Search results

  1. Rhys :)

    PC using far too much memory.

    Hello, Recently I've noticed my computer using a lot of memory and I cannot find the issue to it and wondering if anyone out there could potentially help me resolve this. When I first got my PC maybe a year and half ago it was running smoothly, was able to open and run games, but now I cant...
  2. Rhys :)

    Rhys' Return

    Hello Everyone! After two years, I finally decided to purchase a new computer. That said, expect to see my face around the forums and in-game. I've been around since 2016 so definitely cannot wait to get back into the swing of things. Obviously, I've missed a lot in terms of updates and loads...
  3. Rhys :)

    Rhys' Slight Return

    After having a nice, year-long break, I've decided to make a slight return. You new players might not know me but you as many know I make a great impression ;) A first-year student at University at the moment so obviously activity isn't going to be through the roof but looking forward to seeing...
  4. Rhys :)

    Need a tech wiz

    Every time I play a game, the screen starts to flicker eventually goes black, and then the PC restarts. Before investing in a new PC (One i got now is old cba to upgrade and just want a fresh one) does anyone know how to fix this or is the GPU just dead? Thanks
  5. Rhys :)

    Build me a new PC

    computer detonated itself after 5 years so gonna upgrade. Looking to build a PC for £1000, any cute person out there wanna pick parts because frankly I can’t be bothered :) then I’ll be able to come back to PERP again kind regards.
  6. Rhys :)

    Build a PC for me

  7. Rhys :)

    New GPU suggestions!

    Hi! After my Graphics Card needing to be 6 feet deep, I'm looking for a new GPU, something not too expensive would be great! around the £200 mark! Thanks.
  8. Rhys :)

    Possible GPU problem

    Hi! So the past week or so I have been experiencing some issues with my computer, every time I launch a game, screen flickers, goes black and then eventually crashes, all drivers have been updated and still seem to be getting the same problem. Probably due for a new Graphics card in all...
  9. Rhys :)

    Help and Support.

    Friday afternoon, unfortunately, my grandmother passed away, after finding out she had no life insurance we were left in the mud, currently, we are not particular in the position for this financially, she was the most amazing person and I would love to give the best send-off she deserves. I...
  10. Rhys :)

    Goodbye PERPHEADS (For now)

    Im leaving basically, dont really find the server that interesting now, started back in 2015 and it has been a blast! met a few good people here. I'll probably be back knowing me but for now goodbye and thanks for the great times!
  11. Rhys :)

    GCSE/A-Level Results

    As many of you know today and last week was the UK’s results for their exams, I’ve come across that many people might be thrilled or devastated with their results. People think that this is the end of the world but it really isn’t, a few letters/numbers on a piece of paper does not determine...
  12. Rhys :)

    Graphics card problem.

    dear someone with more brain cells than me. So I have a GTX 1050TI graphics card, but when I put it in the computer, I don't get a picture on my screen, the thing is with my CPU I do not have intergrated graphics, so this is a bit of a sticky one still. My components are all compatible but for...
  13. Rhys :)

    I'm back....Ish!

    Some of you know that I have been gone for quite some while like 4 or 5 months lmao, due to me focusing on school and so on. my final exam of the year is on Friday so I'll be back on the server from then. I'm looking forward to seeing some new and old faces!
  14. Rhys :)

    ramadan mubarak

    ramadan mubarak to all my Muslim friends out ere, hope you can get closer to Allah and become a better Muslim <3 much love.
  15. Rhys :)

    X-Plane 11

    Does anyone wanna buy me X-Plane 11? would love you very much xox
  16. Rhys :)

    Tab for a Cause

    So, basically, this is a browser extension for your computer, every time you open a tab you will receive hearts you can then donate these hearts to a charity such as 'Save the Children', etc etc. They receive money from the advertisements on the page and so on. This is a great way of...
  17. Rhys :)

    Donate to Dai

    At the moment Dai is currently using his Xbox Connect to communicate with us. We need the help of this great community to help Dai get a new mic and also a new PC. Please be generous and donate to this great man. *ALL MONEY WILL GO DIRECTLY TO DAI HIMSELF*...
  18. Rhys :)

    AR on Anton

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Rhys Rodriguez His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Rocky Toe His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63129850 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Pulling a gun under gunpoint and then Purposely dropping useless items first knowing that his friend was going to come behind him to save him...
  19. Rhys :)

    Broke ass

    When you get nicked for 9.5 but your broke ass can't afford the 10k ticket and then you got that person who makes a meme out of you crying at police. Broke ass
  20. Rhys :)

    AR Nick Beckmen

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Rhys Rodriguez His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Nick Beckmen His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58678274 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking 3.4 running around in an active shootout blasting a radio. This lead to his and my death as I accidentally shot him and then the radio...
  21. Rhys :)

    My Muslim friends.

    Eid Mubarak to all my beautiful Muslim friends out there <3
  22. Rhys :)

    New mouse

    Im thinking of buying a new mouse along with either; Blue yeti or the at2020+ I've had my mouse currently for about 2 years, please suggest a new mouse. (Not too expensive I'm not made of money ;))
  23. Rhys :)

    Microphone help

    I'm thinking of getting a microphone, I don't know whether to get a Blue Snowball or a Blue Yeti. If you disagree with any of these please put suggestions, thanks :) Blue yeti - £199.99 Blue Snowball - £49.99 I don't really care about the price :)
  24. Rhys :)

    Share some love

    This is my bros new song, show him some love. Don’t be a twat.
  25. Rhys :)


    As you may all, exam period is coming up relatively soon, out of interest what is your preferred method of revising?
  26. Rhys :)

    Gun Refund

    Your in-game name: Rhys Rodriguez Danielle Rodriguez @DANIEL_ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:111610641 - Mine STEAM_0:1:66066119 - Dan's What do you need refunded: Mossberg x 2 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: user was headglitching whilst I was raiding. Evidence: @Super_ Tick: N/A
  27. Rhys :)

    Computer problems

    Every 2 days or so, my computer randomly turns off and turns itself back on again. Anyone had this issue or know how to fix it?
  28. Rhys :)

    New Headset

    I was originally going to get the Blue Yeti and just a headset, but coming to think of it, that's pretty dumb, Can someone suggest me a pair of good headphones? (With a mic)
  29. Rhys :)

    Courier communication system.

    Main Idea: Be able to communicate with the buyer Full description of the idea: Having a communicate box or something to communicate with customers Why should it be added?: Would be easier rather than adverts Pros: More Professional Cons: Cant think of any (Please list some) *Images...
  30. Rhys :)

    S.E.N.T.I.N.E.L Template

    Link to original post - OOC Section: Name- Age- Playtime- IC Section: Name- Why would you like to join?- Have you been in any other org previously?- Firearms: Pistol- Rifle- Shotgun- Car: What type of car do you have-...