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I suggested this and it got denied. I now understand why it was denied. WOW, you lost 10 minutes of your time!
Grow up and just play.
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got my senetce rised to 10 and ticket to 10k in senarios that included stabbing someone or punching someone to unconcius
so that seems ultra excesive
@A1L stabbed a cop without even knocking him out ye surely deserved 10 years 10k
@A1L how is that extreme its literaly in the law description
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@Tomo The situation hasn't even happend yet and you already mad LOL, where does it say extreme? It says nothing about extreme in the policies nor the law, depending on the situation, I could probably justify giving you that is what I'm trying to say. I think you should read before typing
Spoke to @Momo about it before. Weird that the "only in extreme circumstances" was removed. From code of ethics they have to have a justifiable reason to give you more though but was probs better in black and white.
I don't remember exactly what we changed, however, the goal was to remove confusion as the policy was a bit vague in my opinion. After this, we did indeed have a few Lt+ who simple started to hand out higher punishment which is when we added the "where justifiable" part
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