15-08-2015 Update log

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I suppose I better make this now, was too tired to type it all up last night. Anyways...

This update is courtesy of several members of the community who have suggested ideas on our forums, so thank you to everyone who has. So in no particular order, here they are.

@Ultimate With his stacking ammo boxes idea. FOUND HERE This works by clicking on an ammo box it will load your most full box with the least full. So if you have 4 pistol ammo with: 30, 21, 14, 9 rounds when you click on the ammo box in your inventory it will load the 9 bullets one into the one with 21, removing the one with 9 bullets and giving you then two boxes with 30 bullets and one with 14.

@Allen Kennedy For the idea of showing the phone in hand, not just holding it up to act as if you are looking at it. FOUND HERE

@Shaun Owning the Camaro ZL1 and showing me that the exhaust only came out of one side when there's exhausts on both sides. Was set up to have this, but accidentally had both points on the same side of the car.

@AyJay Apparently the latest GMod update for whatever reason allowed chat to display while a camera was being used making it difficult to use for cinematography. Chat no longer displays while using, only your own chatbar while typing.

@MrAaron While this wasn't exactly your original idea it morphed into it through the idea thread. FOUND HERE (Despite all the dislikes) So now "Always show keys?" is now an option in the F1 menu, active by default so newcomers don't get confused.

@Prepper For his information regarding a few different oversights regarding traffic police. FOUND HERE They are now able to regain their body armor from the quartermaster at the police armory. In addition to being given a battering ram that only works on vehicles.

@GhostaSD Suggested that S.W.A.T. be given binoculars. FOUND HERE So they are given a government issue pair as an item like barricades and such, that they are free to use but can not drop.

@nickjedl Wanted a way to remap the phone functions. FOUND HERE In your F1 -> Key Bindings tab you can now find two new binds, one for opening/answering calls (Z or L by default depending on your AZERTY option) and the other for closing/rejecting calls (T by default). Update: Any app that requires text entry will have these hotkeys disabled, use the buttons on the phone with your mouse.

I also changed the format of the delivery shop to now consistently use the font we like to use on the phone and other places. As well as gave a label of what each item is at the top of its icon so there should be no confusion when adding to cart. Finally because this isn't a food service, all food items have been removed from delivery.

You may have noticed that the phone also looks perhaps slightly different, this is because I changed how the icons are formatted so it should be better I hope and fit more resolutions better. Also I made the background no longer 100% black and now looks more like the background of a real phone with just a touch of lightness.

That's it though, so a big thank you to all members who have suggested things, still working on getting several other ones done too. For anyone thinking of posting a suggestion/idea of your own, use the search bar to check for similar ideas that have either been accepted/denied. Also please proofread what you are going to post for spelling and grammatical errors. One final note, the more information you can provide about something that is entirely new and not just a tweak to an existing system is highly appreciated. It shouldn't be up to us developers to work out every single aspect of it, so as much as you can discuss your idea with others and come up with a really solid plan. Enjoy the update as always, and stay tuned for more.
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