AR on a group

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Salisbury, Rhodesia
Your Steam/In-game Name: Tony Ryers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: kjm | Jefffery Gutenburg, Nate | Nathan McGee
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:116657547, STEAM_0:1:114176403
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Nathan McGee: Repeatedly shot inside of his shop, started 2 (3?) active shooter scenarios at the Bazaar shop, which lead to me dying at the hands of multiple other people (rogue dealt with them)
kjm: After I located where the shots actually came from, I cordoned off the bazaar shop and as I detained someone with a gun he instantly shot me.
And a whole host of other people running around after shots are fired, ignoring gp, shit like that.
Evidence (Demo Required): Video #1 shows Nate firing in the air causing the whole situation to start, I did not record earlier incidents of him doing this because they were already dealt with. Video #2 Shows me trying to isolate the shots and once I get everyone into cover (for the most part) I cordone off the area and get shot by kfjm,
@SpaceShots Was there I'm not sure how much he witnessed
@rogue was also there, he dealt with the previous instances of people randomly shooting and killing each other like animals.
Sorry Buddy but you were trying to raid my property and were pointing guns at all my friends we had tons of weed plants in there so of course im not gonna let that happen lol?
I'm an SO, do you really think I have the means to get in? I'll add that to the list off rules Nate broke because he started it.
so if you couldnt get in they why would you be quarantine the area? just to harass us? it was clear you were trying to get in at any means necessary. if you werent trying to raid my property then what you did wasnt necessary by any means :jawdrop:
I cordoned it off because 1. There were a dozen people there and 2. Weren't taking cover as shots were being fired, the videos show everyone run towards the shop where the shots were coming from. Are you affiliated with Nate?
@Freedor in second video you literally tell my friend to open the door at gun point wtf? wow you really dont know what you're doing.... you were clearly trying to force entry into my property and were setting up to do so.... not to mention you physgun froze your props in the middle of bazaar so they couldnt be knocked down wtf?
I don't think you understand, I am an SO, I am not a TFO, I physically can not do anything,. All I could of possibly of done was get everyone away from the area in a safe place and wait for you to come out.
@Freedor how would I, a civillian know that a cop who was trying to tell people to open my door at gun point and was setting up for a shootout on my property wasnt allowed/didnt have proper permission to actually get a warrant? this sounds like your fault.... and thats not all you could try to do since you held my friend thicc dora at gunpoint in an attempt for him to open the door lol?
The only person I intentionally gunpointed was the person with the M4 on the couch, any other time my gun was either down or pointed at the shop. Not sure how shooting in the air, causing panic in the Bazaar, and you shooting me was my fault.
@Freedor im done arguing, Ive stated my case.... you tried to gain access to my property through force (point gun towards thicc dora while demanding him to open the door) and you setup for a shootout with someone on my property because they shot a gun off which could have been by mistake idk.... regardless you messed with my property and people there so i had every right to shoot you.... Its not the civillians job to know every aspect of the police force, all I saw was a police officer demanding people to open doors to my home and who was getting ready to have a shootout with org members on my property.... I shot you with good intention because if you got into my property we would serve a very long time for all the drugs/weapons that we had on us... Next time dont prepare for a shootout with a gang and expect them not to do anything.
No, you saw a police officer try to watch both doors of the property while yelling "go away, take cover, get in a safe area", if it was a mistake they could of come out and explain it to me. Instead, they decided to stay inside. I said open the door to whoever had keys so I could gain access, but then immediately fell back and cordoned off the area where you shot me. I was prepared to have a shootout because it's the bazaar where rdm is commonplace and there was a barricaded suspect inside of a shop. I had no idea if/when he could come out, not to mention I was informed he also shot at other people earlier.
For context, here's my entire mindset:

1. I am on patrol, someone sends out an ad saying don't come to bazaar there's an active shooter, I immediately respond.
2. I arrive on scene and am immediately swarmed by people who are injured and got a description, a man in a grey suit who wasn't seen leaving the area.
3. I begin questioning everyone for as much information as I can, soon after a single shot was fired and I didn't immediately recognize where it came from.
4. When walking around, I see a man in a grey suit in Bazaar #5, I immediately gunpoint him but he goes back inside understandably.
5. At this point I put 2 and 2 together and recognize the shot came from that shop. I try to get everyone away and in a safe place.
5. Once the majority of people are to the sides or in some sort of cover, I cordon off the area and cuff a person with an M4 just sitting on a couch.
6. I turn back around and am shot.
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