AR on filthy RDMetagamers.

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Dai
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Ethan
His/Her SteamID: dk
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

3.2 Third Party Communication Applications. Any and all forms of communication about any topic which affects In-Character decisions must be conducted through In-Character methods; for example, through the use of in-game voice chat. The use of communication applications outside of this game is strictly forbidden; for example, the use of Steam chat, TeamSpeak, Skype, telephones, etc.


I ask Ethan why he decides to shoot me three times while I'm unarmed as a cop.


Ethan never saw me shooting Collier with an MP5K, he somehow manages to know this instantly without even seeing it happen, and decides to shoot me twice while I'm unarmed because of it.

Evidence (Demo Required):

There you go I cried more....
The only thing I said when I was shot was "shit", nothing more. I might have slammed my desk but I can't remember. We were on TS because we were playing Minecraft earlier and because we're friends :)

Feel free to make a Staff Complaint if you do not believe me
STEAM_0:0:55480733 - My SteamID

Also I don't know if you heard but during recent years, within the past 30, there has been leaps and bounds in technology. One such item that has come on leaps and bounds is headsets. Headsets allow me to hear certain sounds, such as a life alert going off or a barrage of MP5K shots!

Also, unarmed would mean you would be without a weapon, you had a weapon on you, hence armed.
You claimed to know I shot collier with 3 people standing there you shoot at me. You said in OOC you knew I shot collier even though theres more than 1 person there and your instantly shooting me. Show evidence of how you knew it was me because you clearly have none.
When I started shooting @SpaceShots was doing an /act, the guy in the orange was a secret service agent and you were running over the dead body and the other guy in the suit was the mayor.

Might I also mention Dai was wanted for a bank robbery and we were responding to a shootout in bazaar with this knowledge.
There's no way you could have known this within a minute of shooting me.
@Daigestive There's no way I could've seen the panics from the SS and Mayor and known who they were? There's no way I could see with my own eyes that Spaceshots was pointing?

If you're referencing the fact I couldn't have known you were bank robbers, I had just heard the rest of the PD die to you on the radio. I am not answering anymore unless prompted by staff as you're clearly being hot headed and need some time to calm down.
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