Ban Appeal @TinySlayer

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Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @TinySlayer
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Tyla Jai
Your In-game Name: Tyla Jai
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56687120

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered: A while ago, back in 2018, I decided enough was enough with all the main organisations having taken over PERP and driving out newer players with their constant bombing and raids. I knew this wasn’t a sustainable system for sweaters to keep coming to the server and having fun, since no one wants to constantly be greeted by a black screen when all they’re trying to do is get their feet of the ground, so I decided to start my own organisation known as the Vault of Memes. After the Appricey incident, I decided I could use CitizenHack to help newer players finally level up their marksmanship so that they could stand a chance against the scattered militias that had begun to surface. I kept using CitizenHack to try and keep my empire running, and now: I know that wasn’t a very good decision. It was stupid of me to cheat on PERP since I know it gave me an advantage that was completely unfair to other players, and I’m well aware that it isn’t tolerated. I’ve been reflecting over the past year and a half, really feeling homesick without PERP. I miss those days where I would race around the city, blasting cops with my friends and enforcing the law as TFU in the PLPD.

I’m so sorry for what I’ve done, and I promise I won’t ever use any sort of cheats ever again, and I extend an apology to every single person I’ve affected with my use of CitizenHack, and as such I promise to never use it again.

Additional Comment(s): N/A
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