Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

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Brief description of idea: Allow all officers to once again equip optics such as mini-sights and RDS on their pistols (possibly a patrol-only addition)

What benefits would this idea have for the department: It's 2044, and cops are still fumbling with old iron sight-based weapons from the 70s and 80s. Giving cops actual red dot sights would help balance situations when there are no big sergeants with shotties available, as well as giving officers more confidence with engaging medium-long range targets when no other means are available. As most enemy targets you are going to be engaging will be equipped with assault rifles and their own optics, giving cops - especially significant when TFU or supervisors are not available - would help shift the balance against assailants from very unbalanced to unbalanced.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: complaints that cops are overpowered because they're harder to be wiped out by one AK-wielding maniac at range

Other additions: Jimmy Jackson's Patrol armoury rework
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But most of the times the shootouts happen in closed spaces such as slums, projex, regals, and subs houses. Sometimes out in the open in bazaar so a red dot would definitely help for a bit of better accuracy especially in those situations.
I think you're confused. I said I'm all for the addition of red dots, not against it. If there's a shootout in tight spaces, either let TFU handle it, or if you don't have that, don't go into the building. Wait for the suspects to exit before engaging.
please tell me your joking civilians have grenades ak's the lot
why do people always say its down to the armoury. I'd say shootouts are 80% aim based, maybe pistol cops aren't as good at aiming as some civilians. there has been countless occasions where myself and ten's of other people have taken out a group of criminals with assault rifles with a pistol. PERP isn't weapon based combat, it is aim based.
I personally haven't been able to play the server for a long time and when I did I never went on duty, but sometimes friends stream the game for me and imo this suggestion is probably one of the few PLPD "buffs" that I can support.
In recent times criminals have managed to get massive amounts of money and afford using really high caliber guns, bombs and nades, compared to what used to be meta guns (before it was aks and m4s, now its m82s and AS-50s). A simple addition of the sight to pistol cops may actually help balance things out a bit.
I can also see the crim POV saying that the cops should just get better, I would've considered it a valid point a few years ago when money wasn't as easy to make and the PLPD was actually too OP.
If the sight doesnt improve the aim as some of you guys complain about, then why even try to argue against it? Why even be bothered with trying to get this denied? Are you that biased as a criminal that you cant understand police are really under-powered? You can go on all day and say "Well I just wiped out 5 people with a pistol!" but the fact of it is, a pistol is much weaker then a rifle. Does that mean all cops should have rifles? No it definitely doesn't. But you cant go around and say pistols are OP when in all honesty they're not, if pistols were OP every criminal would run around with one and not use rifles. Because it seems to me every criminal who actually says "Pistols are OP why'd you need anything else?" runs around with rifles. I'm just saying ^^

And the fact you argue this much against a simple sight on a pistol shows how biased you guys are against something that literally only makes it a bit easier to aim.
I think sights are something that the PD needs back again. It would balance the PD vs Criminals problem that we have right now. However, there is one aspect of your suggestion that I disagree with, and that's making it patrol exclusive. Traffic officers are still faced with a similar level of threat when on duty so making it exclusive to one division isn't really appropriate. I understand certain people want more of a distinction between the divisions (patrol & traffic) and some want more exclusive things for patrol but the thing is, quite a lot of the active officers already are traffic officers so it wouldn't really make sense to only give it to less than majority. There aren't enough traffic incidents for RTU to respond to make things like this exclusive. The proposed changes a while back already mean traffic officers are losing some of their armour so this would be a nice substitute.
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