A NEW balanced idea for giving Sergeant+ M4A1 or similar

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Description of the idea: Give Sergeants access to an M4A1 which is locked to single-shot only, forbid access to full-auto.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • A good balanced argument where some people believe it is overpowered to give Sergeant's an assault rifle.
  • It is a realistic addition as my understanding is police forces, unsure about other countries, officers are not permitted to use more than a single-shot mode.
  • Prevents officers from spraying everywhere like this is call of duty
What negatives could this have? (cons): [list of all bad aspects]
  • There is still some argument for balancing, for discussion below
*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]
Pretty sure 1 shot from an M4, despite having good range, penetration, and vehicle damage does the same amount, if not less damage than pistols cops already have access to when it comes to shooting at players, so it's kind of pointless in that sense.

On the other hand, if this stops cops from using remington 24/7 I'm fully behind this idea!
I don't understand why give STG rifles? They currently already have shotguns and decent pistols. If you want a rifle then go for TFU and apply for it. Giving this role would be massively OP since you would have what 3 TFU along with 3 other cops with rifles. if anything buff pistol cops.

Momo has said that something like this is planned
Maybe make a whitelist for it you can apply for it if you don't want tfu or something that way it is available for everyone but not for some powerhungry cops
Maybe make a whitelist for it you can apply for it if you don't want tfu or something that way it is available for everyone but not for some powerhungry cops
Although it would most likely work, they can just apply for senior officer and get the taser.
Maybe make a whitelist for it you can apply for it if you don't want tfu or something that way it is available for everyone but not for some powerhungry cops
I agree with dank as not every sergeant has the required IQ unfortunately.. however this legit would be a useless step that will take up command or trainers time to have to do, I don’t think a written application would suffice for a firearms upgrade like that? There would be in game training needed so anyhow instead of adding unnecessary things and over complicating it, they can just apply for TFU, no need to give people who are geared down or without TFU training access to a rifle. I just see PERP becoming a bigger shit show
What (if possible) the Development team meet everyone in the middle and made an actually semi-automatic rifle, let's just say AR-15 in this case which is not as strong as the M4A1.

I'm not actually sure if it's possible to give cops an AR-15 or some sort of rifle that would be a semi-automatic, yet longer-range rifle.
I get why some may want this and why some won't, think for a second. It may include re-writing or adding to current policies, SGT's or higher ranks or other ranks in most if not all US departments carry pistols, shotguns, and rifles but to put it into perp isn't easy and would be a matter of balancing which will probably end up in some sort of overpowered PD thing again.

But If added, I suggest giving such tasks to either TFU or the SGT and +'s commanding officers and rifles could already be given to LT's +. The PD from my experience is not 'OP' and many people on duty just lack the proper teamwork skills unless it comes to TFU. Crims/Civs already have access to practically any weapon and in this time of easy to get funds, and cheap guns I don't see why crims would complain at a slight buff in PD, it would make sense in regards to the balancing (In my opinion).

Normal Uniformed Officers with rifles are not TFU in gear. They will obviously still have to do their normal thing but the only difference is they have a rifle and that's pretty much it.

Furthermore, if it was to get hectic with the rifles then limits to how many authorized officers can carry the rifle can be put in place similar to how many TFU officers are able to go on duty.

I don't understand why people mention 'Just apply for tfu' It's a completely different thing and you guys are just thinking of TFU when you hear about a normal uniformed officer with a rifle. The rifle can be used in those kinds of situations for officers when a raid is ongoing and there is simply not enough TFU or a supervisor doesn't want to commit to TFU or they simply can't return to PD in the chaos to gear up because it just isn't realistic.

For you @Tyla Jai I'd input replacing the M4A1 for an M16 instead due to its lower damage and it's already fairly limited to burst fire which nobody uses. I like the suggestion and I support it.
For you @Tyla Jai I'd input replacing the M4A1 for an M16 instead due to its lower damage and it's already fairly limited to burst fire which nobody uses. I like the suggestion and I support it.
M16 and M4A1 have the same damage due to both rifles being 5.56.
No, just... No.

The last thing I wanna see is some aids cop wielding a rifle. However when it comes to SMGs? maybe just maybe we can have SGTs with Mp5s or UMPs. but a big nono regarding to rifles.
No, just... No.

The last thing I wanna see is some aids cop wielding a rifle. However when it comes to SMGs? maybe just maybe we can have SGTs with Mp5s or UMPs. but a big nono regarding to rifles.
An SMG would be much more overpowered. If SMGs were to be added, full auto would have to allowed, considering that if it wasnt, it would just be the same as a pistol in a different format, using the same calibre bullets. That would allow for SGTs+ to have fully automatic weapons, that will take down targets very quickly. The only thing that rifles have over SMGs is that they have better armor penetration. Civilians dont have armor.

Momo has said that something like this is planned
Post from over a year ago, thanks bro
Still doesn't mean it isn't out of the question.
We have said this before, non TFU is never getting assault rifles....
No need for TFU then. What we have said, is that we could add another primary weapon, so you can choose between Shotgun and something else like a MP5
An SMG would be much more overpowered. If SMGs were to be added, full auto would have to allowed, considering that if it wasnt, it would just be the same as a pistol in a different format, using the same calibre bullets. That would allow for SGTs+ to have fully automatic weapons, that will take down targets very quickly. The only thing that rifles have over SMGs is that they have better armor penetration. Civilians dont have armor.
yes but civilians also have very fast cars, access to immense fire power such as heavy caliber rifles, grenades, flashbangs, able to build a whole fortress in their "home" and cops might have armor, but they also have semi-automatic pistols. Sure you can argue with the armor thing but there is no chance for a cop with a pistol against a person wielding grenades and a full automatic AK-47. Even at a little range cops are already at a disadvantage. Cops don't have access to sights unless they are in the Tactical Firearms Unit that has access to better weaponry OR Chief of department with a modded pistol. And there are much more normal officers than TFU members.
Honestly, An MP5 might be a better option (get out of here with the UMP), Give them the ability for a Holographic sight and a Compensator and you're set. Same policies as the shotgun, That should be balanced, considering the fact you're just shooting 9mm rounds at semi/Burst/auto, It isn't that overpowered, at long range, it's terrible.
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