Search results

  1. Draxen

    GTA - Vehicle Modding

    Hello! I've been making some vehicles for GTA in the past. I'd like to share them here with everyone, and anyone who also makes mods to GTA could also share them here. I've only finished these two: And here's a few of my work in progress projects:
  2. Draxen

    GTA V help

    Hello! I got some problems with my GTA. I've been trying for ages to play GTA but the game won't start. Here's what happens; I start Steam and launch GTA V from it. Rockstar Games Launcher comes up and signs me in, then I get a window that an instance of the game is already running and the...
  3. Draxen

    Mental Health

    Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Last year in decenmber I made a post regarding mental health. This was mainly because of the time of the year since suicides are more common than other months. Novemeber is also mens mental health month, anyways: I'd like to copy and paste the old...
  4. Draxen

    Chris Flynn & Alex Lopez

    Hello! I would like to recommend @Chris Flynn and @dr.alex and give them some cred for their work today. Chris and Alex teached some new players how to play as a medic. They really put work and effort into trying to explain how the game works, how to use all the tools, showed them around the...
  5. Draxen

    10 years!

    Hello! Today marks a special day for me. Exact 10 years ago, I registered myself on the forums. I can not believe that I've player on the server for 10 years. Oc course with a few breaks, but I've always checked the forums from time to time and I always tend to come back. But wow, 10 years. I...
  6. Draxen

    Funny Moments #2 (Not a normal shooting montage)

    Here we go again, some clips from last time.
  7. Draxen

    Mental Health this time of the year

    Hello! I'd like to come here and wish everyone merry Christmas and a happy new year! For those who don't know, I am working as a firefighter in Sweden, and around this month of the year were people usually meet their families and friends to celebrate. But December, Christmas and new years eve...
  8. Draxen

    My little PerpHeads Funny Moments video

    Not a normal shooting montage video. Some clips that I've gathered for quite some time now. Enjoy :)
  9. Draxen

    New job

    Hello! Just a quick note. I got a new job as a firefighter. I will be on standby at home. So if I get a call I have to drop what I'm doing and head to the fire station. This means that I could be at home, playing PERP when I get a call. and have to leave very drastic. The community managers...
  10. Draxen

    VR Kit

    Hello! There is multiple threads here on the forums regarding VR headsets. And I'm looking into buying one, as I recently tried my friend's Oculus Rift 2. But I got a question to anyone who got knowledge about Oculus. Oculus Rift 2 is out of stock and they don't sell them anymore. Now they...
  11. Draxen

    Flashing Lights

    Hello! I recently downloaded Flashing Lights, after having it uninstalled for months. For those who played it before, they have updated the game so much now with a new map and new features. If there is anyone else who has the game and would like to play please comment down below. It would be...
  12. Draxen

    Met a famous Twitch streamer

    A few months ago when I was working, I saw a guy walking around holding his phone like he was streaming or something. Which I find a bit strange at a pub. Anyways when I was walking around, he started to talk to me, and he introduced me to the stream. Turns out afterward when a friend of mine...
  13. Draxen

    The question of all time

    Hello! Back in 2013, when I started playing on perp. I thought this was so strange, a thing that has been for all years. I have been awake countless nights thinking and wondering why it is like this. So.. Why is there a delay to the steering in vehicles? I've asked around but never got an...
  14. Draxen

    Helping new players? Great idea!

    There's a lot of new players on the server, wich I am really glad to see. I try my best to help them and to teach them how PERP works. But sometimes, it dosen't end that good...
  15. Draxen

    Action Request (Ryan)

    Your Steam Name: Draxen Your Roleplay Name: Ralph Cliffford Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57014007 Player's Community Name: @Ryan Player's Roleplay Name: Ryan Valetti Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42747555 Why should this player be punished?: This player mugged me in the back if my shop. He...
  16. Draxen

    2.5 Excessive Negativity

    This is not a suggestion or edit, just an open discussion regarding rule 2.5 Excessive Negativity. Hello, so to give a little backstory to this thread; I think that even though after being mugged by two individuals, who also killed my friend that tried to save me. Getting caught by the...
  17. Draxen

    Recordning Software

    Hello! So I'm looking into getting a software that records my game sessions, so in case something funny or something that needs to be reported is recorded so I can clip it. I know, wich I have tried but couldn't get it to work as I wanted. I've used before but they shut down...
  18. Draxen

    A quick hello!

    Hello! Wow, it's been a while. I just wanted to say hi again to the community. I've been gone for a while, checking the forums from time to time but I haven't been on the server for a long time. The past days I've been playing on the server and just haning around. I'm not saying that I'm back...
  19. Draxen

    Donation page addition

    Main idea: Add a Steam Username Showcase to the donation page Description: Very simple suggestion, on the donation page, when you put in a SteamID, it will automatically check what username that SteamID has, and then showcase it so that you will know that you got the right one. Something like...
  20. Draxen

    Tyla - One of the finest roleplayers

    And that's how you roleplay a car accident. You don't crash into a wall going 100MPH, then spam R to get going again, you roleplay that you got really bad injuries, almost like Tyla. Cred to @Alyt for your roleplay.
  21. Draxen

    Let people try to escape from cops

    Main idea: Currently, if you get pulled over, you can not escape unless you have a valid reason such as being wanted for example. Since the player base is so low, and people are kinda already doing this, let them do it. Description: I'm pretty sure this has been suggested before, but I believe...
  22. Draxen

    Action Request on Mary Linton

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Draxen / Ralph Clifford His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Brandito / Mary Linton His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171176292 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke 5.1, 5.4 by mugging me in front of the roadcrew station. They paid me $500 for a repair, and as soon as I was...
  23. Draxen

    Change of accounts

    Hello! Time to confuse you a bit. So as my two little brothers are growing up and gaining the same interests as I, they have started to play all the simulator games that I have. This has restricted my playtime a bit, but we came up with a conclusion. Since I have like 20 games and only play...
  24. Draxen

    Action Request on ICEKILLER_99

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Draxen / Ralph Clifford His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ICEKILLER_99 / Jack Richards His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87262869 Why Should This Player Be Punished: @ICEKILLER_99 decided to kill as I was to investigate a vehicle collision when he had just run over a civilian...
  25. Draxen

    Action Request on DB

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Draxen / Ralph Clifford His/Her Steam/In-game Name: DB / Max Walker His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:173430934 Why Should This Player Be Punished: DB broke 3.4 by not complying while under clear gunpoint. DB had just shot the RC and was being reported in by the dispatch. I...
  26. Draxen

    I'm back

    Hello everyone! I'm back! I've been gone for a while now. I can not stand @SpaceShots nagging on me: And I miss everyone so, therefore, I have decided to fully come back. So, what have I been doing the time I was gone? As I explained in my resignation post, I got a full-time job, I got a...
  27. Draxen

    My resignation

    Hello. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about this. Now I have come to the conclusion that I want to resign from my position in the staff team. The reason for this is that I have lost interest in the game, and got a full-time job, started to meet a girl and so on. So I'm not only resigning, but...
  28. Draxen

    Sir Zac

    I'd like to give @Sir Zac a huge +1 for his roleplay. He's an excellent dispatcher, normally when I play as a cop, it's the "perp style cop". But when he's on duty as a dispatcher, everything feels so much more realistic, everything is handled and managed very professionally. I know a lot of...
  29. Draxen

    "Bad reports"

    Hello! The past weeks, I've noticed a lot of "bad reports". Bad reports can be when the only message the reporter says is "failrp" and "3.4" for an example. At 90% of the time, we have to reply with the same thing "Please elaborate". I mean come on, it's not hard to explain what happened. I...
  30. Draxen

    Pistol shooting

    Hello! During the last year, I've started to gain interest in firearms in general. How they work, how people compete and so on. My stepbrother who is in the army in his spare time is a part of the board in our local shooting club. He invited me one day to try it out. I have never ever in my...