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  1. jay_


    @Murtsley asked me to give my two cents on him. From what I remember of Murtsley (Been almost a year since we last played together) he has his head screwed on, he's a cool guy and a lotta fun to play with. He's all for silly shenanigans but doesn't go mental about it which is rare to see and...
  2. jay_

    Have to re select the text box after sending a message in shoutbox

    Ever since this update I've had this issue when I send a message in shoutbox it unselects the text box, having to make me reselect it every time with my mouse if I want to send another message. As a lurker this makes the game UNPLAYABLE, any help would be appreciated.
  3. jay_

    Wiki ban apology

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Fredy How long were you banned for: CWB Your Steam Name: Wiki Your In-game Name: Jemima McGowan Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155779481 Why were you banned/blacklisted: Homophobia Why should this appeal be considered: I am...
  4. jay_


    About a week about I logged on the server because I wanted to get a hentai game from niko, after this endeavour I decided to hang about with the ol' murtsler. He made me enjoy perp for the first time in a while, we RP'd quite a bit about being in a gang and hustled people at bazzar for a...
  5. jay_

    Creepis Appreciation Thread

    This thread is dedicated to our good friend @Creepis, a very loyal and helpful community member. Cheers to hopefully another 5 good years.
  6. jay_

    Wiki's CWB Appeal

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: Fredy Your Steam Name: Wiki Your In-game Name: Jemima McGowan Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155779481 Why were you banned?: CWB Why should you be unbanned?: I am sorry for sending you the message saying "Are you a homophobe"...
  7. jay_

    Add a help tab on the header

    Description of the idea: Add a help tab to the header for frequently asked questions. Why should this be added? (pros): Having a tab in which people who are new to the server can find out how to do/fix things without having to delve into the forums in order to find what they need, in my opinion...
  8. jay_


    Back in 2015 I used to get roughly 50-60 ms but now i get 90-100, did something change or is it just my internet?
  9. jay_

    unban aquaa

    please un-ban aquaa, it was my fault, i gave him the link to the minecraft x-ray texture pack i take full blame.
  10. jay_

    Windows 10 update fucked me

    I updated my windows 10 this afternoon and I no longer have internet connection, my internet is fine and working on my phone. I went to update settings and there is an update stuck on 0% and it hasn't moved for about an hour. My last resort will be to factory reset but of course I dont really...
  11. jay_

    Remove shoutbox cooldown or lower it

    Description of the idea: Remove the cool down to shoutbox messages or lower it from 10 seconds. Why should this be added? (pros): Why was it removed first of all, and a pro is that i don't have to wait 10 seconds especially if i'm talking to two different people. What negatives could this...
  12. jay_

    Crusader Kings 2

    It's free now for some reason, I didn't even get shit for owning the game prior to it being free smh, fuck paradox and it's dlc policy, play the 8 year old game Fuck you paradox
  13. jay_

    Stupid fuckin' mistakes man

    Appealing for: Ban from Animeboks Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Niko How long were you banned for: Permanent Why were you banned/blacklisted: Causing problems Why should this appeal be considered: It's been over 2 years and I've been a good boy throughout it all, no in...
  14. jay_


    Appealing for: Animeboks Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: Neko How long were you banned for: Permanent Your Steam Name: Jay_ Your In-game Name: Jay Henderson Your Steam ID: 214432523543d Why were you banned/blacklisted: "Causing problems" Why should this appeal be...
  15. jay_

    why cant we see sb sanctions anymore :)

    my brotha @jjjackier was banned and i want to know when he gets out but i can't see sanctions anymore since the last like 2 months
  16. jay_

    remove the snow storm now please

    christmas is over and is haram
  17. jay_

    Lynx Africa?

    Did you get Lynx Africa?
  18. jay_


  19. jay_


    @Duffy helped me a lot on Hoi4 and taught me how to kill those pesky French and to competently use my units. Thank you Duffy!
  20. jay_

    Can't join medieval servers on Tf2?

    Every time I try join a medieval server it loads me into the game and I instantly freeze on the motd and the game stop responding, I can join other community servers without a problem. I don't know if it's the motd crashing my game or what but I have joined the severs multiple times before.
  21. jay_


    My GTA V crashes when I try to load up LSPDFR, it shows the first few seconds of the flashing police lights then freezes then proceeds to crash. It comes up with the normal GTA V crash report which doesn't help at all. Solutions I've tried: Reinstalling GTA V (Wasted another whole day of my...
  22. jay_


    great staff member, should be admin./ very freidnly guy : proof
  23. jay_


    Recently there were many a rdming sprees, the events were tragic and have formed a great shadow of grief over the PerpHeads™ Community. I'd like to offer a solution that will stop these catastrophic situations and benefit all with incredible gameplay, realistic scenarios and many more exiting...
  24. jay_

    Help my dear friend find his lost kitten

    Posted for Max Arnolds Text boxes don't appear Any suggestions ? EDIT: My dear friend has informed me that it works on other browsers e.g. Internet Explorer (xd) but not chrome.
  25. jay_

    Shotbox not appearing

    Well I got banned, yeah I know what a shocker. But when my ban expired my shoutbox hasn't come back. I've tried to content staff about this emergency but the customer service is very poor. It doesn't display anything just like a normal shoutbox ban but unless the ban is still active, which i'm...
  26. jay_

    Tv's don't work

    My Televisions don't work they just have the default texture and nothing plays. I've tried the things on @Sgt.James 's thread but it doesn't work. This only started to happen after I reinstalled Gmod so perhaps something went wrong there? Any help is appreciated.
  27. jay_

    Identity Theft (PERP BEEF)

    Hello guys Jay____ Here. I would just like to notify you all about some fake Jay's going around this community, both in game and on the forums. These people are stealing my identity and need to be stopped. I'm calling out @Jay and @BeepBeepImAJeep for this. Jay(Insert Stupid Start Here) has...
  28. jay_

    Lord, Sir, Mam, Lady Tyla.

    I'd like to recommend Lord Sir Tyla for making good ( Terrible ) Videos and being a nice mod on dark rp and Perp. But overall he's a good mod and a nice racist police officer. @LordTyla
  29. jay_

    Next Gen Cars

    I come back to perp to see this... I have All Tdm cars and Perp addons in my folder. Any Suggestions?
  30. jay_

    I iz back

    I am back from like a fucking 3-4 month break; Prepare to get aids and die. But yeah I'm back to see if perp is still boring and as unrealistic as C.O.D. Rate This Winner