Ask me anything about my Chief candidacy

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Berlin, Germany

I've decided to make this post so people can ask questions they are interested in about what plans I have for the Police Department or any questions about my candidacy in general. I will try to reply to most the the replies I get to this thread as honestly as I can so you guys can get to know a little about my stance.

Also, I've been answering a lot of 1-to-1 questions on Teamspeak recently about my plans so if you'd like to have a chat with me on TS instead, feel free to poke me or join whatever channel I might be in.
Do you think the PD has a role in the (relative, I know it picked up lately) low playercount compared to before? If yes, what do you think needs changing?
What makes you stand out to other candidates? What do you offer that they don't/can't?
I am more concerned with changes that will present the PD in a more positive light and draw in new employees before we decide to tweak equipment, and I trust the respective divisions enough like RTU or TFU to vet cars they're interested in.
Do you think you could be more transparent when it comes to promotions? Providing reasons for a person not being promoted and ways they could improve. This used to be a thing when @ShadowJoey was cpt of patrol but it hasn't been used since then.
I think one of my first changes would relate to the department's reputation and transparency and involving the community in the PD's development. More direct changes would be changes to policies to draw in returning employees again and to add a policy that would allow me to be veto'd if I were to make decisions that are harmful. In practice, this would work by perhaps having a 2/3 majority of SMT vote to veto a change I am planning.

Aside from this, I would like to help Officers get promoted by having the primary command teams create comprehensive lists of things an Officer denied for a promotion must improve on, which could be fed back to the Section Supervisors who would help them improve on the shortcomings detailed on that list.
The appearance of corruption is definitely an issue as it has negatively impacted the PD's reputation as a whole. I have outlined some things I would like to change to combat this in my application and a comment above. I feel it appears like the Chief has too much power and can do what he wants, so I would introduce a method of vetoing the Chief and change the policy that allows Chiefs to waive them. I feel a decision to waive policies should be subject to scrutiny, perhaps from PSD Command. If I as Chief were not able to justify the use of my power to waive policies, actions should be taken against me.
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Whereas I wouldn't be able to pinpoint what exactly the PD's involvement in the recent drop would be, I would attempt to make promotions less restrictive, as well as attempting to draw in returning employees by making their integration easier and taking down some of the roadblocks they face when attempting to get promoted after being reinstated to a lower rank than they were before.

I'd like the PD to feel more inclusive overall, especially for new players too who show an active interest in policing, hence my ideas on promotions. Officer apps should definitely be moved back In-Game as well
lmao if i check yesterdays demo i think u can hear samuel saying "im going to put 30 bullets into your head" because of some guy was ramming him
I feel like I can make changes some of the other candidates wouldn't (and haven't) especially to transparency in the department. Whether it be public discussions on TS or written statements to issues or perhaps even disallowing the Chief from making decisions entirely on his own. I'd be willing to ensure I would be unable to make decisions entirely on my own and that decisions I do make are subject to scrutiny from SMT.
Adding on to Duffys Question, what makes you better than Ayjay and Dom?
I have never received a sustained IA complaint on me for breaching policy In-Game and pride myself on the fact that I am active on the server as a cop and do my best to uphold an incredibly high standard of policing. I have been awared for my creative approach to Policing recently too through the community policing award.
I have mentioned exactly this in my application. Comprehensive lists should be given to Officers who were denied a promotion and their Section Supervisor should help them to improve on the points on the list.
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