The Dutch Royal Family
Welcome at the Dutch Royal Family application processes. Before applying you make sure to read this page. When you apply for the TDRF make sure to use the template down below.
Applications may only be accepted by:
@Josef Stalin

Application Template
OOC and IC Name:
Previous ORGS?
Why do want to join?:
Why should we pick you?
Applications processes is currently: OPEN

Terms of condition.
When writing your application you accept that your application may be denied without any reasoning provided. You also agree with the fact that you can be kicked out of the org at any moment even if a proper reason is not provided. Sencitive information from to Organisation will not be shared with outsiders. Even when you are not part of the Org any more. The gain of the Org will always be your first priorety. You will do all you can to assist to Org. Even if this means it will have negative coseqentes for you or people that are related to you.
By making a aplication you agree with all the points mentioned above. Failing to do this will result in a 50k Ticket (in game). All money gained from this ticked will be invested in The Royal Dutch Family.

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