A formal Office Raid

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i mean if i played i wouldnt even let you have a base for me to raid
the only thing you had going for you in the server
@Wiki Okay bye. Nah I got bored. A thing I would've thought you guys had learned is don't believe when I say I'm leaving lol.
@Wiki yes, like last i've peaked out and some noob called icekiller camped out on top, sure man. I killed 4 of you, and the last did survive lmao you all got luck, the next raid was completely same.
I understand your urge to give Sorle free guns, Sorle is too busy being a super admin on ZARPGAMING DOT COM right now
@XPGamingXPDK I mean clearly you all think it was a "Good raid" if you're all hyping yourselfs up after it, ashame you're good enough to kill sweaters but not the cops :D
@Tamaninja like I care about zarpgaming, you got banned there for exploiting as you're to shit to hide your stash
@Jamal I can ez pz kill the cops mate. Just because I'm not hitting them at times or killing them such in that raid, apparently in your head means I can't kill cops I know your IQ isn't the highest, but going from what YOU'VE seen me do, doesn't count shit mate. Also I'm not hyping shit mate, I didn't tell him to make this post, I didn't even fucking know it was up before I woke up this morning. I raided to have a fucking shootout with cops and have fun, something your brain should understand, cause you raid to get stuff AND shoot the cops.
@Mazan why are u trying to flex like i didnt have more guns at once than you'll ever see in your life

most of those guns are mine anyway LOL
@Mazan Funny how you're piping up when all the good people are on break/banned but when they played you were a typical morning grower. Thing is your org are still night and morning growers because they're too scared of getting raided. Anyways I wouldn't be talking shit when you can't even headshot a guy stood still :D

@Jamal It's funny you're saying Morning and Night Growers, when we grow in daytimes we get insulted for staying in our base and growing, but if we raid we just get told that we suck at shooting and shouldn't raid when we can't shoot. Dafuck?
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