03-11-2016 Update log

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Well not much was changed other than some more guns being added this time. Maybe a fix here or there, but mostly new guns.

"What new guns?" I hear you ask.

  • .357 magnums
    • gE8dDqG.png
    • LL4s8ks.png
    • 3QbeGEV.png
  • .44 magnums
    • nmMFYY3.png
    • a1YO1AO.png
    • nbRuEBK.png
  • .500 magnum
    • 5dmJvCp.png

  • MKkk0iu.png
  • 83lIEur.png
  • lMU6YSx.png
  • jEe0SSl.png
  • czu2dVO.png
  • ymin9LP.png
  • Coming Soon
    • F1A4dEo.png
    • NSPJtJ2.png
Side notes:
  • The MP5/10 is a 10mm Auto version of the MP5 so it shoots the same caliber as the Glock 20 but otherwise similar appearance.
  • The Luger P.08 sights are way off of where they should be since for some reason they're refusing to line up properly
  • Revolvers do not have any optional attachments
  • Shooting range is still broken for these guns (will fix)

Be safe and shoot responsibly
gonna put a scope on the .500 magnum to snipe people who piss me off

it's the poor mans sniper even though I'm not poor haha
I went on this morning and took a look at some of the new weapons, I have to say that you have done a great job with the animations and creation of the weapons. I'm sure I speak for the rest of the community when I say thank you so much and we really appretiate the time and effort you put in to make this community a better place. I don't know who were involved with the creation of the new weapons, but thank you for putting the effort and time in.
How many of these weapons have you allowed for police/SWAT to use? Did SWAT get any of the new guns?
Give cops a mossberg, the remington is balls and a better shotgun is kinda the middleground instead of giving them automatic weapons
Amazing update, can't wait to get on the server and see the new things. Btw since i haven't been on the server for a long time, has the sawed off shotgun been added to crafting yet?
If only I'd enjoy playing with these as much as I enjoyed making them ;)
Looks great man, can't wait to have some fun with the revolvers... And the Luger. :booty:
Anyway, Browning HP, off you go then. :troll:

I do think that mossberg should be the new police shotgun though, looks a lot more fitting, considering there is no wood trim.

Also, please let me use a python as police.
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I'm really impressed on how frequently you push out updates, I respect you and the other staff a lot for doing that for our enjoyment. Keep up the good work all of you, we all do appreciate it so much!
I'm gonna post these reference pics to make it more obvious to the guys who can't see the difference.

Smith and Wesson 686.
In-game: http://i.imgur.com/3QbeGEV.png
Real life Smith and Wesson 686: http://www.imfdb.org/images/8/83/S&W686Hardwood..jpg
Real life Smith and Wesson 19: http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/d/da/Smith&Wesson-Model-19.jpg/400px-Smith&Wesson-Model-19.jpg

H&K HK45CT (Redundant name, right?)
In-game: https://puu.sh/s4YdY/da92ab0b85.jpg
Real life H&K USP45 Compact Tactical: https://s3.amazonaws.com/mgm-conten...237_02_hk_usp_45_ct_compact_tactical__640.jpg (They already used this model for the USP40 in-game, go figure.)
Real life H&K HK45CT: http://hkusa.s3.amazonaws.com/20140509153729/HK45-Compact-M24-left.jpg

Taurus 605
In-game: http://i.imgur.com/gE8dDqG.png
Real life Smith and Wesson 64: http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/e/e0/Model64SN.jpg/400px-Model64SN.jpg
Real life Taurus 605: http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/8/89/Taurus605stainless.jpg/350px-Taurus605stainless.jpg

If you still can't see the difference, I've lost hope for your eyes.
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