Police Suggestion Ability for RTU to impound any vehicles on the highway when there's no roadcrew

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United Kingdom
Brief description of idea: Allow RTU Officers and patrol officers ranked SO+ to impound any vehicle regardless of condition on the highway if there's no roadcrew on duty,

What benefits would this idea have for the department: When there's no roadcrew on duty this can prevent a road traffic collision from occurring on the highway if we were able to impound vehicles just sitting on the highway since roadcrew isn't the most active job.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Could potentially be abused but I wouldn't see a way to abuse this if it was highway only and restricted to certain ranks/divisions, especially if people are parking or leaving their vehicles on the highway.

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most RTU officers are responsible

I kinda see the point with this idea, but I don't really know, don't want a cop to just Thanos snap my car into the RC NPC's pocket whilst I'm mugging someone because I parked it a bit dodgy.

Wheel clamps I can get behind though.
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cant wait for my car to get impounded 24/7 cuz some idiot rammed it onto 1 of the white lines or on the sidewalk

I dont see the need for this to be added to be really honest, it would really screw up some situations or be abused the hell out of.
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Instead of doing that, perhaps make it so vehicles are automatically impounded if a ticket that has been put on the vehicle goes unpaid for 10 minutes or more, if there is no roadcrew on duty.

Or maybe it's impounded if the vehicle remains immobile for 10 minutes after being ticketed instead, since people could theoretically just pay the ticket to avoid having their vehicle impounded, I guess.

Giving police access to instantly impound vehicles is unnecessary and too easy to abuse (with the exception of vehicles where the engine is dead)
Just allow it if the car isn't parked, so you can impound a car abandoned on the highway, but not if its parked at bazaar. These locations are already coded in
Why only rtu, don't you guys have enough? No offence @Henry . Just add this for whole of pd with a required rank of CPL/SGT, easily sorted.
Finally, it's been admitted!!

Seriously though, just have it for the whole of PD as long as the person is CPL/SGT+, if it gets abused, then that person will be punished accordingly.
I dont really like that idea personally, because you might get a ticket because someone stole your car, or be unable to get to your car at that time and then you gotta pay even more to get your car out. Because it takes more then 10 minutes to get to your car sometimes. And it means that a ticket that isnt even aimed for your car can get your car impounded.
I agree more with @Niko his idea. And if you are going to implement a system like this you should give this power to patrol as well. It's kinda ridiculous why traffic gets access to things as the police broadcast and patrol not. These assets are useful for both of the divisions. maybe make a rank restriction like: senior officer.
I've listened to your suggestions and changed up this suggestion
  • It will only work on the highway.
  • There must not be any roadcrew available.
  • Patrol and RTU Officers ranked Senior Officer or higher can utilise this feature, to prevent abuse.
  • Added poll.
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This just discourages any roleplay at all for police. I know police don't really rp a lot but recently I have seen lane closures and crashes on the highway which has made Officers roleplay them out and setup efficient roadblocks while re-directing traffic. Then within lets say 5-10 minutes the car is respawned anyway so I don't see the point in allowing them to teleport to RC.

Furthermore, if the car is broken which most of the time it is hence why it is sat in the middle of the highway, then it can be teleported away by using your ticket book.
I'm happy to block those lanes off it's just sometimes people don't respawn their vehicles and we can't stay there forever.

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