TeamSpeak or Skype and allow for people within an org to be able to access the 'chat room/channel'. The chat room/channel could include both VoIP and IM options. This could serve almost as a radio-like tool for non...
  29. Luke

    Text Messaging

    Add a new app to the phone which allows for text messaging, and disable the ability to type /pm. Text messages will have a sound alert and will only be viewable in the app. They could be saved, replied-to, forwarded and deleted. This would remove the ability for people to send PMs while in...
  30. Luke

    Arrest Warrants

    This idea incorporates both a clarification of rules and some new functionality. As a rule, to issue an arrest warrant, you must have seen the person's full face long enough to be able to confidentially remember the name floating above their head. For functionality, to promote realism, and to...