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Your Steam/In-game Name: Edward/Amy Belinsky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Censored.exe/Chris Jenson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72160298
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The user started random punch me in front of the POLICE OFFICER NPC , I believe that the user broke server rules 3.4 and 2.5 as the video will provide it to you.
Evidence (Demo Required):
-involved- i was with chris and witnessed this. You broke charachter and said you were calling an admin and instead of valuing your life and running or alerting the authorities you just stood there until you died. You were just baiting an AR on him and you even said in looc AR before you died instead of running. You got revived and lost at most 2 minutes of your time yet here you are making an AR. Good way to spend your time :)
Unfortunately for you he is the one who baiting the AR by starting to punch me.
Now i understand if i had done something wrong so ok he can beat me up, But he seeing me standing in the police department run to me and started to beat me to death in front of the npc like are you seriously?.
Im not justifing what chris did im just saying you arent any better
You have been looking for a reason to make an AR/IA for ages on me, due to the fact I made an IA on you for blackmailing me whilst as an officer.
Ever since I got you recorded saying that you will search for something to get me banned/removed from PD if I IA'ed you, you have been nothing but insulting and rude. As you were the second you saw me in PD lobby.
Instead of valuing your life and moving, you stood there and took the punches because you wanted to make an AR.
Clearly a 3.4 break, a medic revived you after this and you were fine. We even made sure the medic got to you.
dude literally no one gives a rats ass about the beef you two have, you're both stupid
you for punching him and knocking him out for some stupid fucking reason
and edik for standing there and breaking character

nothing about the IA or AR bullshit justifies your dumb choices smh
Censored i could make an ar that you started to shoot us over a ticket but i dident
Because you knew that it was invalid, and I didnt shoot over a ticket.
I punched you to see how you would react aswell as revenge for your shit-talking, but when it was obvious you wanted to die so you could AR me I thought Id entertain your fantasy.
You even see in the video she pulls out her fists, then puts them away as she notices she can finally give me an AR and keep up her blackmailing promise she made a while ago. I have this on video if needed.
You just cant accept it that you randomly kill people, I understand that it is funny for you but every joke has a limit.
And yes you did shoot us over a ticked you passed over a red light and you started to shoot speedy, Even speedy asked me to do an AR on it but i dont want to.
Unfortunately you are blocked from my steam because i dont want a friend like you.
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