03-08-2016 Update log

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Hopefully this update addresses some crashing people had while loading car dealer or any other car related window. This also eliminates the annoying audio while it loads all the car models.

  • Overall better looking GUI skin which makes EVERYTHING better (more colors potentially on the way) (can change in F1 menu)
    • 537349983f.png
    • e974defed6.png
  • Car Related windows (you can click and drag side to side to rotate the car around)
    • e79f299ca2.jpg
    • df8524b898.jpg
    • ae58075971.jpg
    • 3906c286b7.jpg
  • Night times hopefully not nearly as dark or faded
  • Some new / changed administrative features / info
  • Car customizing limits colors in a more straightforward way which hopefully will reduce glow in the dark cars.
  • Car dealer now stocks cars in the displays with all but the basic paint to show off the variety better
  • Car sales tax is now 10% of what the actual rate is. So if sales tax is 25% for buying a car it is 2.5% which should hopefully should make their prices not go completely out of sight with any amount of sales tax.
  • Other stuff

Some more information may be added into car dealer or slight window tweaks in the future. If you happen to come across any issues with colors on the new skin please make a bug report. There are also a variety of bug fixes, some critical, some basic so hopefully this fixes a few things for people. Anyways enjoy!
So far the F1 and other windows have being awesome. I think this is a really nice update. It's pretty great that you can defult it as well so players have a choice on there menu's. Good job on the Update guys. I really like the blue.
This is a nice change to be fair. I didn't feel it was particularly needed though. I do like the effort put into it. I feel as though the car garage is a bit over the top though. It takes a bit longer than I would prefer to take a car out. Other than that, it is nice that the customisation and the car dealer has been changed. it is FAR better now! Props for that.
Bright Pink UI or riot

Seriously though this update has been needed for a long time now. I love the new blue UI, and can't wait for more colour options.

The new Car dealer system is fantastic, and so much easier to navigate than the old one.

I also didn't get any lag from opening car dealer, or F1 menu, nice work.
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Would it be possible to add RGB sliders for custom colour options on the menus?
I like the new car dealer, some of the preset colours when customising a car are great too. However (I don't believe you can) it would be great if you could zoom in when customising a car again. The new sliders are also cool :)
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