Aaron Doman - MrAaron enforcer application

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Birmingham, United Kingdom

IN-GAME NAME: Aaron Doman
AGE: 16
COUNTRY: England, UK

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:41291045

WHY SHOULD YOU BE AN ENFORCER: This application is completely different than the other one, I've added allot more detail and what I've improved on, please take care on reading this, my previous application was denied because some people haven't watched me play in game.I was congratulated on my range of rule knowledge and other procedures in my role-playing character and out of character.My communication skills are very clear and have helped many people in the past weeks, @Alabin the moderator has witnessed me take control of a man who shall not be named breaking rule 3.4 upon punching officers for getting a ticket for a law he had broken and said he had a grudge against the LEO's,@Alabin witnessed me talk to the man breaking the rules and also had a chat after me.

A bit about me if you don’t know me already: Hello my name is Aaron I currently have 5 bans on record, dating from last year and prior to that I have 12 warnings, I'm applying for enforcer because I have improved and numerous of staff told me so too, the thing is all I want to do is prove to you guys that I can do the job, the fact I have 12 warnings isn't actually that bad since some staff members have that amount and it's actually the fact that new members rack up about 8 warnings in a month for example Tadgee, for me its an achievement not to get a warning for so long, so in my way I have decided to apply.

I have left school and have free time on my hands until September.

After being part of this community since the 21stJune 2013 I believe I have stayed part of the community and have not gone inactive other than holidays and previous bans I have stuck with this community since beta.
I've recently had a word with the administration team and its basically that they haven't saw me role-play that much and have a feeling I may have not matured for the rank but I can tell you, if you watch me role-playing you'll see how much I've changed.

Basically I've improved massively from what I used to be and I've noticed that I have too, also that other people have messaged me. The thing is my warnings are from 2013-2014 when I wasn't mature enough to actually be playing on serious role-play, the fact that now I have actually fixed up and realized that everything I done in the past is in the past and shouldn't count. I've put alot of time and effort into PERP-heads and I think I should be given a shot, allot may think different from my past. I'm very active in the help chat, like today people was asking a range of locations and some people thanked me, someone asked me too what the teamspeak IP is and I told them in help chat.

I actually do try to enforce the rules while the players tend to mess around in the vicinity.for instance an example that actually happened.

Good note: I've been part of the community for along time, my playtime is around 1 month until I left for a short break (examinations) and a good active rule knowledge and pointing stuff out, but the thing is people still realise me as a rule breaker , I've changed and others have told me I've changed, if I did get a staff position I'd be as active as I can with my 70 days current on record in the server obviously I'm not ready to leave at random points, my help to the staff team would be affectionate and to help out as much as possible, currently I've shown how willing to help-out I am by helping out in chat.

✔ What I've improved: I've improved that people think I'm a rule breaker and that all I do is come on and mess around, this stopped in 2013/2014 and stayed there, I can prove to anyone that I've improved with my recent RP.

The thing is prior to my previous warnings and bans I've improved massively and I've got evidence to prove I have from when I was 13-14 I wasn't very mature lets say, so these past weeks I've tried to prove myself to everyone on the server, and if anyone don't believe me you can watch me in game and I'll prove it to you.

Reason 1 I was mayor and I was killed the people got reported to the police and all I heard was "WAITING FOR AN ADMIN" this was mixing IC into OOC breaching rule @ 3.24.Also while I was with@Murtsley earlier I was in an admin situation and the guys was lying about how they blatantly didn't see my broadcast saying "taxes going down to 15%" which led to me having to make multiple ban requests soon, this caused an up-raw.

Reason 2 There was a guy around office vicinity who was talking to me who managed to find out my name without talking to me before. [Tad pointless]

Reason 3 on 09/02/15 - There was a man at the intersection who broke by running over the highway while being chased, he then got shot at and didn't stop running, you can ask Lewis Doman he told the man what he did since he won't listen to me. - 3.19, 3.3 & 3.4
  • 3.19 Evading arrest​
  • 2.1 Play Realistically​
  • 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk​
  • 3.6 Stay Alive​
Reason 4 on 10/02/15 @ 17:00 - There was a man at PD who got in my car and kept trying to steal it, I locked the doors and proceeded to mug him, first of all he jumped out at 75 mph risking his life breaching 3.4 & 3.3, I got Chris to question him and tell him what he did wrong.After a few minutes I took him under highway in tree's and shone my headlights on him and pulled my M4A1 out and proceeded to request him to drop his items, he didn't but then disconnected.Chris banned him.''Chris: I banned the guy that DC'd for 3 days"

[TS3 SCENE] 10/02/15 @ 20:10 - Told AVAST to provide evidence and to ask Ash about his ban which he claimed unfair, unfortunately Ash was busy and had to go off, AVAST is now appealing his warnings.In my opinion I think over the last 6 months I've improved myself to a standard where I'm fit for purpose but its the admins decision whether to tell me if I'm enforcer material or not, I've adapted to Lewis scheme and evolved around it.But yeah, I think I've improved massively but others may not since they don't see me in-game.

[1st of March 2015] Me and Senlin helped out a new player to the server and told him how to work PERP and how to role-play, when we walked around the man asked if we can give him a gun as shown in the image: upload_2015-7-9_11-32-51.pngI explained to him you don't need a gun to role-play and to have a good time, a gun is used in self defence, he said okay, after mentioning that we took him to get some new clothes.

Spoiler: Sweater vest

Spoiler: (After finding out he ban evaded, he got banned)

Hopefully we put a smile on his face and he can enjoy PERP as he wishes, I wish him the best of luck on his future PERP life and would like him to keep in contact if his reading this application. upload_2015-7-9_11-32-51.pngUnfortunately on 1/04/15 we had a major problem of a man failing to drop his 75 cocaine after I received death threats and threats over direct OOC chat, the man got banned for 3.4 and 1.1 I believe.


On July the 5th I helped out a guy called Olivear! get his trousers from the Jennifers, after finding out he couldn't purchase them he decided to carry on role-playing.


5th July : 14:16 (GMT 0) I heard echo off the three peoples microphone, in the admin sit I asked them to hold there microphone key down, you could hear Skype end, Lewis and Devils was informed and these guys got banned.


Key Qualities
  • Calm speaker with an understandable microphone.​
  • I'm a calm person and know how to react with others breaching rules.​
  • Dealt with people in OOC since I'm not staff and told them what they did wrong.​
  • Used help chat to help people and tell them where to go, what to do.​
  • I'm fair towards everyone and let everyone have a say.​
Previous namesMarcus reevesAaron RoycewiczAaron DuffyAaron DomanRecommendation :https://perpheads.com/threads/aaron-and-pear.7005/https://perpheads.com/threads/ted-hastings-ph-chicken.6168/https://perpheads.com/threads/mraaron.7159/

Role-playing experiences + Job RP images.



You need to have at least one week of game time played. - ✔(1 month) - Server says 70 days.

No recent in-game bans on record. (one year since last ban) - ✔

(6 months)Good understanding of the rules to an extent to where you feel you can ENFORCE the rules.✔

I attempt to enforce the rules in game to an good extent.Must have access to and must use a microphone. ✔ HyperX cloud 2

You must be active on our TeamSpeak 3 server. ✔
6-8 hours a day

Your time played on the server must be at least one week. ✔ - 1 month.

No recent in-game bans on record. ✔ 8 Months since last ban

You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. ✔

Yes I do.You must have access to and use a microphone.✔

You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server. ✔
Everyday for 8 hours

HAVE YOU BEEN ADMIN ON ANY OTHER SERVERS:Good gamers community [Head admin for 3 years]
VH GAMING - 1 month got all staff demoted for inactivity.

Mine & Lewis old server mine was Enigma RP his was another one I was like op [DarkRP]

ARE YOU ACTIVE ON THE TEAMSPEAK: Well I come on every day till around 23:00, so yes.DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY:My voice is not the same as others and I sound like I have a speech disorder but that goes back to when I used to be deaf and learnt how to speak properly when I was 6 years old.

  • Aaron.duffbeer1 - Skype​
Thanks for reading.

1800+ words


  • upload_2015-7-9_11-32-51.jpeg
    5.5 KB · Views: 523
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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Holy moly. Took a bit to read this.
Well, Aaron
You help alot of people in OOC
You're fun to be around, even though you abuse me IC hue hue
Good guy in general, enforcing the rules seems like something you'll be good at.
I just have one request...

Don't be mean to me like @Niko haha

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I'll be the first to admit that Aaron isn't perfect, but in all honesty he can do the job of an Enforcer. When needed Aaron can turn serious and do what needs to be done in situations, he just needs to just be given the chance, just like I was. +Support my friend.
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I am giving this application a +Support for the following reasons;

- Had good knowledge of the rules and laws.
- Great RP
- Very active on the TeamSpeak server.
- Very active on the server. (Since a while).
- Helps people out in OOC and Help chat.
- He is very mature.
- He always likes some banter and pranks, other words, it is fun to talk with him and you can have a laugh with him.
- Everyone thinks he owns Robbing Hood. (lel)

Is this a prank Aaron?
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I will go ahead and give a +/- Neutral towards this.
MrAaron is no doubt an experienced and qualified PERPHeadier
-Knowledge of rules
-Effort-filled BRs and other forum posts
-Active of TS
-A thief
But due to the fact that he sort of has a nasty ban, warning history, and not knowing when Banter and Roleplay is being done I will make the decision of -/+ Neutral.
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I only roleplayed with Aaron a few minutes today and i already see what a good and calm roleplayer he is. Ask him something about rules and he knows it.
- You have my support.
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United Kingdom
Honestly Aaron, you're nice and all but I still feel the same and I feel you're not quite ready for enforcer honestly I think you're too immature and you've sort of built up a reputation in which people, including myself, can't take you seriously enough. You also have a tremendous amount of warnings and bans and although they were a year ago, 13 warnings and 5 bans one of which was permanent in my eyes is too many chances and too many on record to become a staff member. Also you're using the same reasons and "examples" of your role-play from your past two (1) (2) previous applications which were over 2 months ago I mean surely if you're as engaged in RP you'd have more examples of where you've enforced the rules especially as it's been over two months.

Sorry but

Reaction score
Fife, Scotland
I cannot +Support more.

The kind of passive rp this guy brings to the table really brightens up the server sometimes, it's really great to see.

He has improved so much, and honestly, with the amount of mods that have recently left the team, you would be hard pressed to find someone as good as Aaron to take the role as enforcer and potential moderator in the near future.

-Extensive rule knowledge.
-Awesome lad.
-Can enjoy a joke.
-Always reports and tries to stay away from rule breaking.
-Committed and long-lasting member of the community.

Wish you the best of luck with the result mate, you deserve enforcer more than anyone who has applied recently.
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Reaction score
Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • Denied
    We do not currently feel you are ready for this position within the staff team, reasons for this include:
    • Minor rule infringements
    • General conduct within the community is below the expected standard.
    I advise you wait a while before applying again to work on the above points.

The last denied was because of this and I definitely improved on all of these points,

I think you're too immature and you've sort of built up a reputation in which people, including myself, can't take you seriously enough.

But sometimes I feel the same about you after I shot you in glass co because I mugged you and then decided to stab me at gunpoint and then you TP back but then its that time me and lewis killed you for trespassing and seeing all of our drugs and you no-clipped back.

  • You also have a tremendous amount of warnings and bans and although they were a year ago, 13 warnings and 5 bans one of which was permanent in my eyes is too many chances and too many on record to become a staff member

Standish has 12 warnings he's administrator.

  • I mean surely if you're as engaged in RP you'd have more examples of where you've enforced the rules especially as it's been over two months.

Yes because its still history I have many screenshots which are recent from helping people out but the application already reached around 1800+ words, no one would let alone read a 3000 word app.

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United Kingdom
I shot you in glass co because I mugged you
Shouldn't be killing after a mugging, also if you know you're about to get shot/are being shot at that is valid reason to break gunpoint. Also, like I stated previously your reputation is one which is hard to tell when you are serious or just "bantering" or performing random "social experiments"

Standish has 12 warnings his administrator.
Standish may have 12 however each warning could be different and Standish' general conduct within the community was good, prior to applying for enforcer. He also doesn't have 5 bans to complement his warnings and as far as I know has never been perma banned

Yes because its still history I have many screenshots which are recent from helping people out but the application already reached around 1800+ words, no one would let alone read a 3000 word app.

Out with the old and in with the new? honestly who cares if you built a roadcrew station waiting room 2.5 months ago, if you have these screenshots use them and stop running on old examples. It's like running on IOS 4 when IOS 6 is out? Like why use the old version?
Reaction score
Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • Shouldn't be killing after a mugging, also if you know you're about to get shot/are being shot at that is valid reason to break gunpoint. Also, like I stated previously your reputation is one which is hard to tell when you are serious or just "bantering" or performing random "social experiments"

decided to stab me at gunpoint - clearly put in the text

Also, like I stated previously your reputation is one which is hard to tell when you are serious or just "bantering" or performing random "social experiments" : These stopped 3 weeks ago if you read the application, the social experiments are clearly shown and do not engage muggings only pranks, the bantering is shown but if I'm serious I raise my voice.

Prior to the bans I got banned by Alex_:D cause he hated me and I was pestering him.

  • Out with the old and in with the new? honestly who cares if you built a roadcrew station waiting room 2.5 months ago, if you have these screenshots use them and stop running on old examples.

Because its still history from my past, if I didn't have it then my application would be small, its like going for a job interview with your name, age and your hobbies on your CV without any detailed information.



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Leeds, England.

I'm not too sure when I first actually met Aaron, I was probably a Moderator and picked him up one day for being an idiot; good times. Aaron used to be this squeeky guy who absolutley everybody hated, they knew that he was a minge and thought their would be no way of changing him. About a year ago, I heard Aaron say to people in the teamspeak that he was thinking of making an Enforcer application, every single person in there laughed at him and thought that he was joking.


And a few hundered more..

Aaron has made a total of 15 applications on PERPheads, with an attempt to gain a rank of some sort and every single one has been denied. The reasons for this are sometimes due to his inability to be serious and some are due to his lack of roleplay. I feel that Aaron has improved a hell of a lot and deserves at least one chance of being an Enforcer. I didn't want to really comment on this due to the fact that I have an Enforcer application open myself and I'm somewhat friends with Aaron but the changes I've seen needed to be noted and I feel that if I was in place of accepting applications, with some long thought I'd give Aaron a shot.

Good luck.
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Well what can I say...

Youre probably one of the worst human beings Ive ever met in my life... But I do have a good laugh with you mate.

You've been here long enough to prove to the staff team that you know the rules and are willing to enforce them since I've witnessed it first hand.

I mean you pretty much caught out people meta gaming using Skype, which a lot of people can't say they've done.

I think you have the potential to be a great member of the staff team. I think if you was given the chance you'd definitely change for the best.

+ Support from me


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Aaron changed speaking honestly. He's not that guy anymore that shouts like a 12 year old, nor that guy you give him keys to your new car later to find it inside someone's butt hole. He changed a lot, He is always calm and chill with the current event. Give the guy a medal.

P.S: Still can't tell the deference between you and Arron. forgive my stupidity.

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United Kingdom
Aaron is the biggiest Retard I've ever met. No offence but I can't trust you with keys to my car, everything you do feels like there is no thought behind it so therefore if you showed up to my admin sit I wouldn't be able to trust you to make the right judgement call.

You're very childish and immature and your voice is quite squeaky so I don't think anyone will take you serious.
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-Your a very great RPer and you try to RP a lot.
-Knows the rules by heart
-You have the potential to be a staff member, and if you become one you would be an awesome one.

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I know I am banned and shit but I still care about this community and MOST of the people in it.

Honestly, I see few negatives about Aaron such as:
  1. He got me banned;
  2. He has a not so positive reputation in the community;
  3. Others struggle to take Aaron seriously, which is a huge negative infact.
Other than these three issues, there is not much else I can say about Aaron. I am not going for a 'positive outweighs negative' opinion on this application - all I am going to say it.. improve on these points and think about your actions before you take them (same goes for myself).
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