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  1. Johny-Quid$$$

    ar on bonquiqui mandela

    I was part of that raid. I even told him many times tht if he will not stop screaming we will kill him. About a month ago I recieved a warning for the very same reason. ACCEPTED AR: 3.4 - Continuously spoke loudly during a mugging after being...
  2. Johny-Quid$$$

    ar on al capone

    sorry I had both AR open and I write it on the wrong one :D gonna copy paste my comment.
  3. Johny-Quid$$$

    ar on al capone

    I was part of that raid. I even told him many times tht if he will not stop screaming we will kill him. About a month ago I recieved a warning for the very same reason. ACCEPTED AR: 3.4 - Continuously spoke loudly during a mugging after being...
  4. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Ethan and some other guy

    @Ethan If you actually see the video the sound of the gunshots is earlier than the actual gunshot. And as you can see the actual gunshot is after you started running.
  5. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Ethan and some other guy

    Hahahahha. Well I actually started shooting cause I was paniced when one of you started running. And lets just make this an actual AR so would you like to provide your demo? Not a youtube video just your demo so we can actually see your point of view. There is always a chance of me being wrong...
  6. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Ethan and some other guy

    Well I was also lagging but check it out man I wouldn't waste my time make this AR unless you actually did.
  7. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Ethan and some other guy

    @Sorle I really hope you will keep being such a smartass after the staff team actually review this and the demo. I have nothing more to say enjoy your weekend <3
  8. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Ethan and some other guy

    @Sorle How could you know who I was aiming at? I would like it if you shut up and let the staff team check my point of view. I could actually shoot you both in the head right before I say hands up and you wouldn't have the chance to run away like cockroaches.
  9. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Ethan and some other guy

    It doesn't matter if it was a pistol or a riffle once you are under gunpoint you are not supposed to do that. I didn't expet that kind of reaction thats why I didn't kill you when I could even if it was ez.
  10. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Ethan and some other guy

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Balthazar Winchester: His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Ethan and well I can't see the name of the other guy since on my demo it says loading. His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55480733 Why Should This Player Be Punished: For 3.4 totally ignoring gun point. I was raiding slums...
  11. Johny-Quid$$$

    ABC Gang

    This is Ethan never faced the sunlight in the amazing Soviet Union he lives in. Probably never actually fucked something man/woman since he is always so toxic. But well guys there usually get drunk enough to fuck their 13 year old sister by force. Anyways one minute of silence for poor Ethan
  12. Johny-Quid$$$

    ABC Gang

    Hahahahahhahahaha okay I admit thats a nice one but well in fact I am 89kilos now and 186 cm so I am definetly not like that.
  13. Johny-Quid$$$

    Action request on Thermosifonas

    It doesn't matter if you were actually going to the storage you still shouldn't go from there. You broke one of the most important server rules called New Life Rule there is a reason why there is a timer on the top of your screen and the notification once you are close to your death location...
  14. Johny-Quid$$$

    Action request on Thermosifonas

    Well basically you came in bazar and killed my friend and shot me while you were surrounded by 4 or 5 people and then I killed you. Cops didn't arrest you and for me this wasn't right so once they left to the parking lot I took my gun out and killed you and my plan of escaping was getting away...
  15. Johny-Quid$$$

    Salty man gets revenge.

    When I was in that org they added me on their discord group chat. They never ever used it for metagaming the only reason they made it was to see when members can be active. And its true that some mod asked us to let him be in the group just to make sure that we are not actually using it to metagame.
  16. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Balthazar

    I didn't say you can only mug with your fists out but its not realistic to search someone while holding an ak with your both hands. I said that even the cops when they search you they are doing it with their fists because this is realistic. When I mug someone after I am sure that they are not...
  17. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Balthazar

    Bazar its a public area just because you see it empty doesn't mean that it is. And when I took the shot I took my m1911 outside and killed you while you were looking in another direction. Act surrender is added for a reason. When I raid someone the first thing I do is ask them to put their hands...
  18. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Balthazar

    So basically you came with an ak101 in attack stand on freaking bazar area that its such a public area. I see you breaking 3.4 there and basically its kinda fail RP. I wasn't screaming and I did comply. First rule when you mug someone ask them to put their hands up. My plan from the beginning...
  19. Johny-Quid$$$

    ar on dai and synatec

    I actually thought that you are sorle I am confused as fuck....
  20. Johny-Quid$$$

    ar on dai and synatec

    I would say a raid is a raid occupied properties or not. But i am not the one who wrote the server rules anyway...
  21. Johny-Quid$$$

    ar on dai and synatec

    Raid is not about finding people but finding objects or something to steal from a house. It might be drugs it might be diamonds and in fact when you raid someone in RL you wish that there are not gonna be people inside.
  22. Johny-Quid$$$

    ar on dai and synatec

    Maybe you did not watch the demo from your point of you the video you posted it seems that you indeed just helped your org member raid us. But we would like to see the demo from Daigestive cause we didn't make any noise there couldn't be a way he could hear us. Even if the AR gets accepted I...
  23. Johny-Quid$$$

    ar on dai and synatec

    Phantom done that another time not today. Don't involve our beloved Asian player.
  24. Johny-Quid$$$

    ar on dai and synatec

    This is right they came straight to our building and apparently they heard us while we were not making any noise at all actually I was afk wearing my headset while growing in case anyone comes. I would like to demand something Mr.glinchy I do not want you to get involved in these AR I would like...
  25. Johny-Quid$$$

    The GREAT Perpheads giveaway

    my IG name is GeorgyPapadakis I will try to follow you back.
  26. Johny-Quid$$$

    Tinder and PH!!! I am uploading my first video on pornhub with name Beach with my bitch I think...

    Tinder and PH!!! I am uploading my first video on pornhub with name Beach with my bitch I think its gonna be the video of the year :D and I am 21 xD
  27. Johny-Quid$$$

    You are right. This server is actually really nice and I enjoy spending some time there. But if...

    You are right. This server is actually really nice and I enjoy spending some time there. But if people don't follow the rules guess what this community will end up like Fearless Rp. We don't want that do we?
  28. Johny-Quid$$$


    Just a small typo I hope you feel better and smarter than me now.
  29. Johny-Quid$$$


    Rules are rules hate me for the AR raid me the whole time I don't care :) the more you raid me the more rules you brake can't you see it? I hope you also get a 7days croissant.
  30. Johny-Quid$$$


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dimitri His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MrWoLfX, JER , ICEKILLER_99, _MAGE His/Her SteamID: MrWoLfX STEAM_0:1:115398140 JER STEAM_0:1:93949226 ICEKILLER_99 STEAM_0:1:87262869 _MAGE STEAM_0:0:37831563 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Basically 5.3 We owned...