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  1. Luke

    Sid Meier's Civlization 5 Game

    Steam Name: Luke Civilization: Egypt
  2. Luke

    Ban Request on Luke Person

    This is not correct - what AyJay quoted is out of date as I had changed the role of the 'Honorary' rank after I took the position of 'Head Administrator', and not once did I say that it was made to "enhance roleplay". What you think I should have done is immaterial as the only member of staff...
  3. Luke

    Ban Request on Luke Person

    The suspect's vehicle also was on the wrong side of the road, speeding, when the decision was made to attempt to forcefully stop the vehicle. I had a passenger in my car at the time, so it was deemed safest to point my car facing the suspect's vehicle, rather than stopping sideways on the road...
  4. Luke

    BR on Luke Person suggested by Niko

    Suspect had a mic, and thus didn't need to stand up; either way, IC, he had no realistic reason to stand up. In that situation, standing up is a hostile movement. The feature whereby an automatic '/me' is made is relatively new and does NOT always work.
  5. Luke

    BR on Luke Person suggested by Niko

    Quick comment: the suspect, while armed, entered an active crime scene with a clear Police presence; suspect fled from LEOs while armed; suspect was told to get down on their knees and did so, but, while being told to not move, stood up and appeared to be interacting with their vehicle, suspect...
  6. Luke

    Clarification on the rule regarding the dismissal of Government Employees

    The Paramedic was not demoted for that reason - the paramedic was demoted as he had been detained pending criminal charges, including, but not limited to: multiple demonstrations of dangerous and reckless driving, failure to stop for the Police while in control of a vehicle, failure to give way...
  7. Luke

    Silver Power CS GO trailer

    Oh God...
  8. Luke

    Ban Request - Luke Person (killing over ticket)

    The only rule here that I feel I need to justify my actions for is rule 3.4, so: Using a firearm in the method that I demonstrated is a realistic way to kill someone. I had reason to believe that I would spend at least 4 years in prison if I did not take extreme action; I will explain my...
  9. Luke

    Luke Ban Request

    2 things: 1, the Police were currently looking for me, so what's the worse a shop keeper could do; call the Police? I didn't plan on sticking around. Also, I use silenced firearms for a reason... 2, you pulled a gun, I reacted.
  10. Luke

    Luke Person Ban request.

    My official defence is that he offered to go to the ATM machine - I did not force that upon him.
  11. Luke

    Luke Person (Lieutenant) Ban request.

    I think that the first part of this video better shows the situation:
  12. Luke

    So many whiners...

    Here's what happened: some guy at the office broke a law and decided to run from Police - during that attempt he ran you over, rendering you unconscious; when you were revived, you were found to be carrying a firearm which is a violation of Law 6.2, as described within the Paralake Laws. During...
  13. Luke

    Leaving perpheads (Forever this time)

    Well, with that comment, Alex, you are now also breaking Rule 1.3... Keep it up. We discussed the reasons for your demotion, at the time, in private. Just to be clear, it seems likely that you'll try to defend your comment now, in response to this, however, I will tell you now that I will not...
  14. Luke

    My Resignation

    Effective immediately, as at the time of this post, I am stepping-down from the position of Senior Administrator; as a result, the rank and responsibilities I currently hold will be removed. As my final and resulting act of this decision, I have undone what I believe to have been a mistake on...
  15. Luke

    Head/Senior Administration Changes

    Effective immediately, as at the time of this post, I am stepping-down from the position of Head Administrator; as a result, the rank and responsibilities I currently hold will be removed. As my final and resulting act of this decision, I have implemented a new Head/Senior Administration...
  16. Luke

    Third person in vehicles

    The only problem with this suggestion is the lack of mirror functionality to compensate for the loss of view(S); however, the benefits of removing third person do outweigh this drawback. While ideally, new functionality should be added, I think this suggestion/idea should be implemented...
  17. Luke

    Text messages

    This has been suggested before:
  18. Luke

    Being a suicidal mayor allowed?

    The new rules have been released; please refer to rule 3.6 for details:
  19. Luke

    New Rules and New Laws

    New rules and new laws have been created; these will now be implemented into the server and must be strictly adhered to. The new rules and the new laws can be found here: This section of the forums also allows for the rules and laws to be...
  20. Luke

    Mayoral Election Changes

    Remove the menu that appears when a mayoral election begins. Add a new option to the Nexus NPC that allows players to cast their vote; when the option is clicked, a menu should be opened listing the mayoral candidate's names. Make it so that a vote only ends after 10 minutes have passed since...
  21. Luke

    [Ban increase request on was]

    It seems that an error had occurred - the ban length was intended to be 6 months, but instead was saved as 1 week; this has been corrected and will not be increased further. The player has been banned for a period of 6 months.
  22. Luke

    Donator Open Slots

    If possible, that would be beyond ideal - great time to be downloading the content and reading the rules while waiting to join the main server!
  23. Luke

    Admin meeting or something?

    In reply to John Daymon's comment "By that you mean I should be unbanned?" I did not mean to state, nor imply that, no. Please note that you are free to appeal your ban if you feel it appropriate to do so.
  24. Luke

    Admin meeting or something?

    We are currently in the process of rewriting the rules to the point where such uncertainties are completely removed, meaning there shouldn't be any doubts about such things in the future. This should solve the problem that you have detailed here.
  25. Luke

    Im so done of this server

    If you believe that there is a problem with the administration of the server, you need to make someone appropriate aware of that; you have done that now be creating this thread, however, if you are leaving, I do not see why you created the thread as it implies that you do not intend on actually...
  26. Luke

    Perma banrequest on Matt Jackson ~ Heavy rdm/fail rp

    While a complete reinstallation of the game would very likely resolve the problem, you can instead simply find the file based upon the time it was modified; demos record for up to 1 hour, so you should be able to find the correct demo if you know what time the incident occurred. The demo files...
  27. Luke

    New limosine for the mayor

    Not so appropriate for the mayor, however, it would make a great non-government vehicle for the public.
  28. Luke

    Perma banrequest on Matt Jackson ~ Heavy rdm/fail rp

    Give this a try, in the exact order shown: Launch Garry's Mod (close the game if already open), load the demo, Disconnect, then launch the same demo again.
  29. Luke

    Organization Voice Chat

    This has been suggested before, and is still being considered:
  30. Luke

    Perma banrequest on Matt Jackson ~ Heavy rdm/fail rp

    Your demo will be needed for this to be taken further; the following thread can help you with that: