Ban Dispute (Ellie)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: gabry1847
Your Roleplay Name: Dumenc Ubbriacon
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:516428327

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.8, 2.5 - User took an unconscious body and said he was gonna "rape" it, then attacked the friend of the unconscious player and eventually killed him right after he bought a pistol for no reason, instead of just leaving the area.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So basicaly everytime a staff opens a ticket about me, they end up not replying for like 15 minutes or 20, and it seems that they are jsut waiting for me to quit, yesterday Ellie opened a ticket about me cuz I said to a guy that I would rape his friend once, I shouldnt have said it at all but I think I was right if it wasnt for that 1 phrase I said, my friend mortis got in a punch fight in front of city hall and killed this guy, so I see the dead body and I want to hide it, since it has my friend dna, but since his friend was there and the body still had pulse, I went away for a bit, went to slums for like 2 minutes, and then wondered inside pd for 3 or 4 minutes tryna reach my other friend in prison, so I went back to where the body was, and no ems came to take dna or remove body, it was in front of city hall just across the road from pd, and I tell the guy who was still roplaying spamming ems call to go away or i'd fuck him, I start dragging the body to the fountain, and he still tries to take away the body, so I tell him 3 times that if he didnt went away I would kill him, I stayed there, and just kept trying to get the body out of the water, so i punch him and he still doesent go away, so I punch him more, and he just goes to a weapon stand buys a deagle, and aims it at me, but I was just behind him and I shot him. I dont know if the ban that I got was reasonable or not, but before quitting yesterday Ellie said that she wouldnt punish me for this, I couldnt stay up too late, and she wasnt replying in the ticket so I write in ooc if it was normal that staff just doesent reply in their tickets (because at this point it seemed to me that she was just waiting for me to quit and ban me for that since I said like 3 times that it was late and i needed to quit to go to sleep) and my message in ooc got deleted, and Ellie told me in the f6 that she wouldnt punish me for this, so I quit, and I check Scambans 10 minutes later from my phone, and I wasnt banned. this morning I wake up and just want to play some perpheads, and I cant enter server cuz im banned, I check on scambans, and she banned 40 minutes after I quitted.
I also told her what happened and about the fact that the dead body add dna, but in the ban description it seems like she wanted me to just leave, while I think I wasnt wrong at all, I just came back for a 3 months ban, and I just wanted to play and have fun roleplaying.
I also dont think that It was fair at all, since if she told me to stay, so that we can make this more clear I could have stayed more time, but the ticket was open from like 40 minutes and she wasnt replying from 10 minutes.
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For your information, it was only me and another mod on that was doing the reports with 120 players and I clearly told you that I was busy with tons of reports, and I also told you that I will not punish you for leaving in the middle of a report, which I didn't do either.

Because of this being a report, you have to provide a video or a demo to show how you 'didn't' break rules.
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Per tua informazione, eravamo solo io e un altro mod che stavamo facendo i rapporti con 120 giocatori e ti ho detto chiaramente che ero impegnato con tonnellate di rapporti, e ti ho anche detto che non ti lascerò per aver lasciato a metà di un rapporto, cosa che non ho fatto neanche io.

Poiché si tratta di un rapporto, devi fornire un video o una demo per mostrare come "non hai" infranto le regole.
When I come back home from school i'll aend the demo
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White Forest, North of City 17
I made a report on this (but my game crashed before it was concluded, luckily ellie was already dealing with it as they had seen it). Dumenc continuously said they'd have sex with my dead (in roleplay) wife, satella over the course of about 10 minutes. Even after the body had been cleared, they kept punching me. I went to buy a gun (but keep it hidden in case things esculated), and I was stabbed before I could, loosing me the gun.

He was the one who dragged the body into the water and proceded to tbag it while I attempted to remove it. I was on scene before he was, and was staying with the body till it was removed, especially because some random guy was now repeatedly threatening to have sex with it.

Once the body was removed he also says in chat that he "did fuck her".

Here is the clip of him killing me after the body was removed:
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If he is on about having dna on the body punching it to death, that is a lie. I fell out a moving car and died. Ask scoot as he was driving it LOL
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which demo do I need to send and where @Ellie
This is the demo name: perpheads_demo_2023-6-6 22-27-11
We would love to see how your friend killed Satella and you decided to "rape" her body and then kill her friend to prevent the medics to take DNA of your friend.
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