Search results

  1. Yaseen

    VR games

    I have recently bought Oculus Quest 2 (finally). I have been following the news about VR from the very start but didn't have the money to buy it. I have tried half-life Alyx and Propagation and Pavlov demo so far. I was wondering what games do you guys recommend? And if anyone is up for playing...
  2. Yaseen

    Server Suggestion First Aid Kit Ability

    Suggestion Title: First Aid Kit Ability Suggestion Description: Make the Medics/Firefighters have the ability to heal themselves Why should this be added?: Isnt it a bit ironic when a Medic/Firefighter can heal the others but not himself ? What negatives could this have?: None
  3. Yaseen

    Server Suggestion Change the location of the Courier's package information (DUPLICATE SUGGESTION)

    Suggestion Title: Change the location of the Courier's package information Suggestion Description: So, I became a courier today and I have noticed that the package information has a phone number listed, when you pull up your phone to call your customer you will no longer see the phone number...
  4. Yaseen


    So, I started playing on the server again yesterday and the server kept promoting "Auto-disconnect in X seconds" every 5-10 minutes although I am connected to steam and my internet works just fine. It is really annoying, the game is literally unplayable at this point. I tried to search over the...
  5. Yaseen

    A comeback

    Hey everyone, I guess it was my bad for not saying goodbye a long time ago when I left. I just came back home from Uni and saw my brother playing on my account. So I decided to join the server back once again. I can't wait to meet all of the people I used to know and make new friends as well.
  6. Yaseen

    Is there any car guy here ?

    I know this is a stupid question because everyone basically here is a geek and computer-related stuff but I don't know, I thought maybe I should give it a try...anyways I have been looking for a car guy to help me out, nothing mechanical. I bought a Mitsubishi Lancer a few days ago and I been...
  7. Yaseen

    Red Dead Redemption 2 PC

    since rdr2 is out, if anyone wanna play add me on rockstar launcher YaseenF1
  8. Yaseen

    Shoutbox wont show up

    Since my last ban on the shoutbox, I made an appeal and got accepted but ever since then the shoutbox has never shown up, can someone help me?
  9. Yaseen

    Looking for a good gaming mouse

    Don't laugh at me , I been using a wireless mouse for gaming but it was a good one really and I had to change battery every 4 months or even more, but I'm tired of it and I want a wired mouse for gaming the money doesn't matter but keep it to a reasonable price for a mouse aka im not buying a...
  10. Yaseen

    Studying In United States

    Hello Everyone, I have been thinking lately to study computer science ( haven't decided which I should study to be exact) in the USA, and maybe live there for the rest of my life. for some reasons, I started to hate my own community (Israel), Arabs shooting each other over something you can...
  11. Yaseen

    PS4 Pro or upgrade pc ?

    I been working lately to fund my education in the future but I been thinking to buy ps4 pro which I'm not sure about it cuz I'm not into a "Console Gamer", the only 2 reasons I'm doing so (I think) is because of the exclusives games like God of War, Days Gone, Spiderman and for games that...
  12. Yaseen

    Assassin Creed Unity

    I think you all guys have heard the news about Notre Dame, and they actually using Assassin Creed Unity to renovate Notre Dame due to that Ubisoft has announced that they donated 500k euros and made Assassin Creed Unity the game free to obtain and your own to keep as long as you claim it before...
  13. Yaseen

    Escape From Tarkov Upgrade

    I recently bought EOD but it decided to take my money but not give me the game, I contacted the customer support and I'm waiting for an answer but I actually wanna know if anyone faced a problem like this and what is the best solution to do ? and did i get scammed ? will i get my money back ?
  14. Yaseen

    If you had the chance....

    Hello people out there, I don't know why I'm doing this but I felt why not. if you had a chance to meet someone from this great community in real life who would you meet? and state the reason. hope everyone practices xD I would like to meet @JER cuz he is a nice person I would like to meet...
  15. Yaseen

    Escape From Tarkov

    As some of you guys got a free trial key for 14 days access to the game, anyone would like to play with me?
  16. Yaseen

    Gun game sums up

  17. Yaseen

    AR On 2 Galindo members

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Yaseen/Alfred Robinson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Marc Harvey, @Ethan didn't shoot any of us but he might have a word His/Her SteamID: idk Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 Excessive Negativity, me and @Phantom, and @FatGeorge decided to base slums 4 meanwhile we...
  18. Yaseen

    Internet Crashes whenever i play garrys mod

    Apparently, whenever I play Garry's mod causes my internet to crash but somehow the router still working and the lights on, its strange how do I play other games with no problems
  19. Yaseen

    Audi R8 Crash Refund

    Your in-game name: Alfred Robinson Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:101926400 What do you need refunded: Expenses of Audi R8 Fixing Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I took my Audi R8 out of the city garage and as you can see in the video, I had no lag spikes, I had no high ping, and everything was...
  20. Yaseen

    Audi R8 Crash RR

    Your in-game name: Alfred Robinson Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:101926400 What do you need refunded: Expenses of Wrecked Audi R8 with candy metallic paint job Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I Was driving on the highway and @TimThriller crashed into me while he was driving on the wrong side of...
  21. Yaseen

    Games To Buy 2018

    Currently, I'm thinking of refreshing my old steam games with new ones and I'm thinking of Escape From Tarkov, any suggestion of new games I should buy?
  22. Yaseen

    World Cup 2018

    Bad news for England and "its coming home" meme. Simpsons have predicted
  23. Yaseen

    For Honor

    Ubisoft decided to make For Honor a free game until 18 of June, feel free to pick the starter edition right here EDIT: the only difference between...
  24. Yaseen

    Booking Hotels/Travel Ticket

    I and my cousins are planning to travel to Istanbul. I still don't know if I should do it in or go to a tourist office. If you recommend me using if yes ... I still have some curiosity and I want to know answers to my questions : 1- What does "No Pre-payment - pay at the...
  25. Yaseen

    mass rdm bans

    What the fuck is going on about all of these MASS RDM Bans , is it like a disease spread out between the members of the community that make people sick in the head to rdm? lmao
  26. Yaseen

    Garrys mod Pinkish Screen

    I don't know how to explain this but, there is a night when I decided to join other servers than perp and I downloaded some add-ons but I uninstalled them all after that. the next day I joined the perpheads server but the weather become pinker? I know what you would be asking? did you check the...
  27. Yaseen

    Casual Day on Perp

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Yaseen/Alfred Robinson @Google Chrome/Bob Bobov His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Robin/Robin Jensen CrixxzeH/Ben Depiero nickjedl/Sam Vertongen His/Her SteamID: Nickjedl ---> STEAM_0:1:58678274 Crixxzeh---> STEAM_0:0:17414969...
  28. Yaseen

    Funny Moments #1

    i tried to record moments the best i can , and here what i got
  29. Yaseen

    Garry's Mod Crash

    My game started crashing unusually and its says : hope you can help me. its raging me out
  30. Yaseen

    Yaseen's @TinySlayer

    Your in-game name: Alfred Robinson Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:101926400 What do you need refunded: M4A1 with m16 stock and rifle compensator Why do you want your item(s) refunded: The user was ban invasion and cheating and he tapped me and my friends Evidence...