Advanced Fire Effects

Reaction score
Zagreb, Croatia
Short explanation (in notes)
-fire smoke does damage to the player if the player breathes in the smoke for long periods of time
-when the player does inhale the smoke he befomes unconcious and needs to be revived
-to prevent suffocation fire fighters use a swep that can be named Oxygen, by left clicking the oxygen goes to the firefighter and he can breathe for a longer period of time without suffocating. By right clicking the oxygen is cut off. This would last for arround 30 mins.

Detailed explenation (why it should be added)
This would definetly add to the realism of roleplay on perp. Yes, It may be to excessive but it would be a good idea to add it.
Fires are already a birch to deal with. Yet, I like the added realism that this would entail. My personal dogma is that it shouldn't be added as it could be such a large task for a fairly small outcome, that's just my opinion though. Very thoughtful suggestion.
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No offence mate, but this is pointless (I don't mean it in a bad way) not because it's a bad suggestion, but purely because of the fact that we don't need anything new added to the fires as well as the fact that we don't exactly have any breathing mechanics (Lmfao). As Joey said, it's a well-thought through idea, but it's a bit too far fetched.
I think that this is a really good idea, but is a bit pointless. I, personally, think that the smaller things count with servers like PERP (Which a lot of people in the community fail to realise) But this is a bit too much. This is well thought out, and not a bad idea, but, as I said, pointless.
Points from me though for trying!
I really love this idea, but, as said previously by others, this is kinda pointless. The only "breathing mechanics" we have is the heavy breathing sound when you are breathless and the oxygen level when you are under water; thats it. So the work for proper breathing mechanics in all other situations and under all circumstances would not outweigh the added realism. As I said, this is a really good idea but due to the lack of a breathing system it is kind of pointless and in some way too excessive.
Real breathing aparatus have air for like 18 minutes of doing nothing. During heavy physical job it lasts for only few minutes.
Maybe could finally stop people at bazaar trying to pass somewhere where a big fire is taking place. I just hate it how everyone trespasses the crime scene and say "just let me go!!!". Related to the mechanics, maybe you start breathing heavier when your face is covered in that smoke. And after a while you become unconscious.
An oxygen item is not necessary. The tanks on firefighters' backs are there to give you O2.
Although it could be limited, but seriously I don't see the need for anything but the smoke.
A person should only lose consciousness after breathing in the smoke for over 5 minutes and failing to leave.
But me like a fps hogging person I have smoke disabled so I can't really tell if I'm dying.
No thanks.
I Like this seing as you're already getting high if you inhale the smoke from blown up meth and you risk dying.I Can se this happening and it would actually be a great addition for people to not enter a burning building/apartment and just stand next to the fire and waiting for a firefigter.

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